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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-04-24
核心提示:磁粉探傷 magnetic particle inspection,magnetic crack detection 磁化力 magnetizing force 磁力帶輪(磁選機用) magnetic pulley 磁力探傷 magnzflux 磁力探傷檢驗 magnaflux inspection 磁力探傷檢驗 magnetic crack detection 磁力筒(磁選機用) magnetic drum 磁

磁粉探傷 magnetic particle inspection,magnetic crack detection
磁化力 magnetizing force
磁力帶輪(磁選機用) magnetic pulley
磁力探傷 magnzflux
磁力探傷檢驗 magnaflux inspection
磁力探傷檢驗 magnetic crack detection
磁力筒(磁選機用) magnetic drum
磁力造模法 magnet molding process
磁鐵礦 magnetite
磁性變態(tài) magnetic transformation
磁選機 magnetic separator
磁滯損失 hysteresisloss
樅木 fir
粗度,粗糙度 roughness
粗鋼 raw steel
粗晶面(鑄疵) facet tracture
粗糧波來鐵 coarse pearlite
粗面凝固 rough wall solidification
粗磨 snag
粗磨機 rough grinding machine
粗泥漿砂 roughing loam
粗砂 coarse sand
粗砂 roughing sand
粗砂錐輾硅砂 concial sand from coarse sand
粗篩 riddle
粗松組織 coarse structure
粗松組織 open-grain structure
粗銅 blister copper
粗軋輥 roughing roll
催化劑 accelerator
催化劑,觸媒,冷化劑 catalyst
脆化 embrittlement
脆性 brittleness
脆性 shortness
淬火 quenching
淬火機 hardening machine
淬火裂痕 quench crack
淬火裂痕 quenching crack
淬火能力(淬火液) quenching intensity
淬火時間 quenching time
淬火時效 quench aging
淬火應力 quenching stress
淬火硬化 quench hardening
淬裂 hardening crack
錯模,偏合,毛邊(鑄疵),工作班制 shift
錯配(模型,鑄模,心型) mismatch,in pottern mold,core
鎝(Tc) technetium
打包機 packer
打孔卡片 punch card
打孔紙帶 puch tape
打磨(磨毛邊,打澆冒口等) fettle shagging
打磨滾筒 rattler
打散篩孔 breaker screen
打鐵球 skull cracker
打銑球,落錘 drop ball
大澆斗 bulbs
大氣,蒙氣(爐內氣氛) atmosphere
大氣泡(鑄疵) gross blowhole
大氣熔化 air melting
大氣鑄造 air casting
大型鑄件 large castings
帶 band
帶,皮帶 belt
帶鋸 band saw
帶色防護鏡 filter glass
帶式磁選機 magnetic belt separator
帶式運送機 belt conveyor
帶鐵 fillet iron
帶緣導銷 collared pin
帶運送機 band conveyor
袋濾器 bag filter
袋濾器 bag house
袋形端承 pocket print
單邊心型端承,單邊砂心頭 single core print
單軌系統(tǒng) monorail system
單件模型 one-piece pattern
單面模型板 single-strand casting machine
單色光學高溫計 monochromatic optical pyrometer
單體肥粒鐵 free ferrite
單體碳 free carbon
單體雪明碳鐵 free cementite
單條[連續(xù)]鑄造機 sink
單位負載 unit load
單向凝固 unidirectional solidification
單元砂,整體砂 unit sand
單支進模口本堰 single gate
氮 硬化 nitrogen hardening
氮(N) nitrogen
氮化 nitriding
氮化法 nitriding process
彈動清砂 spring release
彈簧心型撐 spring chaplet
彈能模數 modulus of resilience
彈殼黃銅(三七黃銅) cartridge brass
彈性 elasticity
彈性變形 elastic deformation
彈性模數,彈性系數 elastic modulus
彈性能 resilience
彈性切割砂輪 elastic slitting wheel
彈性系數,彈性模數 modulus of elasticity
彈性限界 elastic limit
彈性限界 limt of elasticity
當量,等價系數 coefficient of equivalent
擋板 baffle
擋板 baffle plate
擋板 damper
擋渣壩 dam
擋渣口澆桶 dam type lip ladle
檔渣澆池 pouring basin with buffles
刀形進? knife gate
倒角,去角 rounded sand grain
搗成爐櫬 rammed lining
搗成用料 ramming compound
搗動盛桶(脫硫用) shaking device
搗緊,填塞劑 tamping
搗緊度,槌緊 度 degree of ramming
搗砂,搗制 rramming
搗砂錘 bench rammer
搗砂錘 rammer
搗砂桿 sand rammer
搗砂走樣 ram off
搗制砂心 ram up core
搗制走樣 ramaway
導股(連續(xù)鑄造) strand guiding
導氣管 air duct
導入,導件 guide
導套 guide bushing
導銷 guide pin
導銷 leader pin
導銷櫬套 leader pin bushing
得板 screen plate
德拉瓦離心鑄管法 De-lavaued processdelay relase
德他固溶體 dendrite
德他合金 delta solid solutin
德他黃銅 delta bronze
德他青銅 delta iron
德他鐵 delta metal
德銀,銅 German silver
等吹熔鑄爐 equi-blast cupola
等價因子 equivalence factor
等溫變態(tài) isothermal transformation
等溫退火 isothermal annealing
等溫線圖 isothermal diagram
等溫硬化 isothermal hardening
低合金鋼鑄件 low alloy steel castings
低磷生鐵 low phosphorus pig iron
低摩擦金屬 anti-friction metal
低黏天然砂 meager sand
低黏性砂 lean sand
低黏性砂 weak sand
低黏性硅砂,硅砂 unbonded silica sand
低碳鋼 low carbon steel
低碳生鐵 low carbon pig iron
低溫脆性 cold shortness
低溫熔化 cold melt
低溫退火 low temperature annealing
低壓風扇 low pressure fan
低周波 main frequency
低周波感應電爐 line frequency induction furnace
低周波感應電爐 low frequency electric induction furance
迪沙式自動造模機(丹麥制高壓高速無箱式造模機) Disamatic molding machine
底(爐),(造模) bed
底板 acking board
底板 bed plate
底板 bottom board
底板 bottom plate
底層裝料 bed charge
底焦 coke bed
底澆法 bottom casting
底澆法 bottom pouring
底澆式澆桶 bottom pour ladle
關鍵詞: 鑄造 詞匯
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