CQD customary quick despatch 按港口慣常速度快速裝卸,不計滯/速費
CST centistoke 厘拖,表云燃油濃度
C. T. L. O. constructive total loss only 僅承保推定全損
CUB cubic 立方
CUFT cubic feet 立方英尺
CY container yard 集裝箱碼堆場
D206 diesel oil 206 tong 柴油 206噸
D/A document. against acceptance 承兌交單
D.B. deals and battens(timber) 墊板和板條
DD dated 日期
D/D demand draft 匯票、銀行匯票
D. D. O dlspatch dicharging only 僅在卸貨時計算速遣費
DDU delivered duty unpaid 目的地約定地點交貨(未完稅)價
DEM demurrage 滯期費
DEPT departure (船舶)離港
DEQ delivered ex quay 目的港碼頭交貨價
DESP despatch money 速遣費
DEST destination 目的地(港)
DFL draft full load 滿載吃水
DHD demurrage and half despatch 滯期費,速遣費為滯期費的一半
DHDWTS despatch money bends half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends 裝卸港口的速遣費均按滯期費的一半,并按節(jié)省的工作時間計算
DISCH d1scharge 卸貨
D.L.O dlspatch loading delivery only 僅在裝貨時計算速遣費
DO ditto 同上,同前
D.O. diesel oil 柴油
DOZ dozen (一)打
DP direct port 直達港
D.S. direct surcharge 直航附加費
D.T.A. definite time of arrival 船舶確切抵港時間
D.W. dock warrant 碼頭收貨單
DWC deadweight capacity 受載量
DWT dead weight tonnage 載重噸
EFF efficiency 效率
EIU even if used 即使用也不計算
ENCL enclosure or enclosed 附件或所附的
ENG engine 發(fā)動機,(主)機
EQ equal 等于
EST estimated 估計的,預(yù)計的
ETAD expected time of arrival and departure (船舶)預(yù)計到達和離開時間
ETC expected time of commencement 預(yù)計開始時間
ETCD estimated time of commencing discharging (船舶)預(yù)計開始卸貨時間
ETE estimated time enroute 預(yù)計(在海上)航行時間
ETS estimated time of sailing (船舶)預(yù)計開航時間
EXP export 出口
EXT extenslon 電話分機,延長
F fuel oil 燃油
FAQ fair average quality 中等貨
FC floating crane 浮吊
FCA free carrier 貨交承運人
F. D. free discharge (船方)不負(fù)擔(dān)卸貨費用
F.&D. freight and demurrage 運費和延滯費
FEU fourty equivalent ufit 40英尺標(biāo)準(zhǔn)箱
F. I.B. free into bunkers (燃料)交到船上燃料艙價格
FILO free in and liner out (船方)不負(fù)擔(dān)裝貨費,但負(fù)擔(dān)卸貨費
FIO free in and out 船方不負(fù)擔(dān)裝卸費
FIOST free in,and out,stowed and trimmed 船方不負(fù)擔(dān)裝卸、理艙、平艙費
FLT full liner terms 全班輪條款
FM from 從……,來自
F/N fixture note 訂艙確認(rèn)書
FO fuel oil 燃油
FO firm offer 實盤