frost 霜
hail 冰雹
snow 雪
thunder 雷
wind 風(fēng)
mist 霧
cloud 云
haze 霾
rain 雨
downpour, shower 暴雨
storm, tempest 暴風(fēng)雨
lightning 閃電
land wind 陸風(fēng)
hurricane 颶風(fēng)
cyclone 旋風(fēng)
typhoon 臺風(fēng)
super typhoon超級臺風(fēng)
tornado/whirlwind 龍卷風(fēng)
gale 強風(fēng)
gale 季節(jié)風(fēng)
gust 陣風(fēng)
breeze 微風(fēng)
fog 濃霧
dew 露水
humidity 潮濕
freeze 冰凍
snowflake 雪花
snowfall 降雪
waterspout 水龍卷
dead calm 風(fēng)平浪靜
1. weather
1)keep a weather eye out 注意觀察
keep a weather eye out原來指的是在海上張帆遠航時頭等重要的大事,也就是時時注意觀測風(fēng)云變幻。而生活在當今的現(xiàn)實中也不時會遇上不測風(fēng)云和旦夕禍福,也得注意提防,所以習(xí)慣用語keep a weather eye out就逐漸廣泛的應(yīng)用在日常生活中了,指時時謹防生活中的煩擾變故。
Let's keep a weather eye out for those guys across the street. If they cut their prices or offer more dishes than we do, we need to be ready to fight back as quick as we can before they grab any more of our customers.
2)heavy weather 種種難以應(yīng)付的障礙和困難
Heavy weather也產(chǎn)生在兩百來年前用帆船航海的時代,是水手之間的常用語,指狂風(fēng)暴雨、雷電交加、波浪滔天的險惡天氣。近年來人們開始借用水手語言中的heavy weather來指種種難以應(yīng)付的障礙和困難了。
John has his heart set on being an engineer. He studies hard in his math courses, but I'm sorry to say he doesn't get very high grades. So I'm really afraid he'll run into heavy weather when he has to take calculus next semester.
3)under the weather 由于天氣不好而引起的身體不適
Under the weather沿用至今有一百五十來年了。有人推測這個習(xí)慣用語原來可能指有的人由于海上風(fēng)急浪高而暈船,感到身體不舒服。
That's right. She just phoned to tell me she's under the weather today. She's come down with a headache and a bad cough so she can't go out with me tonight.
這里的習(xí)慣用語under the weather意思是“身體不舒服”。但是under the weather也常被人們用來委婉地指酗酒后第二天感到頭痛,嘔吐等不舒服的現(xiàn)像。例如在這句話里: He's under the weather because of last night's party. 他昨晚聚會酒喝多了現(xiàn)在還頭疼。
4) a fair-weather friend指順境中的朋友,言下之意是不能共患難的酒肉朋友。
5)weather the storm
這里的weather是動詞,weather the storm相當于中文的“歷經(jīng)風(fēng)雨”,意思是經(jīng)歷并度過困難和危機。
2. wind
英語的風(fēng)(wind)與航海有關(guān),航海行船離不開風(fēng),尤其在帆船時代,沒有風(fēng)無法航行,因而就有了raise the wind(找風(fēng))這一短語,引申義為“籌錢”。航海中風(fēng)向最重要,就有了find/see how the wind blows(看風(fēng)向— — 觀望)、trim one’s sail to the wind(見風(fēng)使舵)的習(xí)語;出門要觀天色,因而有l(wèi)ook out for squalls(提防暴風(fēng)— — 提防危險)的說法;順風(fēng)行駛(sail before the wind)就會“成功”;逆風(fēng)行駛(sail against the wind)比喻在困難條件下工作;迎風(fēng)航行(sail close to the wind),引申為“幾乎犯法”。某些習(xí)語與漢民族的思維方式時常相似,如take the wind of(搶占上風(fēng)— — 先發(fā)制人)、blow cold and hot(搖擺不定)、get the wind of(得到風(fēng)聲)等。由于地理環(huán)境的影響,英語的“西風(fēng)”(west wind)相當于漢語的東風(fēng),具有溫暖,和煦的含義。雪萊在西風(fēng)頌中由衷地歌頌了西風(fēng),而西風(fēng)在漢語中是蕭瑟、凄涼的“寒風(fēng)”。下列習(xí)語則反映了英國人的航海文化特色和思維方式。
1)three sheets in the wind 形容醉酒的樣子
2)hang in the wind 猶豫不決
3)SOW the wind and reap the whirlwind 種下風(fēng)收得暴風(fēng),漢語的“惡有惡報”有相同的含義。
4)cast an anchor to windward 把錨拋在向風(fēng)處,現(xiàn)有“未雨綢繆”的意思。
5)A smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner平靜的大海鍛煉不出好水手。
6)Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. 好風(fēng)正揚帆。
7)It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good. 人人厭惡的風(fēng)不是好風(fēng),現(xiàn)有“壞事并非讓所有人受害”的意思
8)sail close to the wind冒險
If you believe what he said, you are sailing close to the wind.
9)know which way the wind blows了解情況
He never tells his thoughts until he knows which way the wind blows.
10)a straw in the wind 預(yù)示即將發(fā)生的跡象,預(yù)兆,苗頭
There are straws in the wind indicating that peace is around the corner.
此語也可寫作 straws in the wind, straw 一詞本指“禾桿,稻草”,引申為“細微的跡象,顯露的苗頭”,如:a straw of hope 一線希望。
3. rain
1)as right as rain 指身體健康,諸事順利。(If things are right as rain, then everything is going well in your life.)
I was sick, but now I feel as right as rain.
2)rain or shine 原意為下雨或天晴,喻意為不論情況如何。
Rain or shine, we want you come here on time.
3)for a rainy day 為雨天作準備,意同成語未雨綢繆 。
We save money for a rainy day.
4)It never rains but it pours. 不下則已,一下傾盆。相當于成語禍不單行。
I just got sacked and my wife left me!So it never rains but it pours!
5)Small rain lays great dust. 小雨壓大塵。比喻小的東西也可派上大用場。
6)After rain comes fine weather.雨過天晴。轉(zhuǎn)喻為困難過后,勝利就會到來。
4. cloud
1)on cloud nine飄飄然如上九重天。
He was on cloud nine after winning the marathon.
2)head in the cloud不切實際,好高騖遠
You can't always have your head in the cloud, you need to be down-to-earth.
3)On a cloud是很高興的意思,高興得走路輕飄飄的好像騰云駕霧一樣。
I've been on a cloud all day long--I heard this morning that I got an A on my final biochemistry exam.
5. rainbow
1)chase rainbows 做白日夢
Chasing rainbows won't get you anywhere.
6. snow
1)be snowed down工作太多做不過來
I've been snowed down by my work!
2)white as snow純潔無辜
The accused didn't commit the murder, he is as white as snow.