玻璃燒杯glass beaker
聚四氟乙烯燒杯ptfe griffin beake
r塑料燒杯plastic beaker
不銹鋼杯stainless-steel beaker
玻璃瓶flask三角瓶conical flask
具塞三角瓶conical flask with stopper
支管蒸餾燒瓶distilling flas
k凱氏燒瓶kjeldahl flask
抽濾瓶accessory flask with side arm
碘量瓶flask iodine
表面皿watch glass
帶柄表面皿watch glass with handle
砂心坩堝gooch filtering crucible
稱量皿low-form weighing bottle
稱量瓶weighing bottle
研磨缽clear glass mortar
研磨棒clear glass pestle
瑪瑙研缽agate mortar
瑪瑙研磨棒agate pestle
瓷坩堝coors porcelain crucible
過濾瓷坩堝coors porcelain gooch filtering crucible
蒸發(fā)皿coors porcelain porcelain dish
具柄蒸發(fā)皿coors porcelain casserole
鋁盒aluminium specimen box
白細口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stoppe
r棕細口瓶 brown glass solution bottle with stopper
白廣口瓶flint glass solid bottle with stopper
棕色滴瓶brown glass dr-opping bottle
白色滴瓶flint glass dr-opping bottle
塑料洗瓶plastic wash bottle
漏斗funnel & separation三角漏斗funnel
瓷布氏漏斗coors filtering crucible for bitumens
布氏砂心漏斗buchner funnerl with fritted disc
球形分液漏斗globe-shaped funnel
梨形分液漏斗pear-shaped funnel
蒸發(fā)、冷凝、抽提器condensor & extractor
索氏抽提裝置soxhlet apparatus with allihn condense
r抽提筒soxhlet extraction tube
抽提冷凝管allihn condenser wih straight outlet tube
球形冷凝管economical allihn condenser
蛇形冷凝管graham condenser
直形冷凝管 condenser distillation column
逆流冷凝管reflux condenser
蒸餾裝置distilling apparatus
旋轉蒸發(fā)器rotary evaporator
石油產品蒸餾儀petroleum distilling apparatus
比色管毛細管glass microbore tube
標準篩test sieve
震動篩lab sieve shaker
常備用品lab. fitting equipment