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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-04
核心提示:chemical microscope 化學(xué)顯微鏡 chemical mixer 化學(xué)混合器 chemical oxygenerator 化學(xué)供氧器 chemical plating agent 化學(xué)鍍劑 chemical polishing agent 化學(xué)拋光劑 chemical porcelain 化學(xué)瓷器 chemical preservative 化學(xué)防腐劑 chemical products 化學(xué)產(chǎn)品 che

  chemical microscope 化學(xué)顯微鏡

  chemical mixer 化學(xué)混合器

  chemical oxygenerator 化學(xué)供氧器

  chemical plating agent 化學(xué)鍍劑

  chemical polishing agent 化學(xué)拋光劑

  chemical porcelain 化學(xué)瓷器

  chemical preservative 化學(xué)防腐劑

  chemical products 化學(xué)產(chǎn)品

  chemical promoter 化學(xué)促進(jìn)劑

  chemical pulp 化學(xué)紙漿

  chemical pump 化工泵

  chemical raw material 化工原料

  chemical reactor 化學(xué)反應(yīng)器

  chemical reagent 化學(xué)試劑

  chemical rectifier 電解整流器

  chemical residue analyzer 化工殘渣分析儀

  chemical scales 化學(xué)天平

  chemical seed dresser 化學(xué)藥物拌種機(jī)

  chemical stoneware 化工炻器

  chemical stripper 化學(xué)涂層消除劑

  chemical tank 化工槽罐

  chemical technique and equipment for sesame kernel decolouring 芝麻仁化學(xué)脫色

  chemical thermometer 化學(xué)溫度計

  chemical transfer laser 化學(xué)轉(zhuǎn)移激光器

  chemical weed killer 化學(xué)除草劑

  chemical wood pulp 化學(xué)木漿

  chemical yarn & fabric 化纖紗布

  chemical-recovery coke oven 化學(xué)回收煉焦?fàn)t

  chemically crosslinked rayon fibre 化學(xué)交聯(lián)的人造絲

  chemically excited molecule laser 化學(xué)受激分子激光器

  chemically modified cotton 化學(xué)變性棉

  chemically modified fibre 化學(xué)變性纖維

  chemically pumped molecule laser 化學(xué)抽運分子激光器

  chemically-resistant glass 耐化學(xué)儀器玻璃

  chemically-strengthened glass 化學(xué)鋼化玻璃

  chemically-toughened glass 化學(xué)鋼化玻璃

  chemicals resistant conveyor belt 耐化學(xué)品輸送帶

  chemiloon 女式連褲內(nèi)衣

  chemiluminescent NOx analyzer 化學(xué)發(fā)光式氮氧化物分析儀

  chemise frock 女式無袖連衫裙

  chemise 女式無袖襯衫

  chemisette 女式無袖胸衣

  chemisorptive fibre 化學(xué)吸著性纖維

  Chemlon 琴綸聚酰胺纖維

  chemocepter 化學(xué)感受器

  chemode 化學(xué)剌激器

  chemoelectrical transducer 化電換能器

  Chemonite 亞砷銅銨

  chemoreceptor 化學(xué)感受器

  chemoserotherapy analyzer 血清化學(xué)治療分析儀

  chemostat 恒化器

  Chemox ceneral 戊硝酚除草劑

  Chemox PE 二硝酚

  chenchalok 香辣泡菜

  chenille article 絨制品

  chenille axminster 繩絨毯

  chenille bed cover 繡絨床罩

  chenille bedspread 雪尼爾花線床單

  chenille bird and animal 絨鳥獸

  chenille blanket 雪尼爾毯

  chenille carpet 繩絨地毯

  chenille cloth 繩絨織物

  chenille cord 繩絨繡花線

  chenille embroidery 雪尼爾刺繡

  chenille products 絨制品

  chenille shawl 繩絨披巾

  chenille slippers 羊剪絨拖鞋

  chenille spread 繩絨床單

  chenille towel 緊密毛巾布

  chenille velvet 繩絨線平絨

  chenille yarn 繩絨線

  chenille 繩絨線

  chenille-weft loom 繩絨織機(jī)

  chenodeoxycholic acid capsule 鵝去氧膽酸膠囊

  chenodeoxycholic acid 鵝去氧膽酸

  cheongsam 旗袍

  Chepos valve tray 切普斯條形浮閥塔盤

  chequered plate 網(wǎng)紋鋼板

  cheripa cloth 切麗帕精紡花呢

  chermeuse 休繆思縐

  cherokee rose 金櫻子

  Cherokee 切諾基牌吉普車

  cherolee 印度條子平布

  cherquemolle 絲麻粗布

  cherry apple in syrup 糖水海棠

  cherry brandy 櫻桃白蘭地酒

  Cherry Cluster cotton 櫻桃小鈴棉

  cherry cocktail 櫻桃雞尾酒

  cherry essence 櫻桃香精

  cherry gum 櫻桃膠

  cherry in syrup 糖水櫻桃

  cherry jam 櫻桃醬

  cherry jelly 櫻桃軟糖

  cherry nut 櫻桃核

  cherry picker 動臂裝卸機(jī)

  cherry plum 櫻桃李

  cherry red pepper 五色椒

  cherry wine 櫻桃酒

  cherry wood pipe 櫻木煙斗

  cherry 櫻桃

  cherrywood smoke pipe 櫻木煙管

  chert 隧石

  chervil 細(xì)葉芹

  Cheshire printers 柴郡高級印花坯布

  Cheslon 切斯綸

  chess 棋子

  chessboard canvas 刺繡格子白帆布

  chessboard 棋盤

  chessman stonemill 棋子石磨

  chest developer 拉力器

  chest drying machine 箱式干燥機(jī)

  chest expander 擴(kuò)胸器

  chest high boot-foot wader 高統(tǒng)橡膠防水靴

  chest of drawers 五斗櫥

  chest strap 胸帶

  chest tape 胸圍尺

  chest transmitter 胸掛送話器

  chest type refrigerator 頂開門式冰箱

  chest 柜

  chest-on-chest 疊柜

  chester 貼身或半貼身外套

  chesterfield 軟領(lǐng)

  chestnut colour cloth 栗色布

  chestnut cream 栗子泥

  chestnut for culinary use 菜用板栗

  chestnut in syrup 糖水栗子

  chestnut shell 板栗殼

  chestnut tube 栗形電子管

  chestnut wood extract 栗木栲膠

  chestnut wood pulp 栗木紙漿

  chestnut 栗子

  Cheval 鈣殺畏殺蟲劑

  cheval-glass 穿衣鏡

  Chevas Legal 騎士王國兌和威士忌

  Chevette 謝韋特牌汽車

  chevilled silk 光絲

  cheviot shirting 切維奧特襯衫布

  cheviot tweed 切維奧特粗紡花呢

  Cheviot wool 切維奧特羊毛

  cheviot 粗紡厚呢

  Chevisol 切維索爾有光粘膠長絲

  Chevreau de soie 舍弗羅匹染羅緞

  chevres 吉夫干酪

  Chevrolet Astro 雪佛蘭之星牌汽車

  Chevrolet Camaro 雪佛蘭卡馬羅牌汽車

  Chevrolet 雪佛蘭牌汽車

  Chevron 謝弗龍牌手表

  chevrotain 鼷香鹿

  Chevy 狩獵牌汽車

  chewing gum 口香糖

  chewing gum 香口膠

  chewing sweet 口香糖

  chewing tobacco 嚼煙

  chewing toffee 軟質(zhì)太妃糖

  chewy nougat 軟牛軋?zhí)?/p>

  chi-chi 條子斜紋布

  chick pea 鷹嘴豆

  chick 小雞

  chicken and ham 火煺雞

  chicken breast 雞胸肉

  chicken cooked sausage 熟雞肉香腸

  chicken cracker 雞條

  chicken cutlet in chilli sauce 棒棒雞

  chicken essence preparation 雞精制品

  chicken essence 雞精

  chicken feather down 雞毛絨

  chicken feather duster with bamboo handle 竹柄雞毛帚

  chicken feather duster with rattan handle 藤柄雞毛帚

  chicken feather 雞毛

  chicken feeder 飼雞器

  chicken feeding trough 雞食槽

  chicken flesh glaze 雞皮釉

  chicken giblets 雞雜碎

  chicken gizzard 雞珍

  chicken in piquant sauce 怪味雞

  chicken in scallion sauce 蔥油雞

  chicken in tomato sauce 茄汁雞

  chicken instant noodle 雞味快食面

  chicken liver paste 雞肝醬

  chicken meat 雞肉

  chicken neck 雞頸

  chicken skin spread with shrimp paste 江南百花雞

  chicken skin 雞皮

  chicken spread 雞醬

  chicken toe 雞爪

  chicken wing and leg with brown sauce 貴妃雞

  chicken wing 雞翅

  chicken with black bean 豆豉雞

  chicken with chestnut 栗子雞

  chicken with chilli 麻辣雞

  chicken with ginger and black bean sauce 姜蔥豆豉雞

  chicken with mushroom 冬菇雞

  chicken with orange flavor 陳皮雞

  chicken with salted black bean juice 豉汁雞

  chicken with sesame 芝麻雞

  chicken with shrimp stuffing 江南百花雞

  chicken with spicy salt 椒鹽雞

  chicken wrapped in cellophane 紙包雞

  chicken's gizzardskin 雞內(nèi)金

  chicken-blood-coloured stone 雞血石

  chicken-bone herb 雞骨草

  chickling 雛雞

  chicle 糖膠樹膠

  chicory root 菊苣根

  chicory 菊苣

  chief axis 主軸

  chiffon batiste 雪紡女式呢

  chiffon crepe 雪紡縐綢

  chiffon lace 絲繡雪紡薄綢

  chiffon lamp shade 薄紗燈罩

  chiffon net 雪紡網(wǎng)眼紗

  chiffon silk hoses 薄絲紗襪

  chiffon Swiss organdy 瑞士蟬翼紗

  chiffon taffeta 雪紡塔夫綢

  chiffon twist 雪紡捻絲

  chiffon velvet 雪紡絲絨

  chiffon 薄絹

  chiffonelle 高支紗細(xì)布

  chiffonette 蟬翼紗

  Chifonese 雪紡尼斯醋酯纖維窗簾織物

  chignon 假發(fā)髻

  chikan 繡花細(xì)薄布

  Chilan mill 智利式輥碾機(jī)

  chilblain cure machine 凍瘡醫(yī)療機(jī)

  Chilco 奇爾科牌手表

  child orthopaedic operating table 兒童骨科手術(shù)臺

  child's cap with pompon 帶絨球童帽

  child's clothing 童服

  child's cot 兒童床

  child's cotton poplin mittens 小孩棉毛綢連指手套

  child's cough syrup 小兒止咳糖漿

  child's cycle 兒童腳踏車

  child's dress gloves 童式日用手套

  child's fever pill 小兒奇應(yīng)丸

  child's frock 兒童長外衫

  child's hat 童帽

  child's high chair 兒童高椅

  child's leather coat 兒童皮衣

  child's sheet set 兒童被套

  child's shoes 童鞋

  child's shoulder strap bag in calf-grained plastic 孩童掛肩式小皮紋理狀塑膠袋

  child's sterling silver cup 童用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)銀杯

  child's tricycle 兒童三輪車

  child's trousers 童褲

  child's umbrella with nickel plated shaft 鍍鎳梗童傘

  child's umbrella with wooden shaft and handle 木梗木柄童傘

  child's umbrella 童傘

  child's vehicle 童車

  childbirth mattress 分娩褥墊

  children accordion 兒童手風(fēng)琴

  children cotton yarn thread socks 童棉紗線襪

  children cysto urethroscope 兒科膀胱尿道窺測鏡

  children electric motor 兒童電動摩托車

  children electronic organ 兒童電子琴

  children outer wear 兒童外衣

  children piano 兒童鋼琴

  children shoes embroidered on silk satin 錦緞繡花童鞋

  children shoes 童鞋

  children's 2-piece suit 童二件套裝

  children's bath shampoo 兒童浴液

  children's bed 兒童床

  children's cart 童車

  children's cloak 童披風(fēng)

  children's cold tablet 小兒感冒片

  children's cough liquid 兒童止咳液

  children's cough syrup 小兒止咳糖漿

  children's dysentery tablet 小兒瀉痢片

  children's embroidered shirt 童繡花襯衫

  children's embroidered single jersey 汗布繡花童背心衫褲

  children's fever powder 小兒萬應(yīng)散

  children's garment 童裝

  children's hat 童帽

  children's indigestion powder 一捻金

  children's indigestion tablet 小兒消食片

  children's jacket 童茄克衫

  children's kimono 童浴衣

  children's note paper 兒童信紙

  children's pyjamas 童睡衣

  children's quilted jacket and vest 童棉衣和背心

  children's ramie cotton sun suit 麻棉童太陽服

  children's restorative granule 小兒回春丹

  children's shampoo 兒童香波

  children's shirt with embroidery 童繡花襯衫

  children's shirt 童襯衫

  children's shoes 童鞋

  children's short skirt 童短裙

  children's single jersey long-sleeve robe 汗布印花長袖童睡袍

  children's skirt 童裙

  children's slide 兒童滑梯

  children's stockings 童襪

  children's toothpaste 兒童牙膏

  children's vehicle 童車

  children's wear 童裝

  children-welfare tablet 小兒金丹片

  Chile 辣椒

  Chile saltpeter 智利硝石

  chili patse 辣椒醬

  chili sauce 辣醬油

  chilim carpet 契林地毯

  Chilkaht blanket 奇爾卡特山羊毛毯

  chill car 冷藏車

  chill oil 激冷油

  chilled cast iron 冷硬鑄鐵

  chilled roll 冷鑄軋輥

  chilled spring wire 淬火彈簧鋼絲

  chilled water jacketed tank 涼水夾套罐

  chilli extract 辣椒精

  chilli oil 辣椒油

  chilli orange 辣椒橙

  chilli paste 辣椒醬

  chilli powder 辣椒粉

  chilli red 辣椒紅

  chilli rice crust 麻辣鍋巴

  chilli sauce container with plastic cap 塑料蓋辣椒醬瓶

  chilli seed 辣椒籽

  chilli 辣椒

  Chilli 奇利什色粗平布

  chilling machine 冷凍機(jī)

  chilling press 冷壓機(jī)

  chilly 番椒

  chilopod 蜈蚣

  chimayo 奇馬約橫條紋毛毯

  chime 編鐘

  chimere 黑緞袍

  chimney filter 濾管

  chimney for locomotive 火車頭煙囪

  chimney hood 煙囪帽

  chimney paint 煙囪漆

  chimney sweeping machine 掃煙囪機(jī)

  chimney 燈罩

  chimney-pot hat 高頂禮帽

  chimp jacket 琴普茄克

  China biscuit 中國餅干

  China black tea 中國紅茶

  China checks 靛藍(lán)格子布

  china clay powder 瓷土粉

  china clay 瓷土

  China cola 中華可樂


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