dust-catching buffing machine 吸塵拋光機
dust-counting microscope 計塵顯微鏡
dust-proof case 防塵箱
dust-proof cover 防塵罩
dust-proof insulator 防塵絕緣子
dust-proof machine 防塵式電機
dust-proofing agent for apparel 衣物防塵劑
dust-removing equipment 除塵設備
dust-removing mechanical rectifying equipment 除塵用機械整流設備
dust-removing preparation 除塵制劑
dust-separation equipment 灰塵分級器
dust-tight type motor 防塵式電動機
duster cloth 抹布
duster coat 防塵外套
duster 除塵機
dusting fan 排塵風機
dusting machine 除塵機
dusting paper 拂試紙
dusting powder 撲粉
dustless chalk 無塵粉筆
dustless wheat separator 無塵篩麥器
dusty pink cloth 土灰紅色布
dusty rose colour cloth 土灰玫瑰色布
Dutch boy pants 荷蘭式牛仔褲
Dutch camlet 荷蘭羽紗
Dutch carpeting 荷蘭走廊地毯
Dutch gilding 荷蘭金漆
Dutch gold 荷蘭飾金
Dutch linen 細實亞麻布
Dutch marble paper 荷蘭大理石紋紙
Dutch pewter 荷蘭錫金合金
Dutch tile 飾瓦
Dutch white metal 荷蘭白色飾用合金
dutchmanspipe root 青木香
dutchmanspipe 尋骨風
duvet bag 鴨絨睡袋
duvet 鴨絨墊子
duvetyne de soie 絹絲呢
duxil tablet 都可喜片
dwarf flowering cherry 郁李子
dwarf lilyturf root 麥冬
dwarf lilyturf turber 麥冬
DX equipment 雙工設備
Dyanap Lasso 抑草混劑
Dybar 非草隆
Dybln dye 迪布爾恩染料
dyclonine 達克羅寧
Dycril plate 戴克利爾感光性樹脂凸版
dydrogesterone 去氫孕酮
dye beck 繩狀染色機
dye check agent 著色滲透探傷劑
dye dillution computer 染料稀釋計算機
dye dissolving tank 染料溶解槽
dye for fur 毛皮染料
dye gigger 精染機
dye indicator 染料值指示器
dye intermediate 染料中間體
dye jar 染缸
dye jigger 卷染機
dye laser 染料激光器
dye paper 染色紙
dye vat 染鍋
dye winch 繩狀染色機
dye yam 薯莨
dye 染料
dye-transfer paper 染印接受紙
dye-variant fibre 差異染色性纖維
dyed blended fabric 染色混紡布
dyed cambric 染色細紡
dyed canvas 染色帆布
dyed cap paper 染色有光紙
dyed chrome semi-tanned pig split leather 染色鉻鞣豬皮二層革
dyed chrome tanned goat leather for garment 染色鉻鞣山羊皮服裝革
dyed chrome tanned goat leather for gloves 染色鉻鞣山羊皮手套革
dyed chrome tanned pig leather for garment 染色鉻鞣豬皮服裝革
dyed coating 染色縐紋呢
dyed corduroy with dobby motifs 染色小提花燈芯絨
dyed corduroy 染色燈芯絨
dyed cotton fabric 染色棉布
dyed cotton yarn 染色棉紗
dyed cotton 染色棉花
dyed cow nappa leather for garment 染色光面黃牛皮服裝革
dyed crepe corduroy 染色縐紋燈芯絨
dyed cretonne 染色窗簾布
dyed diaper 染色菱形布
dyed dosuti 染色雙經(jīng)布
dyed drill 染色卡其
dyed embossed cloth 染色軋花布
dyed extra pin-waled corduroy 染色闊條燈芯絨
dyed fabric 染色布
dyed fancy cambric 染色提花細紡
dyed fancy cloth 染色提花布
dyed fancy coating 染色提花呢
dyed fancy corduroy 染色提花燈芯絨
dyed fancy cretonne 染色提花窗簾布
dyed fancy haircord 染色提花麻紗
dyed fancy poplin 染色提花府綢
dyed fibre tracer 染色示蹤纖維
dyed film 染色膠片
dyed flannelette 染色絨布
dyed gabercord 染色華達呢
dyed goat leather for garment 染色山羊服裝革
dyed goat leather for lining 染色山羊里革
dyed goods 染色布
dyed grass cloth 染色夏布
dyed haircord 染色麻紗
dyed handkerchief 染色手帕
dyed herringbone fabric 染色人字呢
dyed jacquard cloth 染色提花布
dyed jacquard corduroy 染色提花燈芯絨
dyed jacquard tussore 染色提花羅緞
dyed jean for emery cloth 染色砂皮斜紋棉布
dyed jean 染色斜紋棉布
dyed lawn 染色細棉布
dyed leno 染色紗羅
dyed medium-waled corduroy 染色中條燈芯絨
dyed mingled waled corduroy 染色間隔條燈芯絨
dyed mosquito netting 染色蚊帳布
dyed mull 染色麥爾紗
dyed nankeen 毛藍土布
dyed nanny goat skin 染色奶山羊皮
dyed pig leather for gloves and garment 染色豬皮手套和服裝革
dyed pig lining leather 染色豬里革
dyed pig nappa leather for garment 染色光面豬皮服裝革
dyed pig split leather for lining 染色豬二層里革
dyed pig split leather with vegetable tanned 染色植物鞣豬皮二層革
dyed pig split leather 染色豬二層革
dyed pig suede leather 染色豬正絨革
dyed pin-waled corduroy 染色細條燈芯絨
dyed pique 染色燈芯布
dyed polyester polynosic twill 染色滌虎斜紋布
dyed polyester spun rayon 染色滌人棉
dyed polyester viscose blended serge 染色滌粘中空嗶嘰
dyed polyester viscose goods 染色滌粘毛呢
dyed polyester viscose lawn blended 染色滌粘細紡
dyed polyester viscose poplin blended 染色滌粘府綢
dyed polynosic cotton lawn blended 染色虎棉細紡
dyed poplin with blue selvedge 染色藍邊府綢
dyed poplin 染色府綢
dyed rabbit pieces 染色兔皮材料
dyed rabbit skin 染色兔皮
dyed sateen 染色橫貢
dyed scarf 染色頭巾
dyed seersucker 染色泡泡紗
dyed serge 染色嗶嘰
dyed sheeting 染色平布
dyed shirting 染色細紡
dyed silk piece fabric 染色綢
dyed spacious-waled corduroy 染色闊條燈芯絨
dyed spun rayon cloth 染色人棉細紡
dyed spun rayon coating 染色東方呢
dyed spun rayon fabric 染色人造棉布
dyed spun rayon haircord 染色人造棉麻紗
dyed spun rayon jacquad 染色人造棉提花布
dyed spun rayon muslin 染色人造棉布
dyed spun rayon piece goods 人造棉色布
dyed spun rayon poplin 染色人造棉府綢
dyed spun rayon satin drill 染色人造棉直貢緞
dyed spun rayon serge 染色人造棉嗶嘰
dyed spun rayon shirting 染色人造棉布
dyed striped coating 染色條紋呢
dyed striped drill 染色條子卡其
dyed trueran-cotton poplin 染色滌棉府綢
dyed trueran-cotton shirting 染色滌棉細布
dyed tussah silk fabric 染色綢
dyed tussore 染色羅緞
dyed twill 染色斜紋布
dyed umbrella cloth 染色陽傘布
dyed vegetable tanned goat leather for suitcase 染色植物鞣山羊皮箱包革
dyed vegetable tanned pig leather for lining 染色植物鞣豬皮夾里革
dyed vegetable tanned pig leather for suitcase 染色植物鞣豬皮箱包革
dyed vegetable tanned pig leather 染色植物鞣豬革
dyed velvet 染色平絨
dyed velvet-feel corduroy 染色仿平絨燈芯絨
dyed voile 染色巴里紗
dyed white kid skin 染色白猾皮
dyed woollen felt 染色毛氈
dyed yarn 染色紗
dyed-black bristle 染黑豬鬃
dyed-printed rabbit skin 染色印花兔皮
dyeing finishing machine 染色整理聯(lián)合機
dyeing machine 染色機
dyeing shampoo 染發(fā)香波
dyeing vessel 染缸
dyeing-sizing machine 染色上漿聯(lián)合機
dyer woad leaf 大青葉
dyer woad root 板藍根
dyestuff intermediate 染料中間體
dyestuff test paper 染色試紙
dyestuff 染料
Dyfonate 地蟲磷
Dykker 代可牌手表
Dylox 敵百蟲
Dymetrol 代梅特羅爾尼龍
Dymid 草乃敵
Dyna 戴娜牌汽車
Dynacor 代內(nèi)科爾粘膠長絲
dynacurl 代納克爾羔皮絨
dynagraph 內(nèi)應力測定儀
dynalysor 消毒噴霧器
dynamax 鎳鉬鐵合金
dynameter 放大率計
dynamic balancer 動平衡器
dynamic balancing machine 動平衡機
dynamic composite parametric tester with silicon-controlled element 可控硅元件動態(tài)綜合參數(shù)測試器
dynamic compress tester 動力壓縮測試器
dynamic compressor 動力壓縮器
dynamic damper 消振器
dynamic differential calorimeter 動差熱量計
dynamic differential colorimeter 動差比色計
dynamic digital torque meter 動力數(shù)字式轉(zhuǎn)矩計
dynamic falling thread machine 電動落紗機
dynamic flip-flop 無延遲雙穩(wěn)態(tài)多諧振蕩器
dynamic frequency spectrum analyser 動態(tài)頻譜分析儀
dynamic high-speed spectrograph 動態(tài)高速攝譜儀
dynamic ice detector 動態(tài)結冰探測器
dynamic loudspeaker 電動式揚聲器
dynamic memory 動態(tài)存儲器
dynamic meter 測力計
dynamic microphone 電動傳聲器
dynamic pick-up 電動式拾音器
dynamic pressure transducer 動壓傳感器
dynamic random access memory 動態(tài)隨機存取存儲器
dynamic receiver 電動式受話器
dynamic recorder 動態(tài)記錄器
dynamic register 動態(tài)寄存器
dynamic regulator 動態(tài)調(diào)節(jié)器
dynamic shift register 動態(tài)移位寄存器
dynamic speaker 電動揚聲器
dynamic storage 動態(tài)存儲器
dynamic strain amplifier 動態(tài)應變放大器
dynamic strain meter 動態(tài)應變儀
dynamic testing machine 動態(tài)試驗機
dynamic transducer 電動式換能器
dynamic trigger 動態(tài)觸發(fā)器
dynamic tuned gyroscope 動態(tài)調(diào)諧陀螺儀
dynamic vibration absorber 動力減振器
dynamic-coupled amplifer 動態(tài)耦合放大器
dynamite 硝化甘油炸藥
dynamited silk 增重絲綢
dynamitron 高頻高壓加速器
dynamo belt 發(fā)電機皮帶
dynamo engine 發(fā)電用發(fā)動機
dynamo oil 電機油
dynamo rotor 發(fā)電機轉(zhuǎn)子
dynamo sheet 電機硅鋼片
dynamo stator core automatic welder 電機定子鐵芯自動焊接機
dynamo steel 電機鋼
dynamo 直流發(fā)電機
dynamo-electric amplifier 電動放大器
dynamo-electric machine 電動發(fā)電機
dynamograph 動力自計器
dynamometer 測力器
dynamoscope 動力測驗器
dynamotor 電動發(fā)電機
Dynapak press 高能速壓機
Dynasty red wine 王朝紅葡萄酒
Dynasty white wine 王朝白葡萄酒
dynatron frequency meter 負阻管頻率計
dynatron oscillator 負阻管振蕩器
dynatron suppressor 負阻管抑制器
dynatron 負阻管
Dynavar 戴納瓦恒彈性合金
Dynel 代納爾
dynode 電子倍增器電極
dynoptor ophthalmodynamometer 網(wǎng)膜動脈血壓計
Dynoram 草滅酚混劑
Dyrene 敵菌靈
dysprosium lamp 鏑燈
dysprosium laser 鏑激光器
dysprosium oxide 氧化鏑
dysprosium 鏑
dégagé 低領女服
ear oximeter 耳氧測定儀
ear pendant 耳墜
ear pick 挖耳勺
ear piece 耳機
ear plug of stethoscope 聽診器耳塞
ear polyp forceps 耳息肉鉗
ear polyp snare 耳息肉勒除器
ear probe 耳用探針
ear protector 聽力防護器
ear receiver 耳塞聽筒
ear ring 耳環(huán)
ear snare 耳用勒除器
ear speculum 耳鏡
ear syringe needle 洗耳器針頭
ear syringe 洗耳器
ear trumpet 助聽筒
ear warmer 耳套
ear-corn crusher 玉米穗破碎機
ear-nose-throat cauter 耳鼻喉科燒灼器
eardrop 耳墜子
earing 耳索
Earl-glo 厄爾格里子綢
early crop mandarin 早桔
early crop {Fujian} mandarin 早福桔
early pink 剪春羅
early setting cement 快凝水泥
early spring tea 頭春茶
early strength cement 早強水泥
early warning radar 預警雷達
earphone adapter 耳機轉(zhuǎn)接器
earphone coupler 耳機耦合器
earphone 耳機
earplug for diver 潛水員用耳塞
earth alkali metal 堿土金屬
earth antenna 地下天線
earth auger 螺旋形鉆土器
earth bar 接地棒
earth borer 鉆土器
earth detector 接地檢測器
earth drill 鉆土器
earth flax 石質(zhì)纖維
earth inductor 地磁感應器
earth leakage current meter 通地漏泄電流計
earth leakage indicator 漏地電流指示器
earth loop tester 接地環(huán)路測試器
earth magnetic field balance 地磁場平衡器
earth metal 土金屬
earth mover 挖土機
earth moving equipment 推土設備
earth moving machine 運土機
earth moving machinery 運土機械
earth moving scraper 鏟土運土機
earth oil 石油
earth pitch 地瀝青
earth rammer 夯土機
earth resistance tester 接地電阻測試儀
earth resource observation satellite 地球資源觀測衛(wèi)星
earth resource terrestrial satellite 地球資源衛(wèi)星
earth resource test satellite 地球資源試驗衛(wèi)星
earth satellite 地球衛(wèi)星
earth silicon 二氧化硅
earth stranded wire 接地多股絞合線
earth tester 接地試驗器
earth thermometer 地溫計
earth wax 地蠟
earth-fault finder 接地故障探測器
earth-probing radar 地質(zhì)探測雷達
earth-satellite rocket 地球衛(wèi)星火箭
earth-scraper 鏟土機
earth-sound inspecting meter 地音探測儀
earth-station polarizer 地球站極化器
earth-station receiving antenna 地球站接收天線
earth-tide gravity meter 地球潮汐重力儀
earth-worm 蚯蚓
earthed insulation instrument 接地絕緣儀
earthen casserole 砂鍋
earthen container 陶制容器
earthen cup for beer 陶制啤酒杯
earthen glaze 粘土釉
earthen jar 壇
earthen pot 砂鍋
earthen seat 瓦凳
earthen stove 泥制火爐
earthenware crucible 瓦器坩堝
earthenware glaze 陶器釉
earthenware pipe 陶器管
earthenware 陶器
earthnut harvesting gatherer 花生收獲機
earthnut oil 花生油
earthnut sheller 花生剝殼機
earthometer 接地測量儀
earthquake telemeter 遙測地震儀
ease pill 逍遙丸
easel 繪畫架
easing gear 減壓裝置
easing lever 開啟桿
easing out line 引鏈索
East China grey duck down 華東灰鴨絨
East China grey duck feather 華東灰鴨毛
East China hare skin plate 華東草兔皮褥子
East China kid skin plate 華東小山羊皮褥子
East China mixed colour sheep wool 華東雜色綿羊毛
East China white clipped goat hair 華東白色剪山羊毛
East Improved Georgia cotton 喬治亞改良棉
East Indian satinwood 東印度椴木
East Radcliffe ventilator 伊斯特·拉德克利夫氏通氣器
East {Guangdong} green tea 粵東綠茶
Eastacryl dye 伊斯塔克里爾染料
eastern brocade 東方花錦綢
eastern carpet 東方地毯
eastern crepe 東方呢
eastern eagle secondaries 甩古窩
eastern eagle tail 甩古尾
eastern eagle wing and tail 甩古翎
eastern eagle wing 甩古翅
eastern honey buzzard tail 蜂鷹尾
eastern honey buzzard wing and tail 蜂鷹翎
eastern honey buzzard wing 蜂鷹翅
Eastern 東方牌手表
Eastlene 伊斯特綸聚酯長絲和短纖維
Eastman 伊斯門聚丙烯薄膜纖維
Eastone 伊思通染料
Eastsun 依森牌手表
easy carry combination table and chair 便攜式組合桌椅
easy casual 便服
easy chair 安樂椅
easy doffing machine 簡易落紗機
Easy off D 脫葉亞磷
easy open can 易開罐
easy squeeze blind rivet gun 拉鉚槍
easy suit 簡便套裝
easy-drying ink 快干油墨
easy-to-clean working clothes 易去污工作服
Eau de Cologne 科隆水
eau de quinine 優(yōu)奎寧