wall paper 壁紙,糊墻紙
wallet paper 錢包用紙
warm nursery paper 育苗紙
washable paper 耐洗紙
washable wall paper 耐洗糊墻紙
waste paper 廢紙
water absorbent paper 吸水紙
water color paper 水彩畫紙
water creped paper 濕潤起皺紙
water finished paper 濕潤加工單面涂布紙
water lined paper 水印格紙
water-marked paper 水印紙
water soluble paper 水溶性紙
water leaf paper 未施膠紙張
water leaf paper for parchment 羊皮紙原紙
waterleaf paper for velcanized fiber 鋼紙原紙
waterlproof paper 防水紙,不透水紙
wax paper 蠟紙
wax cloth paper 蠟布紙
wax sized paper 涂蠟紙
waxed paper 涂蠟紙
waxed antiseptic paper 涂蠟殺菌紙
waxed parchment paper 涂蠟羊皮紙
waxed tissue excelsior 刨花蠟紙
waxing paper 蠟紙原紙
waxing stencil paper 謄寫蠟紙
wax-sized paper 石蠟施膠紙
waybill paper 載紙,運貨單紙
weather resisting paper 防潮紙
web paper 卷筒印刷紙
web offset paper 卷筒膠版印刷紙
welding paper 焊接保護紙
wet soak paper 浸漬紙
wet type recording paper 濕式記錄紙
wet strength paper 濕強紙張
wet waxed paper 潤濕蠟紙
Whatman('s) paper 高級圖畫紙
wheatstone paper 電報紙帶
white fibre 白色鋼紙
white fibre sheathing 白建筑覆蓋紙
white manila paper 白紙板,白色馬尼拉紙
white rope tag 白標簽麻漿紙
Willesden paper 防水紙
window drape paper 窗簾紙
window-envelope paper 開窗信封紙
window paster paper 窗戶紙
window shade paper 窗簾紙
wiping(off) paper 油墨擦拭紙
wire-wrap paper 絕緣薄紙,卷纏絕緣紙
wood chip paper 木漿粗纖維紙
wood-containing paper 含磨木漿的紙張
wood free paper 不含磨木漿的紙張
woodcut book paper 木刻畫用紙
woody paper 含磨木漿的紙張
wool(en) paper 含羊毛紙
wove paper 橫紋紙,布紋紙
wrapping paper 包裝紙,封面紙
writing paper 書寫紙
wove finish paper 布紋紙
wood-free paper 道林紙
wood-free 不含磨木漿的紙張
winding of paper 卷紙
winding stock 吹紙
white board 白板紙
white manifold paper 白色打字紙
white paper 未印過的紙張,只印單面的雙面印刷紙
wedding bristol 優(yōu)質(zhì)紙
weddings 高光澤卡片紙
waste leaf 廢頁,廢紙
waste paper stock 廢紙漿
waste sheet 殘頁,廢紙,加放紙
waterproof pasteboard 耐水紙板
waxed kraft 涂蠟牛皮紙
wagon board 汽車用紙板
wall board 壁紙;建筑用紙板
wash board 護壁板
waterproof board 防水紙板
waterproof corrugated board 防水瓦楞紙板
waxed board 石蠟紙板
wet machine board 濕抄紙板
wet strength board 濕強紙板
white board 白紙板
wood board 木板
wood filled board 磨木漿芯層紙板
wood pulp board 化學木漿紙板
wood vat-lined board 圓網(wǎng)紙機制的含磨木漿紙板
wool board 含羊毛紙板
wire-wound rod coater 鋼絲纏繞刮棒式涂布機
wall paper 壁紙
wallet paper 錢包用紙
warm nursery paper 育苗紙
washable paper 耐洗紙
washable wall paper 耐洗糊墻紙
waste paper 廢紙
water absorbent paper 吸水紙
water color paper 水彩畫紙
water creped paper 濕潤起皺紙
water lined paper 水印格紙
water finished paper 濕潤加工單面涂布紙
waterleaf paper 未施膠紙張
waterleaf paper for parchment 羊皮紙原紙
waterleaf paper for velcanized fiber 鋼紙原紙
waterproof paper 防水紙,不透水紙
wax paper 蠟紙
wax cloth paper 蠟布紙
wax sized paper 涂蠟紙
waxed paper paper paper paper paperv 涂蠟紙
waxed antiseptic paper 涂蠟殺菌紙
waxed parchment paper 涂蠟羊皮紙
waxing paper 蠟紙原紙
waxing stencil paper 謄寫蠟紙
waybill paper 載紙,運貨單紙
weather resisting paper 防潮紙
web paper 卷筒印刷紙
web offset paper 卷筒膠版印刷紙
welding paper 焊接保護紙
wet soak paper 浸漬紙
wet type recording paper 濕式記錄紙
wet strength paper 濕強紙張
wet waxed paper 潤濕蠟紙
Whatman('s) paper 高級圖畫紙
wheatstone paper 電報紙帶
white manila paper 白紙板;白色馬尼拉紙
Willesden paper 防水紙
window drape paper 窗簾紙
window paster paper 窗戶紙
window shade paper 窗簾紙
wiping (off) paper (油墨)擦拭紙
wire-wrap paper 絕緣薄紙,卷纏絕緣紙
wood chlp paper 木漿粗纖維紙
wood-containing paper 含磨木漿的紙張
wood-free paper 不含磨木漿的紙張
woodcut book paper 木刻畫用紙
woody paper 含磨木漿的紙張
wool(en) paper 含羊毛紙
wove paper 橫紋紙,布紋紙
wrapping paper 包裝紙
writing paper 書寫紙
Westerm Precipitation process (亞硫酸鈉廢液)硫化物循環(huán)回收法
wet combustion process (廢液回收)濕燃燒法
wetox process 亞硫酸鹽廢液濕法處理法
Weyerhaueser (sulfite) process Weyerhaueser亞硫酸鎂鹽兩段蒸煮
whole tree pulping 全樹制漿法
waste paper pulp 廢紙漿
wet pulp 濕抄漿
wood pulp 木漿
wood-ground pulp 白色磨木漿
Waco filter saveall 雙鼓回收機
watchmaker's tissue 鐘表零件包裝紙
waxed tissue 薄蠟紙
woody tissue 薄包裝紙
woody tissue 含磨木漿薄紙
writing tissue 薄書寫紙
waco filter Waco白水回收機
wad 填絮;填充物
wad stock 彈殼紙用漿
wadding 醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生包裝紙
wadding stock 炸藥配料;醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生紙用漿
waferized chip 超薄木片
vainscotting 石棉壁紙板
walking board 走板;走臺
wall board mqachine 壁板紙機
walnur (Juglans) 胡桃屬
Walpole rotary screen Watpole外流式圓篩
Walpole outward flow screen Wandle外流式圓篩
warehouse 倉庫
Waring blender Waring混合器
warm water bath 溫水;溫水槽
warp 經(jīng)線
warp oriented felt 無緯毛毯
warp threads 經(jīng)線
warp wire 經(jīng)線
warpage 翹曲
Warren chain grinder Warren鏈式磨木機
wart 木瘤
wash 洗滌
wash drum 洗鼓
wash liquor 洗液
wash out 沖洗
wash-out valve 清洗閥門
wash pan 洗滌槽
wash water 洗滌用水
wash water valve 排污閥
washboard marks (厚度不均導致)波狀表面(紙。
washer 洗滌機;洗滌器;洗漿機;墊圈
washerman 洗漿工,洗滌工
washing 洗滌
washing bath 洗滌槽
washing beater 洗漂(打漿)機
washing efficiency 洗滌效率
washing engine 洗漿機
washing hollander 荷蘭式洗漂機
washing off 洗滌,洗去
washing-out 排污;污水
washing room 洗滌工段,洗漿工段
washing tank 洗滌槽
washing tower 洗滌塔
washing-up 洗滌
washing vessel 洗滌槽
washing water 洗滌用水
washouts 污水;排水
washups 污水;排水
waste 廢料;廢水
waste disposal 廢料處理
waste gases 廢氣
waste heat boiler 廢熱鍋爐
waste heat recovery 廢熱回收
waste line 廢氣管線;廢水管線
waste liquor 廢液
waste liquor recovery 廢液回收
waste paper 廢紙
waste paper dealer 廢紙收購商
waste paper processing 廢紙?zhí)幚?
waste paper stock 廢紙漿
waste product 廢品
waste recovery 廢料回收;廢氣回收;廢水回收
waste sheet 廢紙頁
waste soda lye 廢堿液
waste steam 廢汽
waste stuff 損紙漿
waste sulfite liquor 亞硫酸鹽廢液
waste treating equipment 廢水處理裝置
waste utilization 廢料利用
waste valve 排污閥
waste water 廢水
waste wood 廢木材
waste wood chipper 廢材削片機
water absorbent 吸水劑
water absorption 吸水(作用)
water absorption degree 吸水度
water analysis 水分析
water and fiber balance 漿水平衡
water bath 水浴
water bleeding 水褪色,水洇色
water box 吸水箱;水槽
water box doctor 水槽刮刀
water carriage 水運
water cleaning 水凈化
water consujmption 耗水量
water cooled furnace wall 水冷壁
water cooled spring roll 水冷彈簧輥
water cooling 水冷(卻)
water creped 潤濕起皺
water dispersoid coating 水乳液涂布
water doctor 水刮刀
water drills 細條痕(紙。
water extract 水抽提物
water extractives 水抽提物,水抽出物
water extractor 脫水機
water filter 濾水器,濾水池
water finish 潤濕處理
water finishing 潤濕裝飾
water flow 水流
water flume (運送原木用)水槽
water ga(u)ge 水表
water hanner 水錘
water head tank 高位水槽
water impervious 防水性能
water jet 水注;噴水
water jet pump 噴水泵
water jet slitting 超高壓水針切割(紙板)
water log 水腿
water level gage 水位表;液位表
water level indicator 水位指示儀
water lines 水印
water management 用水管理
water mark 水印,羅紋
water meter 水量計
water oak (Quercus nigra L.) 水櫟
water penetration test 水浸透測定
water permeability 水滲透性(能)
water pipe 清水管
water plant 供水車間
water pollution 水污染
water quality 水質(zhì)
water reclamation 廢水回收
water removal 脫水
water repellence 疏水性
water repellency 疏水性
water repellent 疏水
water repellent agent 疏水劑
water repellent compound 疏水化合物
water resistance 抗水性(能)
water resonance 水共振
water retention 保水
water retention rate 保水率
water retention value 保水值
water reuse 回用水
water ring 水環(huán)
water ring pump 水環(huán)式真空泵
water seal 水封
water separator 脫水器
water sereen 水簾;擋水板
water shed (網(wǎng)上)紙幅水線;分水界線
water shed offset 水線偏差
water silk finish 絹紋水印
water softening 水軟化
water solubility 水溶性
water soluble 水溶(性)的
water spots 水滴斑點(紙病)
water storage 水上貯存;水上貯木
water streaks 水痕(紙。
water stream 水流
water supply 供水
water supply plant 供水車間
water suspension 水懸浮液
water test 水壓試驗
water tight 水封
water transportation 水運
water transportation by booming 駁運
transportation by driving 浮運
water transportation by rafting 筏運,排運
water treatment 水處理
water tube boiler 水管鍋爐
water turbine 水輪機
water valve 水閥
water vapor 水蒸汽
water vapor permeability 水蒸汽滲透性能
water vapor resistance 水蒸汽不滲透性能
water vapor transmission rate 水蒸汽傳遞速率
waterglass 水玻璃
waterglass mortar 水玻璃灰漿
waterleaf 薄頁紙
watermark 水印,羅紋
watermark dandy 水印輥,羅紋輥
watermark laid dandy 水印輥,羅紋輥
watermark roll 水印輥,羅紋輥
watermark wove dandy 水印輥,羅紋輥
watermarking dandy 水印輥,羅紋輥
watermarking to register 精確水印
waterproof 防水
waterproof agent 防水劑
waterproof wall hangings 防水壁紙
waterproofing 防水
waterproofness 防水性能
watt meter 瓦特計,電表,功率表
watt (type) governor 電力調(diào)節(jié)器
wave train 波列
waviness 波狀邊緣
vavy 波紋的,波動的
wavy edge 波狀邊緣
wavy grain 波狀紋理
wax 蠟
wax coating 涂蠟
wax emulsion 石蠟乳劑
wax pan 蠟槽
wax pick test 蠟粘試驗
wax size 石蠟?zāi)z
wax spot 蠟斑(紙病)
wax rest 涂蠟試驗
waxed glassine 涂蠟玻璃紙
waxed kraft 涂蠟牛皮紙
waxed pardchment 涂蠟羊皮紙
waxed tissue excelsior 涂蠟薄紙帶
waxed toffee wrapper 涂蠟糖果紙
waxed wrapper 涂蠟包裝紙
waxer 涂蠟機,上蠟機
waxing 涂蠟,上蠟
waxing machine 涂蠟機
weak acid 弱酸
weak acid tower 弱酸塔
weak liquor 稀液
weak white kiquor 稀白液
weak white liquor storage 稀白液槽
weak wash 稀洗滌液
wear 磨損,磨耗
wear teat 磨損試驗
wearability 耐磨性
weather proof 抗風化
weather-proof plywood 耐風化膠合板
weather proofing 抗風化
weather resistance 耐風化
weatherability 風化性能
weathering 風化
weathering resistance test 耐風化試驗
veave 編織
weaving 編織
web 紙幅
web break 斷頭