pneumatic bucket 氣動抓斗
pneumatic amplifier 氣動放大器
pneumatic and hydraulic pressure regulator 氣動及水壓壓力調(diào)節(jié)器
pneumatic and hydraulic temperature regulator 氣動及水壓溫度調(diào)節(jié)器
pneumatic atomizer 氣動噴霧器
pneumatic ball valve 氣動球閥
pneumatic ballast distributing wagon 風動分碴車
pneumatic ballast hopper wagon 風動卸碴車
pneumatic ballast machine 風動卸碴機
pneumatic ballast vehicle 風動卸碴車
pneumatic bench sand rammer 氣動臺式砂箱搗實機
pneumatic bit grinder 風動磨釬機
pneumatic brake 氣壓制動器
pneumatic bumper 氣壓減震器
pneumatic bundling machine 氣動捆扎機
pneumatic cactus grab 風動多爪抓巖機
pneumatic caisson 氣壓沉箱
pneumatic caulker 風動密縫鑿
pneumatic cellular fibre 含氣空胞纖維
pneumatic chipper 氣鏨
pneumatic chipping hammer 風鏟
pneumatic chisel 氣鑿
pneumatic chuck 氣動卡盤
pneumatic circular saw 風動圓片鋸
pneumatic clutch 氣動離合器
pneumatic collar cutting and turning machine 氣動切翻領(lǐng)機
pneumatic collar pressing machine 氣動壓領(lǐng)機
pneumatic computer 氣動計算機
pneumatic concrete breaker 氣動混凝土破碎機
pneumatic concrete placer 氣動混凝土澆灌機
pneumatic control valve 氣動控制閥
pneumatic controller 氣動控制器
pneumatic conveyer 氣動輸送機
pneumatic conveyor dryer 氣流輸送干燥器
pneumatic cotton picker 氣吸式摘棉機
pneumatic cushion 氣墊
pneumatic cut-off winder 氣壓自停卷布機
pneumatic cutter 風動剪
pneumatic cylinder 氣壓缸
pneumatic deduster 風動收塵器
pneumatic detector 氣體檢測器
pneumatic diaphragm control valve 氣動薄膜控制閥
pneumatic diaphragm pump 氣動隔膜泵
pneumatic differential pressure transducer 氣動壓差變送器
pneumatic digger 風鏟
pneumatic distributor 氣壓輸送分配器
pneumatic drill sharpener 鍛釬機
pneumatic drill support 鑿巖機氣腿
pneumatic drill 風鉆
pneumatic dryer 風力干燥機
pneumatic electromagnetic starter 氣動電磁啟動器
pneumatic electromagnetic valve 氣動電磁閥
pneumatic elevator 風動提升機
pneumatic engraving pen 氣動刻字筆
pneumatic excavator 氣動掘鑿機
pneumatic feeder 風力給料機
pneumatic feeding drill 氣動給進鉆機
pneumatic fertilizer distributor 氣動式撒肥機
pneumatic finisher 氣動修整器
pneumatic fire engine 氣動滅火機
pneumatic flour mill 氣動磨粉機
pneumatic forging hammer 壓縮氣錘
pneumatic grab 風動抓巖機
pneumatic grass cutter 風動割草機
pneumatic grinder 風動砂輪機
pneumatic grinding machine 風動研磨機
pneumatic gun 氣槍
pneumatic hammer 空氣錘
pneumatic hand rivet 氣動鉚搶
pneumatic heart-lung resuscitator 氣動心肺復蘇器
pneumatic high speed grinding bead 氣動高速磨頭
pneumatic high-speed seed metering device for precision planting 氣動高速精密排種器
pneumatic impact wrench 氣動扳手
pneumatic indicating controller 氣動指示調(diào)節(jié)器
pneumatic insole tacking machine 氣動式釘鞋內(nèi)底機
pneumatic jack 氣壓千斤頂
pneumatic last removing machine 氣動脫楦機
pneumatic lift 氣動升降機
pneumatic lifting chair 氣動升降椅
pneumatic liquid level regulator 氣動液面調(diào)整器
pneumatic loom 噴氣織機
pneumatic mariograph 氣動水位記錄儀
pneumatic measuring instrument 氣動測量儀
pneumatic multi-jet weaving machine 多噴嘴噴氣織機
pneumatic nailing machine 氣壓式打釘機
pneumatic needle descaling gun 氣動針式除鱗槍
pneumatic paving breaker 風動式路面破碎機
pneumatic pawl-type feeder 氣動棘爪式送料裝置
pneumatic perforator 氣動鑿孔機
pneumatic pick 風鎬
pneumatic pipe lift 氣動舉管器
pneumatic piston positioner 氣動活塞定位器
pneumatic pleating machine 氣動打摺機
pneumatic poker 風動攪料桿
pneumatic polishing lathe 氣動拋光機床
pneumatic press for heel 氣動鞋跟模壓機
pneumatic press 氣動壓力機
pneumatic pressure reducer 氣動減壓器
pneumatic pressure regulator 氣動壓力調(diào)節(jié)器
pneumatic pressure stabilizer 氣動穩(wěn)壓器
pneumatic pressure transmitter 氣動壓力變送器
pneumatic printed circuit board 氣動印刷線路板
pneumatic program set station 氣動程序給定器
pneumatic pump 氣壓泵
pneumatic pumping unit 氣動抽吸機
pneumatic punch 氣動打孔機
pneumatic ratio controller 氣動比率控制器
pneumatic reclaimer 氣動再生機
pneumatic relay 氣動繼電器
pneumatic reversible drill 雙向風鉆
pneumatic ribbon type receiver indicator 氣動色帶式接收機指示器
pneumatic rifle 氣槍
pneumatic riveter 氣動鉚釘槍
pneumatic riveting hammer 氣壓鉚釘錘
pneumatic riveting machine 氣動鉚釘機
pneumatic rock drill 風動鑿巖機
pneumatic sand rammer 氣動砂搗碎機
pneumatic scarifier 氣動翻路機
pneumatic screw driver 氣動螺絲起子
pneumatic screw press 氣動螺旋壓機
pneumatic scrubber 氣動洗滌機
pneumatic separator 風力分選機
pneumatic sequential heel nailing machine 氣動釘跟機
pneumatic shock absorber 氣力減震器
pneumatic shockless jolt-squeeze moulding machine 氣動無沖擊震實造型機
pneumatic shoe padding machine 氣動鞋墊機
pneumatic shot blasting machine 氣動噴丸清理機
pneumatic shovel 風鏟
pneumatic sole stamping machine 氣動鞋底打印機
pneumatic spade 風鎬
pneumatic splint 充氣夾板
pneumatic square root extractor 氣動開平方器
pneumatic starting valve 壓縮空氣起動閥
pneumatic stirrer 風動攪拌器
pneumatic supporter assembly 氣腿總成
pneumatic supporter rubber cup 氣腿膠碗
pneumatic tamper 風動搗固機
pneumatic temperature regulator 氣動溫度調(diào)節(jié)器
pneumatic temperature transmitter 氣動溫度變送器
pneumatic thickener 氣動增稠器
pneumatic tipping mine-car 氣動翻礦車
pneumatic tire 充氣輪胎
pneumatic tongs 氣動鉗
pneumatic tool 風動工具
pneumatic tractor 氣動牽引車
pneumatic transmitter 氣動變送器
pneumatic trough 集氣槽
pneumatic tube 氣壓輸送管
pneumatic turbine dental drill 氣動渦輪牙鉆
pneumatic tyre expander 氣壓張?zhí)テ?br />pneumatic tyre 充氣輪胎
pneumatic tyred roller 氣胎壓路機
pneumatic tyred tractor 氣胎拖拉機
pneumatic unit combination instrument 氣動單元組合儀表
pneumatic unloader 氣吸機
pneumatic valve positioner 氣動閥位控制器
pneumatic valve 氣動閥
pneumatic vibrator 氣動振動器
pneumatic vibratory knockout 氣動落砂器
pneumatic watchcase lathe 氣動表殼車床
pneumatic wrench 氣動扳手
pneumatic-driven pavement breaker 風動式路面破碎機
pneumatic-rapier machine 噴氣劍桿織機
pneumatic-to-current converter 氣-電轉(zhuǎn)換器
pneumatically-operated switch 氣動開關(guān)
pneumatically-released pilot valve 氣動操縱導閥
pneumatometer 肺活量計
pneumavalve 氣動閥
pneumeractor 測量石油產(chǎn)品量的記錄儀
pneumo-oxygenator 持續(xù)輸氧器
pneumograph 呼吸描記器
pneumohydraulic automatic guiding servo system 自動導向氣液伺服裝置
pneumometer 呼吸量測定器
pneumoscope 呼吸描記器
pneumotach unit 呼吸速度描記器
pneumotachometer 呼吸速度描記器
pneumothorax puncture outfit 胸腔穿刺器
pneumotometer 肺壓計
pneupress tank 氣壓柜
Po-san 混芴酯
Pobeda 勝利牌手表
pochonne double cloth 波瓊提花絲毛呢
pochote fibre 波喬特纖維
pocket AC clip-on voltammeter 袖珍鉗型交流電壓表
pocket ammeter 袖珍式安培計
pocket borer 輕便小型鉆機
pocket calculator 袖珍計算器
pocket chess 袖珍象棋
pocket chronometer 精密計時懷表
pocket clip-on meter 袖珍鉗型電表
pocket compass 袖珍羅盤
pocket computer 袖珍計數(shù)機
pocket conveyor 袋式輸送器
pocket digital luxmeter 袖珍數(shù)字式照度計
pocket divider with sheath 帶套袖珍兩腳規(guī)
pocket drill 輕便小型鉆機
pocket earth drill 輕便土鉆
pocket electronic computer 袖珍電子計算機
pocket electronic translator 袖珍式電子翻譯機
pocket elevator 斗式提升機
pocket feeder 星形給料器
pocket filling and sealing packager 袋充填封口包裝機
pocket first-aid pump for fluid infusion and blood transfusion 袖珍急救輸液輸血泵
pocket handkerchief of paper 紙制小手帕
pocket hard disk drive 袖珍硬盤驅(qū)動器
pocket insulation tester 袖珍絕緣試驗器
pocket ironing machine 燙口袋機
pocket knife 小折刀
pocket magnetometer 袖珍式磁力儀
pocket magnifier 袖珍放大鏡
pocket medical refractiometer 袖珍醫(yī)用折射計
pocket meter 袖珍測試計
pocket mirror with plastic decoration 塑料裝飾小鏡子
pocket mirror 小鏡
pocket modem 袖珍式調(diào)制解調(diào)器
pocket multimeter 袖珍萬用電表
pocket pager 袖珍式尋呼機
pocket polarimeter 袖珍偏振計
pocket radio set 袖珍收音機
pocket radio 袖珍收音機
pocket radiometer 袖珍輻射儀
pocket receiver 袖珍接收機
pocket recorder 袖珍錄音機
pocket ruler 折尺
pocket scissors 小折剪
pocket slide rule 袖珍滑尺
pocket telephone 便攜式電話機
pocket tester 袖珍測試器
pocket therapeutic apparatus 袖珍治療儀
pocket transit 袖珍經(jīng)緯儀
pocket TV set 袖珍電視機
pocket type air sampling instrument 袖珍空氣取樣儀
pocket viewer 袖珍觀察器
pocket voltmeter 袖珍伏特計
pocket warmer 袖珍暖爐
pocket welting machine 袋口踏邊機
pocket-sized apparatus for treating cervical vertebra related illnesse 袖珍式頸椎相關(guān)病治療儀
pocket-sized color television set 袖珍式彩色電視機
pocket-sized radiation dosimeter 袖珍式輻射劑量儀
pocket-sized seismograph 袖珍式地震儀
pocket-sized tube cutter 袖珍式細管割刀
pocketing 袋布
pocketscope 輕便示波器
pod of Chinese scholartree 槐角
Podocarpus macrophyllus 羅漢松
podometer 步數(shù)器
Pohung 普亨牌手表
poid meter 重量計
point counter tube 點端式計數(shù)管
point counter 點端式計數(shù)器
point electrode 點焊焊條
point focusing monochromator 點聚焦單色器
point lace 針繡花邊
point micrometer 點測頭千分尺
point net 機制針繡花邊
point pickaxe 尖扁鎬
point plat 針繡扁平花紋花邊
point plotter 點繪圖儀
point projection microscope 點投影顯微鏡
point relay 點繼電器
point steel hammer 尖鋼錘
point-contact diode 點接觸型二極管
point-contact photocell 點接觸型光電管
point-contact rectifier 點接觸型整流器
point-contact triode 點接觸型晶體三極管
point-contact varactor 點接觸型變?nèi)荻䴓O管
point-diffraction interferometer 點衍射干涉儀
point-to-point radio equipment 點對點無線電設(shè)備
pointed drill 尖鉆
pointed end tie 尖頭領(lǐng)帶
pointed file 尖銼
pointed hammer 尖頭錘
pointed knife 尖刀
pointed shoes 尖頭鞋
pointed shovel 尖頭鏟
pointer and reflecting galvanometer 指針及反射式檢流計
pointer counter 指針式計數(shù)器
pointer counterbalance 指針平衡錘
pointer frequency meter 指針式頻率計
pointer galvanometerr 指針式檢流計
pointer gauge 指針表
pointer instrument 指針式儀表
pointer register 指針式計量器
pointer type indicator 指針式指示器
pointer 指針
pointing machine 鍛尖機
pointing trowel 勾縫刀
pointpenetration static-electro therapy apparatus 透穴靜電治療機
Poiret twill 普瓦勒特軋別丁
poison 毒劑
poker vibrator 插入式振搗器
poker 火鉗
pokrovatz carpet 博克羅伐茲地毯
polar coordinate recorder 極坐標記錄儀
polar coordinate type potentiometer 極坐標式電位差計
Polar dye 普拉染料
polar indicator 極性指示器
polar planimeter 定極面積儀
polar relay 極化繼電器
polar satellite launch vehicle 極性衛(wèi)星運載火箭
polar stick relay 極性保持繼電器
polar telescope 天極儀
polar-biased relay 偏極繼電器
polar-light microscope 極光顯微鏡
polarimeter 極化計
polarimetric sensor 偏振式傳感器
polarimetric stress sensor 偏振型應(yīng)力傳感器
polarin 波拉林馬海毛鬈絨呢
polariscope 偏光鏡
polarising beam splitter 偏振光分束器
polarity coincidence correlator 極性重合相關(guān)器
polarity directional relay 極化方向繼電器
polarity finder 極性測定器
polarity indicator 極性指示器
polarity inverting amplifier 極性反轉(zhuǎn)放大器
polarity relay 極性繼電器
polarity splitter 極性分離器
polarity switch 極性開關(guān)
polarity-reversing switch 極性轉(zhuǎn)換開關(guān)
polarization adjuster 偏振調(diào)節(jié)器
polarization analyzer 檢偏振鏡
polarization beam splitter 偏振射束分裂器
polarization changer 極化變換器
polarization colorimeter 偏光比色計
polarization compensator 極化補償器
polarization coupler 偏振耦合器
polarization junction laser 偏振結(jié)型激光器
polarization maintaining optical fibre 保偏光纖
polarization microscope 偏光顯微鏡
polarization modulator 偏振調(diào)制器
polarization photometer 偏振光度計
polarization rotator 偏振旋轉(zhuǎn)器
polarization sensor 偏振傳感器
polarization separator 極化分離器
polarization spectrofluorimeter 偏振分光熒光計
polarization splitter fiber coupler 偏振分束光纖耦合器
polarization splitting directional coupler 偏振分路定向耦合器
polarization switch 極化開關(guān)
polarization tube 偏振管
polarization-diversity optical receiver 偏振分集光接收機
polarization-holding single-mode optical fiber 偏保單模光纖
polarization-independent acoustically-tunable optical filter 無偏振依賴性聲調(diào)濾光器
polarization-maintaining coupler 保偏耦合器
polarization-maintaining fiber coupler 保偏光纖耦合器
polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber 保偏單模光纖
polarization-optical time domain reflectometry 偏振光時域反射計
polarization-preserving coupler 保偏耦合器
polarization-preserving fiber 保偏光纖
polarization-preserving single mode fiber 保偏單模光纖
polarization-preserving single-mode coupler 保偏單模耦合器
polarized ammeter 極化安培計
polarized disk 偏振鏡
polarized electrolytic capacitor 極化電解電容器
polarized light microscope 偏光顯微鏡
polarized magnetic amplifier 極化磁放大器
polarized plug 極化插頭
polarized reed switch 極化簧片開關(guān)
polarized relay 極化繼電器
polarized sounder 極化音響機
polarized telephone bell 偏極電話鈴
polarized type receptacle 極化插座
polarizer 偏光鏡
polarizing coupler 偏振耦合器
polarizing filter 極化濾波器
polarizing fluorometer 偏振熒光計
polarizing interferometer 偏振干涉儀
polarizing light microscope 偏光顯微鏡
polarizing microscope 偏光顯微鏡
polarizing monochromator 偏振單色鏡
polarizing prism 偏振棱鏡
polarizing radiometer 偏振輻射計
polarizing spectrophotometer 偏振分光光度計
polarizing winding 極化繞組
polarizing-filter analyzer 偏振濾光分析器
polarograph paper 極譜記錄紙
polarograph 極譜儀
polarographic analyzer 極譜分析儀
polarographic cell 極譜電池
polaroid analyzer 偏振片式分析器
Polaroid camera 波拉羅伊德照相機
polaroid filter 偏振濾光鏡
Polaroid 寶麗來一次成像相機
polaroscope 偏振光鏡
poldine metilsulfate 泊爾定甲硫酸鹽
pole brace 電桿
pole carrier 桿式貨物掛車
pole change motor 換極電動機
pole change type AC generator 換極式交流發(fā)電機
pole changer 換極器
pole changing motor 變極電動機
pole changing switch 換極開關(guān)
pole climber 腳扣
pole core 磁極鐵心
pole derrick 起重扒桿
pole drill 淺孔沖擊鉆
pole erecting truck 立桿工程車
pole finder 極性測定器
pole indicator 極性指示器
pole paper 極譜紙
pole plate 極板
pole prunning saw 長桿修樹枝鋸
pole shoe spreader 極靴撐
pole shoes 極靴
pole trailer 長貨掛車
pole transformer 桿式變壓器
pole type switch 桿式開關(guān)
pole type transformer 桿式變壓器
pole-changing multi-speed 3-phase asynchronous motor 變極多速三相異步電動機
pole-changing relay 換極繼電器
pole-control focus lamp 桿控聚光燈
pole-reverser 換向器
pole-vault stand 撐桿跳高架
polemite 波勒邁特羽紗
polemoscope 望遠鏡
Poliafil 波萊菲爾尼龍長絲及鬃絲
police car 警車
police van 警車
policeman uniform 警服
polidocanol 聚多卡醇
polihexanide 聚己雙胍
poliomyelitis vaccine 脊髓灰質(zhì)炎疫苗
Polish carpet rug 波蘭地毯
polish 拋光劑
polished aluminum surface reflector 拋光鋁面反射器
polished bolt 拋光螺栓
polished broach 拋光拉刀
polished bulged cooking pot 拋光柿形鍋
polished chrominum surface reflector 拋光鉻面反射器
polished clamp 拋光夾
polished cloth 拋光布
polished glass 拋光玻璃
polished kettle 拋光水壺
polished plate glass 拋光板玻璃
polished pressure cooker 拋光壓力鍋
polished straight cooking pot 拋光直身鍋
polished wired glass 拋光夾絲玻璃
polished yarn 拋光紗線
polisher with microprocessor 微機拋光機
polisher 拋光機
polishing agent for mono-crystalline silicon 單晶硅拋光劑
polishing agent 拋光劑
polishing and burnishing machine 拋磨機
polishing calender 拋光軋光機
polishing chip 拋磨塊
polishing compound 拋光劑
polishing cream 擦亮乳膏
polishing disk 拋光盤
polishing felt 拋光氈
polishing filter 增澤過濾器
polishing gloves 拋光手套
polishing iron 鐵磨光器
polishing lathe 拋光車床
polishing machine 拋光機
polishing oil 擦光油
polishing paper 拋光紙
polishing paste 拋光膏
polishing powder 拋光粉
polishing preparation 拋光制劑
polishing roll 拋光輥
polishing rouge 擦亮鐵丹
polishing solution 拋光液
polishing stone 磨光石
polishing varnish 打光清漆
polishing wax 打光蠟
polishing wheel 拋光輪
polishing woolen felt 研磨毛氈
Polital 波利塔爾聚乙烯纖維
politef 聚四氟乙烯
Politen-Omni 波利滕-奧姆尼聚乙烯纖維
polka dot dress 圓點花紋服
polka dot frock 圓點花紋長外衣
polka gauze 織繡點子紗羅
polka jacket 緊身短茄克
polka 緊身短茄克
pollen beauty soap 花粉香皂
pollen cream 花粉膏
pollen jelly 花粉漿
pollen liquid cream 花粉霜
pollen pini 松花粉
pollen 花粉
pollinator 受花粉器
Pollock cotton 波洛克棉
pollution analyzer 污染分析儀
pollution monitor 污染監(jiān)控儀
polo ball 馬球
polo cap 馬球帽
Polo cloth 馬球牌雙面厚絨呢
polo coat 馬球外套
polo pyjamas 合為一套的睡衣
polo shirt 開領(lǐng)短袖襯衫
polo 馬球
Polo 坡洛牌汽車
Polon 波綸聚丙烯短纖維
polonaise lining 交織里子綢
polonaise 連衫花式裙
Polonez 波羅乃茲牌汽車
polonium 釙
poloxalene 泊洛沙林
poloxamer 泊洛沙姆
Polski-Fiat 波蘭-菲亞特牌汽車
Poltal 波爾塔爾復雜鋁合金
poly alkylene glycol 聚亞烷基二醇
poly cycle engine 多沖程發(fā)動機
poly divinyl acetylene 聚二乙烯乙炔
poly high frequency therapy unit 多用高頻治療機
poly IC 聚肌胞
Poly Macrame 波利馬克拉姆聚丙烯和聚乙烯薄膜纖維
poly-aminoester elastic fiber 聚酰胺酯彈性纖維
poly-aminoester foamed plastics 聚酰胺酯泡沫塑料
poly-aminoester rubber 聚酰胺酯橡膠
Poly-back 烯烴纖維
poly-bis-benzimidazo-benzophenan-throlinedione fibre 聚雙-苯并咪唑-苯并菲繞啉二酮纖維
poly-change speed motor 多速電動機
poly-channel amplifier 多路放大器
poly-disc tiller 多圓盤犁
poly-lithium silicate 聚硅酸鋰
poly-m-benzamide fibre 聚間苯甲酰胺纖維
poly-p-benzamide fibre 聚對苯甲酰胺纖維
poly-wire tyre 合成纖維鋼絲輪胎
polyacetal 聚甲醛
polyacetaldehyde 聚乙醛
polyacetylenic ester 聚乙炔酯
polyacetylvinylamine 聚乙酰氨基乙烯
polyacid 縮多酸
polyacrylamide clear agent 澄清劑
polyacrylamide resin 聚丙烯酰胺樹脂
polyacrylamide 聚丙烯酰胺
polyacrylate rubber 聚丙烯酸酯橡膠
polyacrylate 聚丙烯酸酯
polyacrylic acid resin 聚丙烯酸樹脂
polyacrylic acid 聚丙烯酸
polyacrylic ester 聚丙烯酸酯
polyacrylic fibre 聚丙烯酸纖維
polyacrylic plastics 聚丙烯酸類塑料
polyacrylic resin 聚丙烯酸樹脂
polyacrylonitrile fibre 聚丙烯腈纖維
polyacrylonitrile staple fibre spun yarn 腈綸紗
polyacrylonitrile 聚丙烯腈
polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibre 聚丙烯腈基碳纖維
polyacryloxalamidrazone fibre 聚草酰雙脒腙纖維
polyaldehyde 聚醛
polyalkane 聚鏈烷
polyalkene anti-fouling paint 聚烯烴防污漆
polyalkylbenzene 多烷基苯
polyallylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸烯丙酯
polyaluminium chloride 聚氯化鋁
polyamide bolting cloth 聚酰胺篩網(wǎng)
polyamide fabric 聚酰胺布
polyamide fibre socks 錦綸絲襪
polyamide fibre 聚酰胺纖維
polyamide filament sewing thread 錦綸縫紉線
polyamide monofilament hosiery 錦綸單絲襪
polyamide monofilament 聚酰胺單絲
polyamide multifilament hosiery 錦綸復絲襪
polyamide multifilament 錦綸復絲
polyamide plastics 聚酰胺塑料
polyamide resin 聚酰胺樹脂
polyamide silk stockings 聚酰胺長絲襪
polyamide staple fibre spun yarn 錦綸紗
polyamide transparent sewing thread 錦綸透明縫紉線
polyamide tufted carpet 聚酰胺絨頭地毯
polyamide yarn 聚酰胺纖維紗
polyamide 聚酰胺
polyamide-coated glass fibre 聚酰胺涂層的玻璃纖維
polyamide-imide fibre 聚酰胺亞胺纖維
polyamide-imide resin 聚酰胺酰亞胺樹脂
polyamide-imide 聚酰胺-酰亞胺
polyamidoester fibre 聚酰胺酯纖維
polyamine fibre 聚胺纖維
polyamine methylene resin 聚氨甲烯樹脂
polyamine 聚胺
polyaminostyrene 聚氨苯乙烯
polyaralkyl-phenolic molding compound 聚酚醚模壓塑料
Polyart 高密度聚乙烯合成紙
polyaryl sulfone 聚芳基砜
polyase 聚合酶
polyatomic acid 多元酸
polyatomic alcohol 多元醇
polyatomic phenol 多元酚
polyatron 多陽極計數(shù)放電管
polyazanaphthlene 多氮雜萘
polyazine fibre 聚吖嗪纖維
polyazomethine fibre 聚甲亞胺纖維
polybasic acid 多元酸
polybasic alcohol 多元醇
polybasic carboxylic acid 多元羧酸
polybasic ester 多元酸的酯
polybenzarsol 聚苯胂酸
polybenzimidazole fibre 聚苯并咪唑纖維
polybenzimidazoleamide fibre 聚苯并咪唑酰胺纖維
polyblend fibre 聚合物混紡纖維
Polybor-chlorate 復合氯酸鹽
polybutadiene rubber 聚丁二烯橡膠
polybutadiene 聚丁二烯
polybutylene terephalate resin 聚丁烯對酞酸鹽樹脂
polybutylenes 聚丁烯
polycaine 泊利卡因
polycaprolactone 聚巳酸內(nèi)酯
polycapryl lactam 聚辛內(nèi)酰胺
polycarbonate capacitor 聚碳酸酯電容器
polycarbonate core optical fibre 聚碳酸酯芯光纖
polycarbonate fibre 聚碳酸酯纖維
polycarbonate film 聚碳酸酯薄膜
polycarbonate resin 聚碳酸酯樹脂
polycarbonate safety hat 聚酯安全帽
polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯
polycarbonic ester plastics 聚碳酸酯塑料
polycarbophil 聚卡波非
Polycels dye 波利賽爾斯染料
polychloroprene foam 聚氯丁二烯泡沫
polychloroprene rubber for adhesive purpose 粘接用氯丁橡膠
polychloroprene rubber for general purpose 通用型氯丁橡膠
polychloroprene rubber 氯丁橡膠
polychloroprene 聚氯丁二烯
polychlorostyrene 聚氯苯乙烯
polychlorotrifluo-roethylene 聚三氟氯乙烯
polychlorovinyl enamel 氯乙烯磁漆
polychlorparaffin 多氯化石蠟
polychromatic fibre 熱敏變色纖維
polychromatic glass 多色彩飾玻璃
polychromator 多色儀
polychrome film 彩色膠卷
polycore flexible wire 多芯軟電線
polycot blend fabric 滌棉混紡布
polycrystallin diamond wire drawing die 多晶金剛石拉絲模
polycrystalline ceramics 多晶陶瓷
polycrystalline diamond compound bit 多晶金剛石復合鉆頭
polycrystalline diamond 多晶金剛石
polycrystalline fibre 多晶纖維
polycrystalline germanium 多晶鍺
polycrystalline laser 多晶激光器
polycrystalline man-made carbon fibre 多晶人造碳纖維
polycrystalline silicon 多晶硅
polydichlorostyrene 聚二氯苯乙烯
polydiene rubber 二烯橡膠
polydiene 聚二烯
polydiethyl siloxane fluid 聚二乙基硅油
polydiethylene glycol adipate 聚己二酸二乙二醇酯
polydiethylene glycol glutarate 聚戊二酸二乙二醇酯
polydiethylene glycol sebacate 聚癸二酸丁二醇酯
polydiethylene glycol succinate 聚琥珀酸乙二醇酯
polydimethyl butadiene 聚二甲丁二烯
polydimethyl siloxane fluid 聚二甲基硅油
polydiphenyl ether plastics 聚苯醚塑料
polydivinylbenzene 聚二乙烯基苯
polyene macrolide 多馬霉素
polyene primer 多烯底漆
polyene varnish 多烯清漆
polyene 多烯
polyester capacitor 聚酯電容器
polyester acrylic blended yarn 滌腈紗
polyester acrylic fancy suiting 滌腈花呢
polyester amino baking enamel 聚酯氨基烘漆
polyester amino non-toxic toy baking paint 聚酯氨基無毒玩具烘漆
polyester amino orange peel baking enamel 聚酯氨基瓣形烘漆
polyester and alkyd resin insulating baking varnish 聚酯醇酸烘干絕緣漆
polyester and amino baking varnish 聚酯氨基清烘漆
polyester and epoxy resin baking varnish 聚酯環(huán)氧樹脂烘干清漆
polyester bleached sewing thread on cone 滌綸漂白寶塔線
polyester brocade 滌綸花緞
polyester capacitor 聚酯電容器
polyester cellulose 聚酯纖維素
polyester celtic 海南綾
polyester chip 聚酯切片
polyester cotton batiste 滌棉綢
polyester cotton blended yarn 滌棉混紡紗
polyester crepe 滌綸縐
polyester different colour sewing thread on cones 滌綸多色寶塔線
polyester elastic filament oil 滌綸彈力絲油
polyester epoxy powder coating 聚酯環(huán)氧粉末涂料
polyester fancy suiting 純滌綸花呢
polyester fiber film 聚酯纖維薄膜
polyester fibre sewing thread 絳綸縫紉線
polyester fibre 聚酯纖維
polyester filament oil 滌綸長絲油
polyester film coated paper 聚酯薄膜紙
polyester film condenser 聚酯薄膜電容器
polyester film drawer 聚酯薄膜拉伸機
polyester film 聚酯薄膜
polyester filter gauze 滌綸過濾綢
polyester flower on twigs 滌綸枝花
polyester flower 滌綸花
polyester gauze 滌綸薄紗
polyester gingham 滌格紡
polyester insulating baking varnish 聚酯絕緣烘干清漆
polyester interlock jacquard 純滌綸雙面提花布
polyester knitwear 滌綸針織品
polyester low stretch yarn 滌綸低彈紗
polyester mesh shirt 滌綸網(wǎng)眼襯衫
polyester mock leno 滌絲透涼綢
polyester monofilament net 聚酯單絲網(wǎng)
polyester monofilament 聚酯單絲
polyester multifilament 滌綸復絲
polyester net 聚酯絲網(wǎng)
polyester panel 聚酯膠板
polyester photosensitive film 聚酯光敏膠片
polyester plain 特麗綸
polyester plywood 聚酯膠合板
polyester polynosic blended yarn 滌虎混紡紗
polyester pongee 滌絲紡
polyester powder coating 聚酯粉末涂料
polyester quick drying varnish 聚酯快干清漆
polyester ramie blended yarn 滌麻混紡紗
polyester ramie blending palace 滌麻派力司
polyester ramie tropical 滌麻薄花呢
polyester ready mixed paint 聚酯調(diào)和漆
polyester resin insulator 聚酯樹脂絕緣子
polyester resin varnish 聚酯樹脂清漆
polyester resin 聚酯樹脂
polyester satin brocade 滌綸花緞
polyester shameuse 光輝綢
polyester single jersey 滌綸汗布
polyester spinning oil 滌綸紡絲油
polyester spun thread 滌綸短纖維縫紉線
polyester staple fibre spun yarn 滌綸短纖維細紗
polyester staple fibre 滌綸短纖維
polyester striped batiste 滌絲直條綢
polyester substrate protective tape 聚酯不污染膠粘帶
polyester textile 聚酯纖維紡織品
polyester textured fabric 純滌綸仿毛織物
polyester thread 滌綸線
polyester twill faconne 滌絲綾
polyester twill 滌麗綾
polyester union gingham 華格紡
polyester varnish 聚酯清漆
polyester voile 全條綃
polyester yarn 滌綸紗
polyester 聚酯
polyester-blended tussah square 聚酯混紡呢
polyester-cored sewing thread 聚酯芯縫紉線
polyester-cotton bleached poplinette 滌棉漂白紗府綢
polyester-cotton blended fabric 滌棉混紡織物
polyester-cotton blended short shirt 滌棉混紡色短袖衫
polyester-cotton cambric grey fabric 滌棉細布坯布
polyester-cotton collar detergent 滌領(lǐng)凈
polyester-cotton denim 滌棉粗斜紋布
polyester-cotton poplin with tender lustre 滌棉柔光府綢布
polyester-filling fancy tussah 星月綢
polyester-vinylon-viscose blended fabric 滌-維-粘混紡織物
polyester-viscose blended fabric 滌-粘混紡織物
polyester-viscose blended yarn 滌粘混紡紗
polyester-viscose fancy suiting 滌粘花呢
polyester-viscose mixed nacre window holland 滌粘交織珠光窗簾布
polyester-viscose wool-like fancy suiting for women 滌粘仿毛女花呢
polyester-viscose worsted flannel 滌粘精紡法蘭絨
polyester-viscose-acetate blended fabric 滌-粘-醋混紡織物
polyesteramide fibre 聚酰胺酯纖維
polyesteramide 聚酰胺酯
polyetadene 聚依他定
polyethene top-side paint 聚乙烯船殼漆
polyether diols 二羥基聚醚邊
polyether ester fibre 聚醚酯纖維
polyether 聚醚
polyethersulfone 聚苯醚砜
polyethylene anti-corrosion paint 聚乙烯防腐漆
polyethylene bag production line 塑料袋生產(chǎn)線
polyethylene bag 聚乙烯袋
polyethylene bottle 聚乙烯瓶
polyethylene capacitor 聚乙烯電容器
polyethylene diphthalate condenser 苯二甲酸聚乙烯介質(zhì)電容器
polyethylene drum 聚乙烯桶
polyethylene fiber 聚乙烯纖維
polyethylene film 聚乙烯薄膜
polyethylene glycol mono stearate 聚乙二醇單硬脂酸酯
polyethylene glycol 聚乙二醇
polyethylene imine resin 聚乙烯亞胺樹脂
polyethylene laminated cellophane 聚乙烯玻璃紙
polyethylene oil 聚乙烯油
polyethylene oxide 聚氧化乙烯
polyethylene pipe 聚乙烯管
polyethylene resin 聚乙烯樹脂
polyethylene rope 聚乙烯繩
polyethylene solid insulated cord 聚乙烯實心絕緣軟線
polyethylene spirochaeta monld fungus 聚乙烯螺旋霉素菌種
polyethylene terephthalate film condenser 聚對苯二甲酸乙酯薄膜電容器
polyethylene tube 聚乙烯管
polyethylene varnish 聚乙烯清漆
polyethylene wash primer 聚乙烯洗滌底漆
polyethylene wax 聚乙烯蠟
polyethylene yarn 聚乙烯紗線
polyethylene 聚乙烯
polyethylene-insulated cable 聚乙烯絕緣電纜
polyethylene-insulated coaxial cable 聚乙烯絕緣同軸電纜
polyethylene-insulated high frequency coaxial cable 聚乙烯絕緣高頻同軸電纜
polyethylene-polyvinyl chloride insulated wire 聚乙烯-聚氯乙烯絕緣線
polyferose 多糖鐵
polyfilament yarn 復絲紗線
Polyfilene 波利菲綸聚丙烯纖維
polyflon 聚四氟乙烯樹脂
polyfluoroethylene fibre 聚氟乙烯纖維
polyfoam 泡沫塑料
Polyfons 本質(zhì)素磺酸鹽
polyformaldehyde fibre 聚甲醛纖維
polyformaldehyde 聚甲醛
polyfunctional food additive gluono-deltalactone 多功能食品添加劑
Polygala Japonica Houtt. 竹葉地丁
Polygala 遠志
polygeline 聚明膠肽
polyglass 苯乙烯玻璃
polyglycerin ester 聚甘油酯
polyglycol ether 聚乙二醇醚
polyglycol 聚乙二醇
polyglycolic acid 聚乙醇酸
polygonal pulley 多邊形滑車
Polygonatum Canaliculatum 黃精
polygonum multiflorum Thunb. 何首烏
polygraph 復寫器
polyheteroarylenimide fibre 聚雜芳撐酰亞胺纖維
polyhydrazide-amide fibre 聚酰肼酰胺纖維
polyhydric alcohol conjugate polyether 多元醇組合聚醚
polyhydroxy ether 聚羥基醚
polyimide coated optical fiber 聚酰亞胺涂覆光纖
polyimide enamelled copper wire 聚酰亞氨漆包銅線
polyimide fiber 聚酰亞胺纖維
polyimide film 聚酰亞胺薄膜
polyimide 聚酰亞胺
polyisobutylene plastics 聚異丁烯塑料
polyisobutylene 聚異丁烯
polyisoprene 聚異戊二烯
polyketone 聚酮
polykor 烯烴纖維
Polyloom 波利洛姆烯烴纖維
polymer grade ethylene 聚合級乙烯
polymer paper 合成紙
polymer-blend fibre 聚合物混紡纖維
polymer-clad fiber 聚合物包層纖維
polymeric detergent 聚合清潔劑
polymeric dye 聚合染料
polymerization catalyst 聚合催化劑
polymerization regulator 聚合調(diào)節(jié)劑
polymerization resin 聚合樹脂
polymerized chinese lacquer 聚合大漆
polymerized gasoline 聚合汽油
polymerized hydrocarbon fibre 聚烴化合物纖維
polymerized oil 聚合油
polymerized pitch 聚合瀝青
polymerized rosin 聚合松香
polymerizer 聚合劑
polymerizing pot 聚合釜
polymeter 多能濕度計
polymethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸酯
polymethyl acrylate paste 聚丙烯酸甲酯漿料
polymethyl acrylate 聚丙烯酸甲酯
polymethyl methacrylate core optical fiber 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯纖芯光纖
polymethyl methacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯
polymethylphenyl siloxane fluid 苯甲基硅油
polymyxin 多粘菌素
Polynactin complex 素酯混劑
polynaphthenic acid 聚環(huán)烷酸
polynomial computer 多項式計算機
polynosic fabric 富纖織物
polynosic plain cloth 富纖平布
polynosic 富纖
polynoxylin 聚諾昔林
polyolefin fibre 聚烯烴纖維
polyolefin monofilament 聚烯烴單絲
polyolefine resin 聚烯烴樹脂
polyorganosiloxane 聚硅氧烷
polyorganostannosiloxane 聚有機錫硅氧烷
polyoxamide fibre 聚草酰胺纖維
polyoxamide 聚二乙酰胺
Polyoxin 多氧霉素
polyoxyethylenated castor oil 聚氧乙烯化蓖麻油
polyoxyethylene alkyl ether ammonium sulfate 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸銨
polyoxyethylene fibre 聚氧乙烯纖維
polyoxyethylene glyceryl borate oleic acid ester 聚氧乙烯丙三醇硼酸酯油酸酯
polyoxyethylene lauryl sulfate triethanolamine salt 月桂醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸三乙醇胺鹽
polyoxyethylene xylitan monostearate 聚氧乙烯木糖醇酐單硬脂酸酯
polyoxyethylene 聚氧化乙烯
polyoxymethylene filament 聚甲醛長絲
polyparahydroxybenzoic acid 聚對羥基苯甲酸酯
Polyphaga Sp. 地鱉蟲
polyphase alternator 多相交流發(fā)電機
polyphase asynchronous motor 多相異步電動機
polyphase commutator machine 多相整流子電機
polyphase commutator motor 多相換向器電動機
polyphase converter 多相換流機
polyphase deflecting coil 多相偏轉(zhuǎn)線圈
polyphase generator 多相發(fā)電機
polyphase induction motor 多相感應(yīng)電動機
polyphase induction regulator 多相電感調(diào)節(jié)器
polyphase liposomine 多相油酸酯質(zhì)體
polyphase meter 多相電度表
polyphase motor 多相電動機
polyphase rectifier 多相整流器
polyphase rotary converter 多相旋轉(zhuǎn)變流器
polyphase series motor 多相串激電動機
polyphase shunt motor 多相并勵電動機
polyphase solid rotor reluctance machine 多相固態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)子磁阻電機
polyphase synchronous generator 多相同步發(fā)電機
polyphase transformer 多相變壓器
polyphase watthour meter 多相瓦特小時計
polyphase wattmeter 多相瓦特計
polyphase winding 多相繞組
polyphenol-aldehyde fibre 聚酚醛纖維
polyphenyl ester 聚苯酯
polyphenyl ether 聚苯醚
polyphenylene methyl 聚甲基苯
polyphenylene oxide 聚苯醚
polyphenylene sulfide 聚苯硫醚
polyphenylene terephthalamide fibre 聚對苯二甲酰對苯二胺纖維
polyphenylether fibre 聚苯醚纖維
polypheylene ethyl 聚乙基苯
polyphosphoric acid 多聚磷酸
polyplane 多翼飛機
polyplexer 天線互換器
polypole induction motor 多極感應(yīng)電動機
polypollen oral liquor 聚花寶口服液
Polypro 波利普羅聚丙烯纖維
polypropylene capacitor 聚丙烯電容器
polypropylene band packing machine 塑料帶打包機
polypropylene condenser 聚丙烯電容器
polypropylene cotton blended yarn 丙棉混紡紗
polypropylene fibre carpet adhesive 丙綸地毯膠
polypropylene fibre 聚丙烯纖維
polypropylene filament oil 丙綸復絲油
polypropylene filament yarn 丙綸長絲
polypropylene film bag maker 制聚丙烯薄膜袋機
polypropylene film bag 聚丙烯薄膜袋
polypropylene filter gauze 丙綸過濾綢
polypropylene glycol 聚丙二醇
polypropylene pile 丙綸絨
polypropylene rope for ship 船用聚丙烯繩
polypropylene sewing thread 丙綸縫紉線
polypropylene staple fibre spun yarn 丙綸紗
polypropylene woven bag 聚丙烯編織袋
polypropylene 聚丙烯
polypyrron fibre 聚吡嚨纖維
polyquinoxaline amide fibre 聚喹喔啉酰胺纖維
Polyram combi 代森聯(lián)
Polyram Z 代森鋅
Polyram 代森聯(lián)
Polyram-Ultra 福美雙
polyreflet 多向反光長毛絨
polysaccharide sulfate tablet 藻酸雙酯鈉片
polysaccharide sulphate 藻酸雙酯鈉
polysiloxane cladding fiber 聚硅氧烷包層光纖
polysiloxane emulsion 有機硅乳劑
polysiloxane 聚硅氧烷
polysiloxanerubber 聚硅氧烷橡膠
Polysma 波利斯馬聚酯纖維
polysnlfone 聚砜
polysorbate 聚山梨酸酯
polystage amplifier 多級放大器
polyster fibre sewing thread 滌綸縫紉線
polyster 聚酯
polysterflax blended yarn 滌麻混紡紗
polysterol polystyrene 聚苯乙烯
Polystream 多氯苯
polystyrene capacitor 聚苯乙烯電容器
polystyrene acrylic exterior wall latex paint 聚丙外墻乳膠涂料
polystyrene alloy 聚苯乙烯合金
polystyrene capacitor 聚苯乙烯電容器
polystyrene core optical fiber 聚苯乙烯纖芯光纖
polystyrene fibre 聚苯乙烯纖維
polystyrene film capacitor 聚苯乙烯薄膜電容器
polystyrene foam plastics 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料
polystyrene foam 聚苯乙烯泡沫
polystyrene resin 聚苯乙烯樹脂
polystyrene sulfonate 聚磺苯乙烯
polystyrene varnish 聚苯乙烯漆
polystyrol 聚苯乙烯
polysulfide sealant 聚硫密封膠
polysulfonamide fibre 聚磺酰胺纖維
polysulfone fibre 聚砜纖維
polysulfone paper 聚砜紙
polysulphide rubber 聚硫橡膠
polyterpene resin 聚萜樹脂
polytetrafluoroethylene aqueous dispersion 聚四氟乙烯水分散液
polytetrafluoroethylene resin 聚四氟乙烯樹脂
polytetrafluoroethylene support 聚四氟乙烯載體
polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯
Polythane 波萊森彈性纖維
polythene and polypropylene rope for ship 聚乙烯和聚丙烯船用纜繩
polythene bag 聚乙烯袋
polythene bag-making machine 聚乙烯袋制機
polythene blown film bag 聚乙烯吹塑薄膜袋
polythene bottle 聚乙烯瓶
polythene coaxial RF cable 聚乙烯同軸射頻電纜
polythene drum 聚乙烯圓筒
polythene film bag 聚乙烯薄膜袋
polythene fishing net 聚乙烯漁網(wǎng)
polythene net 聚乙烯網(wǎng)
polythene polyfoam lifejacket 聚乙烯泡沫塑料救生衣
polythene sealing machine 聚乙烯封瓶機
polythene shrinkable film bag 聚乙烯可收縮薄膜袋
polythene tubular film bag 聚乙烯管形薄膜袋
polythene-foamed sheet bag 聚乙烯泡沫塑料片袋
polythiazide 泊利噻嗪
polythionic acid 連多硫酸
Polytie 波利泰聚丙烯纖維
polytrifluoro-chloro ethylene 聚三氟氯乙烯
polytrifluorochloroethylene fibre 聚三氟氯乙烯纖維
polyurea fibre 聚脲纖維
polyurethane adhesive for shoes 聚氨酯鞋用膠粘劑
polyurethane adhesive 聚氨酯膠粘劑
polyurethane bituminous paint 聚氨酯瀝青漆
polyurethane coating 聚氨酯涂料
polyurethane elastic baking enamal 聚氨酯彈性烘干磁漆
polyurethane elastic sealant 聚氨酯彈性密封膠
polyurethane electric conductive paint 聚氨酯導電漆
polyurethane enamel for wood furniture 聚氨酯家具磁漆
polyurethane enamel 聚氨酯瓷釉
polyurethane enamelled copper wire 聚氨酯漆包銅線
polyurethane fiber 聚氨酯纖維
polyurethane finish 聚氨酯罩面漆
polyurethane flat paint 聚氨酯亞光漆
polyurethane foam 泡沫聚氨酯
polyurethane hammer finish 聚氨酯錘紋漆
polyurethane leather patching agent 聚氨酯皮革補傷劑
polyurethane leather 聚氨酯合成革
polyurethane micaceous iron oxide primer 聚氨酯云母氧化鐵底漆
polyurethane oil cabin finish 聚氨基甲酸酯油艙面漆
polyurethane oil cabin primer 聚氨基甲酸酯油艙底漆
polyurethane oil proof paint 聚氨酯耐油面漆
polyurethane paint 聚氨酯漆
polyurethane plastics 聚氨酯塑料
polyurethane putty 聚氨酯膩子
polyurethane resin 聚氨基甲酸酯樹脂
polyurethane rubber 聚氨酯橡膠
polyurethane sole shoes 聚氨酯底鞋
polyurethane spray kit 聚氨酯噴射器
polyurethane varnish for wood furniture 聚氨酯家具清漆
polyurethane varnish 聚氨酯清漆
polyurethane 聚氨基甲酸乙酯
polyvidone 聚維酮
polyvinil chloride insulated wire 聚氯乙烯絕緣電線
polyvinil enamelled copper wire 聚乙烯漆包銅線
polyvinil insulated cable 聚乙烯絕緣電纜
polyvinox 聚維諾司
polyvinyl acetal resin 聚乙烯醇縮醛樹脂
polyvinyl acetate emulsion unit 聚醋酸乙烯酯乳液裝置
polyvinyl acetate emulsion 聚醋酸乙烯酯乳液
polyvinyl acetate 聚醋酸乙烯酯
polyvinyl acetic acid 聚乙烯基醋酸
polyvinyl alcohol cotton blended yarn 維棉混紡紗
polyvinyl alcohol fiber 聚乙烯醇纖維
polyvinyl alcohol filament yarn 聚乙烯醇長絲
polyvinyl alcohol staple fibre spun yarn 維綸紗
polyvinyl alcohol 聚乙烯醇
polyvinyl anti-carburant varnish 聚乙烯對碳清漆
polyvinyl butyral cementing agent 聚乙烯醇縮丁醛粘合劑
polyvinyl butyral fiber 聚乙烯醇縮丁醛纖維
polyvinyl butyral 聚乙烯醇縮丁醛
polyvinyl chloride acetate 聚氯乙烯-醋酸酯
polyvinyl chloride blanket 聚氯乙烯毯
polyvinyl chloride cable 聚氯乙烯電纜
polyvinyl chloride compound 聚氯乙烯混合劑
polyvinyl chloride fibre 聚氯乙烯纖維
polyvinyl chloride film 聚氯乙烯薄膜
polyvinyl chloride flange case 聚氯乙烯法蘭罩
polyvinyl chloride foam plactics 聚氯乙烯泡沫塑料
polyvinyl chloride insulated wire 聚氯乙烯絕緣線
polyvinyl chloride leather shoes 聚氯乙烯革鞋
polyvinyl chloride pipe 聚氯乙烯水管
polyvinyl chloride polyfoam lifejacket 聚氯乙烯泡沫救生衣
polyvinyl chloride resin 聚氯乙烯樹脂
polyvinyl chloride staple fibre spun yarn 氯綸紗
polyvinyl chloride suede gloves 聚氯乙烯充麂皮手套
polyvinyl chloride tube 聚氯乙烯管
polyvinyl chloride vainish 聚氯乙烯清漆
polyvinyl chloride water hose 聚氯乙烯水管
polyvinyl chloride wire 聚氯乙烯絕緣線
polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯
polyvinyl cinnamate 聚乙烯肉桂酸酯
polyvinyl cyclohexene 聚乙烯環(huán)己烷
polyvinyl ether 聚乙烯醚
polyvinyl fluoride fibre 聚氟乙烯纖維
polyvinyl fluoride 聚氟乙烯
polyvinyl formal acetal 聚乙烯醇縮甲乙醛
polyvinyl formal fiber 聚乙烯醇縮甲醛纖維
polyvinyl formal high strength wire coating 聚乙烯醇縮甲醛高強度漆包線漆
polyvinyl formal wire 聚乙烯醇縮甲醛絕緣線
polyvinyl formal 聚乙烯醇縮甲醛
polyvinyl formate 聚甲酸乙烯酯
polyvinyl resin 聚乙烯樹脂
polyvinyl synthetic fibre 聚乙烯類合成纖維
polyvinyl 聚乙烯
polyvinyl-chloride insulated shielding wire 聚氯乙烯絕緣屏蔽線
polyvinylidene chloride fibre 聚偏二氯乙烯纖維
polyvinylidene chloride 聚偏二氯乙烯
polyvinylidene cyanide fibre 聚偏氰乙烯纖維
polyvinylidene dinitrile fibre 聚偏氰乙烯纖維
polyvinylidene fluoride 聚偏氟乙烯
polyvinylmethyl ether plastics 聚乙烯甲基醚塑料
polyvinylpyridine oxide 克矽平
Polyweave 波利韋夫聚丙烯薄膜纖維
Polyweb 波利韋布聚丙烯纖維
polyyne eyelet bag 聚炔烴網(wǎng)眼袋
pomade for cosmetic purpose 化妝用潤發(fā)脂
pomade 發(fā)蠟
Pomaral 福美雙
Pomarsol 福美雙
Pomasol forte 福美雙
Pomasol Z forte 福美鋅
Pomasol 福美雙
pomegranate peel 石榴皮
pomegranate 石榴
pomelo oil 柚皮油
pomelo peel in malt sugar 麥芽糖柚皮
pomelo 柚子
Pomerol 波默羅葡萄酒
Pomet 玻密特燒結(jié)純鐵
pomfret in brine 咸水銀鯧魚
pomfret in tomato sauce 茄汁銀鯧魚
pomfret 銀鯧魚
Pommard 苞瑪紅葡萄酒
pommelled horse 鞍馬
pompadour gros de tour 杜爾橫棱綢
pompadour serge 小花卉紋嗶嘰
pompeian velvet 龐貝真絲絲絨
pompon 絨球
ponceau 麗春紅
poncho cloth 防雨厚毛毯
poncho 穗飾披巾
Pond's cold cream 旁氏冷霜
Pond's skin care cream 旁氏護膚霜
Ponds 旁氏防皺霜
pongee cocoon 蓖麻繭
pongee imperial 厚重光亮絲府綢
pongee print 棉印花細布
pongee satin 柞飛綢
pongee silk 柞絲綢
pongee spun silk 桑絹紡綢
pongee 山東府綢
ponson velvet 龐森絲絨
Pontaic 彭梯克牌手表
Pontiac Firebird 朋雪克-金駒鳥牌汽車
pontiac 深灰針織防雨呢
pontocaine 潘妥卡因
pontoon crane 水上起重機
Pontova 蓬托瓦粘膠草桿纖維
pony cloth 仿馬皮長毛絨
pony excavator 小型挖掘機
pony motor 輔助電動機
pony pieces skin plate 馬駒皮褥子
pony pump 小型泵
pony roll cutter 切盤紙機
pony rougher 預軋機
pony skin cushion 馬駒皮靠墊
pony skin plate 馬駒皮褥子
pony skin 馬駒皮
pony truck 小型轉(zhuǎn)向架
Pony 小馬牌汽車
pool conveyer 環(huán)形輸送機
pool-cathode rectifier 汞弧整流器
pool-cathode tube 汞弧陰極整流管
Poole cloth 普爾光面呢
poormitton 花卉紋開士米披巾
pop safety valve 緊急安全閥
pop-off valve 爆脫閥
popcorn machine 爆谷機
popcorn 爆玉米花
poplin bra 府綢乳罩
poplin broche 花府綢
poplin lama 拉瑪毛府綢
poplin slip-over parka 府綢套頭派克大衣
poplin 府綢
poplinette 紗府綢
popparoni 變形醋酯絲
popped glutinous rice 炮谷花
poppet valve steam engine 升降閥蒸汽機
poppet valve 提升閥
poppet-valve engine 提閥式發(fā)動機
poppet-valve indicator 提閥閥位指示器
popular electron microscope 普及型電子顯微鏡
popular quality woollen carpet 大眾化羊毛地毯
popular slip 普通套裙
popular washdown water closet 通用沖式坐廁
poral 波拉呢
porcelain wire wound resistor 瓷線繞電阻器
porcelain accessory 瓷配件
porcelain alloy cutter 瓷合金刀具
porcelain antenna insulator 瓷天線絕緣子
porcelain ball for graining machine 磨板機用瓷球
porcelain ball mill 瓷球磨機
porcelain bead 瓷珠
porcelain beaker 磁燒杯
porcelain bobbin insulator 瓷繞線管絕緣子
porcelain bushing 瓷套管
porcelain capacitor 陶瓷電容器
porcelain carving 瓷雕
porcelain casserol 瓷勺皿
porcelain cement 瓷質(zhì)膠粉
porcelain clad circuit breaker 瓷罩式斷流器
porcelain clad current transformer 瓷罩式電流互感器
porcelain clay 瓷土
porcelain combustion boat 瓷燃燒舟
porcelain combustion tube 瓷燃燒管
porcelain condenser 陶瓷電容器
porcelain covered connector 瓷接線盒
porcelain crucible 陶瓷坩堝
porcelain cup 瓷杯
porcelain dinner-ware 瓷器餐具
porcelain disc resistor 瓷盤電阻器
porcelain elbow tube 瓷彎管
porcelain enamal 搪瓷
porcelain filter 陶瓷濾波器
porcelain filtering funnel 瓷過濾漏斗
porcelain filtering stick 瓷過濾棒
porcelain for daily use 日用瓷
porcelain for hotel use 旅館用瓷
porcelain fuse box 瓷保險絲盒
porcelain glaze 瓷釉
porcelain head screw 瓷頭螺絲
porcelain imitation mug with cover 帶蓋仿瓷杯
porcelain insulator 瓷絕緣子
porcelain insulator 陶瓷絕緣子
porcelain jar 瓷罐
porcelain jewellery 瓷首飾
porcelain knob 瓷紐
porcelain mask 瓷面具
porcelain mortar 瓷研缽
porcelain oblong fuse box 長方瓷保險絲盒
porcelain pillow 瓷枕
porcelain plug fuse 瓷插入式熔絲
porcelain plug 瓷插頭
porcelain pot 瓷罐
porcelain receptacle 瓷插座
porcelain roller 瓷輥
porcelain sandstone 瓷砂石
porcelain screw thread tube 螺紋磁管
porcelain seal-packing equipment 陶瓷封裝專用設(shè)備
porcelain shell for cable terminal box 電纜終端盒瓷套
porcelain shell for cable 電纜瓷套
porcelain shell for capacitor 電容器瓷套
porcelain shell for circuit breaker 斷路器瓷套
porcelain shell for current mutual inductor 電流互感器瓷套
porcelain shell for transformer bushing 變壓器套管瓷套
porcelain shell for transformer 變壓器瓷套
porcelain shell for voltage mutual inductor 電壓互感器瓷套
porcelain sleeve 瓷套管
porcelain split knob 分裂瓷鈕
porcelain spool insulator 瓷絕緣子線軸
porcelain stand-off insulator 高腳瓷瓶
porcelain stone 瓷石
porcelain telephone insulator 電話用瓷瓶
porcelain thermocouple protecting tube 熱電偶瓷保護管
porcelain tile 瓷磚
porcelain tooth 瓷牙
porcelain trap valve 陶瓷過濾閥
porcelain two-arrow triode 陶瓷雙列三極管
porcelain vase 瓷花瓶
porcelain wall bushing 穿墻瓷套管
porcelain ware 瓷器
porcelain water-proof cord switch 瓷防水拉線開關(guān)
porcelain 瓷器
porcelain-arm insulator 瓷橫擔絕緣子
porcelain-sealed silicon diode 陶瓷密封硅二極管
porcelain-sealed transistor 陶瓷封裝晶體管
porcelainite 莫來石
porcelainware for daily use 日用瓷器
porch and deck paint 廊臺平臺漆
porcupine opener 豪豬式開棉機
porcupine 豪豬
pore pressure gauge 孔隙水壓力計
porfiromycin 泊非羅霉素
porgee 粗印度綢緞
Poria cocos Wolff 茯苓
pork and bamboo shoot 豬肉筍
pork and bean in tomato sauce 茄汁黃豆豬肉
pork chop soup with lotus root 蓮藕排骨湯
pork cooked in sauce 紅燒豬肉
pork cube with bamboo shoot 竹筍肉丁
pork in natural juice 原汁豬肉
pork in tomato sauce 茄汁豬肉
pork leg with mushroom 香菇豬肘
pork liver paste 豬肝醬
pork liver sausage 豬肝臘腸
pork loin 豬大排骨
pork luncheon meat 豬肉午餐肉
pork paste with mushroom 香菇肉醬
pork pie hat 套疊式平頂帽
pork products 豬肉制品
pork sausage 豬肉香腸
pork skinning machine 剝豬皮機
pork stewed in sauce 紅燒豬肉
pork stomach soup with dried bean curd skim 豬肚腐竹湯
pork tendon 豬蹄筋
pork trotter with ginger and vinegar 姜醋豬蹄
pork with arrow root 木薯扣肉
pork with preserved vegetable 腌菜豬肉
porker 食用豬
Porlan 波爾綸聚氨基甲酸酯纖維
poromer 透氣性合成革
poromerics 多孔人造革
porometer 氣孔計
porosimeter 孔隙率測定儀
porosity testing machine 透氣性試驗機
porositytester 孔隙率檢驗器
porous antitoxic clothing 透氣防毒服
porous bearing 多孔軸承
porous bronze bearing 多孔青銅軸承
porous bronze 多孔青銅合金
porous cast iron 多孔鑄鐵
porous ceramics 多孔陶瓷
porous coke 多孔焦炭
porous cup tensiometer 多孔杯張力儀
porous fibre 多孔纖維
porous filter cylinder 多孔濾筒
porous filter 多孔過濾器
porous glass 多孔性玻璃
porous metal filter 多孔金屬過濾器
porous paper 多孔紙
porous plug 多孔塞
porous rubber 微孔橡膠
porous wheel 多孔砂輪
porous-foil electrolytic capacitor 多孔箔片電解電容器
porous-stone 吸水石
porphyritic granite 斑狀花崗巖
Porsch 波爾舍牌汽車
port circulating pump 港口循環(huán)泵
port engine 滑閥式發(fā)動機
port glass 葡萄酒杯
port maintenance engineering vehicle 港口維修工程車
Port Philip wool 菲利普港羊毛
Port Wine 缽酒
port-scavenged engine 氣孔掃氣式發(fā)動機
portable acetylene generator 便攜式乙炔發(fā)生器
portable acidity meter 便攜式酸度計
portable air compressor 輕便空氣壓縮機
portable air painter 便攜式空氣涂漆機
portable air pollution analyzer 便攜式空氣污染分析儀
portable air velocity meter 便攜式氣流速度計
portable aluminium alloy cabinet 便攜式鋁合金箱
portable ambient air analyzer 便攜式環(huán)境空氣分析儀
portable ammeter 便攜式安培表
portable amplifier 便攜式放大器
portable antenna 移動天線
portable arc welder 輕便弧焊機
portable arc welding machine 便攜式弧焊機
portable area monitor 便攜式地面輻射監(jiān)測儀
portable asphalt plant 移動式地瀝青拌和設(shè)備
portable auger conveyor 輕便式螺旋輸送器
portable automatic gas monitor 便攜式自動瓦斯監(jiān)測儀
portable automatic tide gauge 便攜式自動潮汐計
portable axial flow ventilator 便攜式軸流通風機
portable barometer 輕便氣壓計
portable batcher plant 移動式分批調(diào)拌設(shè)備
portable battery 手提電池
portable belt conveyor 移動式皮帶運輸機
portable blower 手提鼓風機
portable box for telecommunication measuring 輕便電信測量箱
portable Brinell hardness tester 攜帶式布氏硬度計
portable brush cutter 輕便除草機
portable calibrator 手提式校正儀
portable carbon monoxide monitor 便攜式一氧化碳監(jiān)測器
portable cassette type FM-AM recorder-receiver 便攜式盒式調(diào)頻調(diào)幅收錄機
portable charger 手提式充電機
portable ciphering unit 便攜式加密機
portable circular saw 手提式圓鋸
portable compass indicator 便攜式羅盤指示器
portable compensated ground monitor 便攜式補償法地面監(jiān)測儀
portable composite analyzer 便攜式綜合分析儀
portable compressor 移動式壓縮機
portable computer 便攜式計算機
portable conveyer 移動式運輸機
portable CO^2 laser cure instrument 便攜式二氧化碳激光治療機
portable crane 輕便起重機
portable data loader 便攜式數(shù)據(jù)加載器
portable DC ammeter 便攜式直流電流表
portable derrick crane 輕便轉(zhuǎn)臂起重機
portable derrick 輕便鉆塔
portable diagnostic X-ray unit 輕便診斷X射線機
portable diesel driving stirrer 移動式柴油機驅(qū)動拌和機
portable digital infrared thermometer 便攜式紅外線數(shù)字溫度計
portable digital radiometer 便攜式數(shù)字輻射計
portable digital voltameter 便攜式數(shù)字伏安計
portable dissolved oxygen meter 便攜式溶氧監(jiān)測儀
portable double band projector 手提雙頻帶放映機
portable downdraft submersible pump 便攜下吸式潛水泵
portable drill 便攜式鉆機
portable drilling and tapping machine 輕便鉆孔攻絲機
portable drilling machine 輕便鑿巖機
portable drilling rig 便攜式鉆機
portable dust sampler 便攜式塵埃取樣器
portable eddy-current crack detector 便攜式渦流探傷儀
portable electric dental engine 輕便電動牙鉆
portable electric drill 手提式電鉆
portable electric driving stirrer 移動式電力驅(qū)動拌和機
portable electric iron 便攜式電熨斗
portable electrical drilling machine 輕便電鉆機
portable electromyograph 輕便型肌電描記器
portable electronic typewriter 便攜式電子打字機
portable electrostatic painting machine 便攜式靜電噴漆機
portable emergency transceiver 便攜式應(yīng)急收發(fā)信機
portable engine 輕便發(fā)動機
portable engineering drill 輕便工程鉆機
portable enlarger 便攜式放大機
portable explosion-proof digital level gauge 便攜式防爆數(shù)字液位儀
portable explosion-proof gas detector 便攜式防爆瓦斯探測器
portable extinguisher 輕便式滅火器
portable field reflectance spectrometer 輕便式場反射率分光儀
portable field spectrometer 便攜式場能譜儀
portable field-strength meter 便攜式場強儀
portable fire extinguisher 手提式滅火機
portable fire pump 手搖消防泵
portable floor crane 輕便落地吊車
portable fluorescent lamp 便攜式熒光燈
portable G-M survey meter 便攜式蓋格-彌勒放射性監(jiān)測儀
portable galvanometer 便攜式測流計
portable gamma spectrum meter 便攜式γ譜儀
portable gas chromatograph 便攜式氣相色譜儀
portable gas sampling meter 便攜式氣體采樣儀
portable generator set 便攜式發(fā)電機組
portable generator 移動式發(fā)電機
portable grinder 手提式砂輪機
portable grinding wheel 移動式磨輪
portable hack saw machine 移動式弓鋸床
portable halogen cine projector 便攜式鹵素電影放映機
portable hand-controlled heart and lung resuscitating device 便攜式手控心肺復蘇裝置
portable impact compactor 手提式?jīng)_擊壓實機
portable infrared gas analyzer 便攜式紅外氣體分析儀
portable insulation tester 攜帶式絕緣測試儀
portable iontophoreser 輕便型離子透入器
portable iron 攜帶式熨斗
portable irrigator 輕便噴灌機
portable ladder 輕便梯
portable lamp transformer 輕便型燈變壓器
portable language laboratory 小型語言試驗室
portable laser rangefinder 便攜式激光測距機
portable laser 便攜式激光器
portable light marine fender 手提式輕型船用碰墊
portable lighter 輕便燈
portable liquid level detector 便攜式液位檢測器
portable magnetic recorder 便攜式磁記錄器
portable magnetic susceptibility meter 便攜式磁化率測定器
portable magnetic tape recorder 攜帶式磁帶記錄儀
portable magneto-telephone switch board 便攜式磁石電話交換機
portable microfilmer 輕便縮微攝影機
portable mircowave television transmission system 便攜式微波電視傳輸系統(tǒng)
portable mixer 移動式混合機
portable moisture monitor 便攜式水分監(jiān)測儀
portable monitor 便攜式監(jiān)護儀
portable motion picture camera 手提活動攝影機
portable motion picture projector 移動式電影放映機
portable motor 移動式電動機
portable optic-electronic tracker 手提式光電子跟蹤器
portable optical fiber cable 移動式光纜
portable oscillograph 便攜式示波器
portable oxygen generation bag 便攜式產(chǎn)氧袋
portable personal computer 便攜式個人計算機
portable pH meter 攜帶式氫離子計
portable phonograph 手提唱機
portable photo facsimile transmitter 便攜式照片傳真發(fā)送機
portable planer 移動式刨床
portable plant 移動式設(shè)備
portable poisonous gas monitor 便攜式有毒氣體監(jiān)測儀
portable polyurethane foam kit 便攜式聚氨酯發(fā)泡工具
portable potentiometer 便攜式電位計
portable precise acidimeter 便攜式精密酸度計
portable precision infrared radiation thermometer 便攜式紅外輻射精密測溫儀
portable pressure steam steriliazer 手提式壓力蒸氣消毒器
portable printer 便攜式打印機
portable pump 輕便泵
portable pyrometer 便攜式高溫機
portable radar performance tester 便攜式雷達性能檢測器
portable radar simulator 輕便雷達摸擬器
portable radiation survey meter 便攜式輻射監(jiān)測儀
portable radio set 便攜式收音機
portable radio telephone 攜帶式無線電話機
portable radio 便攜式收音機
portable ramming apparatus 手提夯實器
portable reactor 移動式反應(yīng)器
portable receiver 便攜式接收機
portable recorder 便攜式錄音機
portable recorder-receiver 便攜式收錄兩用機
portable recording wattmeter 攜帶式記錄瓦特表
portable refrigerator 攜帶式冰箱
portable resistance welder 移動式接觸焊機
portable respiration aiding machine 便攜式急救呼吸輔助器
portable riveter 手提壓鉚機
portable rock drill 手持式鑿巖機
portable Rockwell hardness tester 便攜式洛氏硬度計
portable rotation viscometer 便攜式旋轉(zhuǎn)粘度計
portable safe 手提保險箱
portable sample drill 手提式取樣鉆機
portable sampler 手提采樣器
portable sampling drill 便攜式取樣鉆機
portable scale 手提秤
portable scaler 便攜式定標器
portable screen 活動篩
portable screw conveyer 移動螺旋輸送機
portable seismic recorder 便攜式地震記錄儀
portable seismograph 便攜式地震儀
portable sewing machine 手提式縫紉機
portable shearing machine 手提式剪毛機
portable silver extracting instrument 便攜式提銀機
portable soil tester 便攜式土壤測試儀
portable sound film projector 移動式有聲電影放映機
portable sound grader 便攜式聲級計
portable sound slide projector 便攜式有聲幻燈機
portable spectrophotometer 便攜式分光光度計
portable spot welder 輕便點焊機
portable stacker 移動式裝載機
portable steam generator 移動式蒸汽發(fā)生器
portable steamer for fabric 輕便式織品汽蒸器
portable storage battery 便攜式蓄電池
portable switch 輕便轉(zhuǎn)轍器
portable telephone set 攜帶式電話機
portable telephone system 便攜式電話系統(tǒng)
portable telephone 攜帶式電話機
portable telescopic crane 輕便伸縮臂式起重機
portable television set 手提電視機
portable television transmitter 便攜式電視發(fā)射機
portable tester 便攜式測試儀
portable thresher 移動式脫粒機
portable trailer mounted drill rig 輕便拖車式鉆機
portable transcutaneous monitor 便攜式經(jīng)皮氧監(jiān)測儀
portable transmitter 輕便發(fā)射機
portable tripod 輕便三腳架
portable two-channel super-short-wave radio telephone 便攜式兩頻道超短波無線電話機
portable typewriter 便攜式打字機
portable ultrasonic diagnostic scanner 便攜式超聲診斷掃描儀
portable ultrasonic thickness meter 攜帶式超聲波測厚儀
portable ultraviolet radiator 輕便型紫外線輻射器
portable universal drilling machine 輕便萬能鉆床
portable versatile anesthesia machine 多功能輕便麻醉機
portable video camera 便攜式攝像機
portable video recorder 攜帶式錄像機
portable video tape recorder 手提式磁帶錄像機
portable voltmeter 攜帶式伏特計
portable washer 便攜式洗衣機
portable water heater 手提式熱水器
portable water jacket downdraft submersible pump 便攜水套下吸式潛水泵
portable wattmeter 便攜式瓦特計
portable welder 輕便焊接器
portable welding gun 手提式焊槍
portable welding machine 輕便式電焊機
portable welding transformer 手提式焊接變壓器
portable winch 輕便絞車
portable wireless amplifier 便攜式無線放大器
portable word processor 便攜式字處理機
portable X-ray absorption analyzer 便攜式X射線吸收分析儀
portable X-ray analyzer 便攜式X射線分析儀
portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer 便攜式X射線熒光分析儀
portable X-ray fluorometer 輕便X射線熒光儀
portable X-ray machine 手提式X射線機
portable xenon cine projector 便攜式氙電影放映機
portable xenon halogen projector 手提式氙鹵素放映機
portable-plate scraper conveyer 移動刮板式輸送機
portal crane 龍門吊車
portal jib crane 門式起重機
portal milling cutter 龍門銑刀
portal reclaimer 龍門式回收機
portal robot 門式機器人
Portland cement 普通硅酸鹽水泥
portrait 肖像畫
position adjuster 調(diào)位器
position clutch 位置離合器
position feedback transducer 位置反饋傳感器
position finder 測位儀
position indicator 示位儀
position measuring device 位置測定器
position pin 定位銷
position sampler 脈位采樣器
position selector valve 位置選擇閥
position sensing photodetector 位置傳感光電探測器
position sensor 位置傳感器
position switch 位置開關(guān)
position transducer 位置傳感器
position type telemeter 位置式搖測計
position-filament micrometer 位絲測微計
position-sensitive coaxial Ge detector 位敏同軸鍺探測器
position-sensitive slow neutron detector 位敏慢中子探測器
positioned plug valve 定位旋塞閥
positioner 定位器
positioning bolt 定位螺栓
positioning fixture 定位夾具
positioning motor 位置控制電動機
positioning pin 定位銷
positioning relay 定位繼電器
positioning screw 定位螺釘
positive voltage relay 正序電壓繼電器
positive blower 正力吹風機
positive clutch 非摩擦離合器
positive colour film 彩色正片
positive displacement compressor 正排量壓縮機
positive displacement grout pump 排液灌漿泵
positive displacement meter 正排量式容積測定儀
positive displacement pump 正排量泵
positive displacement respirometer 正排量呼吸計
positive displacement self-priming progressive cavity rotary pump 正排量自吸分級腔螺旋形迥轉(zhuǎn)泵
positive displacement type flow meter 容積式流量計
positive dobby 積極式多臂機
positive feed drill 強制進料鉆床
positive feedback amplifier 正反饋放大器
positive film 正片
positive flow meter 正向流量計
positive lens 正透鏡
positive photoresist 正性光刻膠
positive plate 正極片
positive supercharger 正增壓器
positive terminal 正極接線柱
positive valve 正壓閥
positive-control thyratron 正壓控制閘流管
positive-grid oscillator 正柵振蕩器
positive-intrinsic-negative diode “正-本征-負”二極管
positive-phase-sequence component ammeter 正相序分量電流表
positive-phase-sequence component voltmeter 正相序分量電壓表
positive-pressure exhauster 正壓排氣機
positive-sequence current relay 正序電流繼電器
post crane 轉(zhuǎn)柱式起重機
post erecting car 立桿作業(yè)車
post hole borer 匙形取土器
post hole digger 匙形取土器
post hole spade 挖柱孔鍬
post insulator 柱式絕緣子
post paper 信紙
post parcel scale 包裹秤
post processor 后信息處理機
post-amplifier 后置放大器
post-bed double needle sewing machine 高縫臺雙針縫紉機
post-car 郵車
post-condenser 后冷凝器
post-detector amplifier 檢測器后置放大器
post-ferment safe pressure stabilization valve 后酵安全穩(wěn)壓閥
post-hole auger 挖柱孔鉆
post-ignition hood 二次點火器
post-thickener 后增稠器
post-type sewing machine 柱式縫紉機
postage meter 郵資計算器
postage stamp paper 郵票紙
postage stamp 郵票
postal counter 郵件計數(shù)器
postboat 郵船
postcard album 明信片簿
postcard bristol 明信片高級紙板
postcard paper 明信片紙
postcard projector 明信片映射器
poster board 廣告板
poster cloth 廣告招貼布
poster colour 廣告色
poster paper 廣告紙
poster rug 花碎呢地毯
posterior rhninoscope 后鼻鏡
posterior tooth composite resin 后牙復合樹脂
postin 普司丁拉絨毛呢
postrhinoscope 后鼻鏡
pot flower 盆花
pot furnace 坩堝爐
pot hat 硬頂禮帽
pot insulator 罐形絕緣子
pot landscapes 盆景
pot lid 壺蓋
pot linen 多匹縫接的亞麻布
pot mill 罐磨機
pot reeling machine 加捻繅絲機
pot scenery 盆景
pot spinning frame 離心式紡絲機
pot type burner 罐式燃燒器
pot valve pump 罐閥泵
pot with cow head cover 牛頭蓋壺
pot 坩堝
pot-holder 茶托
pot-spun rayon 離心紡人造絲
Pota fibre 波塔纖維
Potablan 殺草利
Potasan 撲打散
potash alum 明礬
potash bulb 鉀堿球管
potash chlorate 氯酸鉀
potash chloride 氯化鉀
potash feldspar 鉀長石
potash glass 鉀玻璃
potash mica 鉀云母
potash muriate 氯化鉀
potash spar 鉀長石
potash water 人造碳酸水
potash 鉀堿
potash-lead glass 鉀鉛玻璃
potash-lime glass 鉀鈣玻璃
potassic glass 鉀玻璃
potassic nitrate 硝酸鉀
potassium acetate 醋酸鉀
potassium acid carbonate 酸性碳酸鉀
potassium acid phosphate 磷酸氫二鉀
potassium acid phthalate 鄰苯二甲酸氫鉀
potassium alum 鉀礬
potassium aluminium silicate 鋁硅酸鉀
potassium aluminium sulfate 硫酸鋁鉀
potassium antimonyl tartrate 酒石酸氧銻鉀
potassium arsenite 亞砷酸鉀
potassium auricyanide 氰化金鉀
potassium benzoate 苯甲酸鉀
potassium benzohydroxamate 苯甲羧肟酸鉀
potassium bicarbonate 碳酸氫鉀
potassium bichromate 重鉻酸鉀
potassium bifluoride 氟化氫鉀
potassium bisulfate 硫酸氫鉀
potassium bisulfite 亞硫酸氫鉀
potassium bitartate 酒石酸氫鉀
potassium borate 硼酸鉀
potassium borohydride 硼氫化鉀
potassium bromate 溴酸鉀
potassium bromide 溴化鉀
potassium carbonate 碳酸鉀
potassium chlorate 氯酸鉀
potassium chloride tablet 氯化鉀片
potassium chloride 氯化鉀
potassium chlorite 亞氯酸鉀
potassium chloroaurate 氯金酸鉀
potassium chloroplatinate 氯鉑酸鉀
potassium chloroplatinite 氯亞鉑酸鉀
potassium chromate 鉻酸鉀
potassium chromium oxalate 草酸鉻鉀
potassium chromium sulfate 硫酸鉻鉀
potassium citrate dihydrogen 檸檬酸二氫鉀
potassium citrate 檸檬酸鉀
potassium cobaltinitrite 亞硝酸鈷鉀
potassium cobaltocyanade 氰酸鈷化鉀
potassium cyanate 氰酸鉀
potassium cyanide 氰化鉀
potassium dichromate 重鉻酸鉀
potassium dicyanoaurate 氰化亞金鉀
potassium dideuterium phosphate 磷酸二氘鉀
potassium dihydrogen arsenate 砷酸二氫鉀
potassium dihydrogen phosphate 磷酸二氫鉀
potassium dioxalate 草酸氫鹽鉀
potassium electrolyte analyzer 鉀電解質(zhì)分析儀
potassium ester 鉀酯
potassium ethide 乙基鉀
potassium ethoxide 乙醇鉀
potassium ethyl xanthate 乙基黃原酸鉀
potassium ethylate 乙醇鉀
potassium feldspar 鉀長石
potassium ferrate 高鐵酸鉀
potassium ferricyanide 鐵氰化鉀
potassium ferrite 鐵酸鉀
potassium ferrocyanide 亞鐵氰化鉀
potassium fluoborate 氟硼酸鉀
potassium fluoride 氟化鉀
potassium fluosilicate 氟硅酸鉀
potassium fluotantalate 氟鉭酸鉀
potassium fluotitanate 氟鈦酸鉀
potassium gallium sulfate 硫酸鎵鉀
potassium glucaldrate 葡鋁酸鉀
potassium gluconate 葡萄糖酸鉀
potassium humate 腐殖酸鉀
potassium hydrate 氫氧化鉀
potassium hydride 氫化鉀
potassium hydrogen carbonate 碳酸氫鉀
potassium hydrogen diiodate 碘酸氫鉀
potassium hydrogen oxalate 草酸氫鉀
potassium hydrogen phosphate 磷酸氫鉀
potassium hydrogen phthalate 苯二甲酸氫鉀
potassium hydrogen sulfate 硫酸氫鉀
potassium hydrogen tartrate 酒石酸氫鉀
potassium hydroxide 氫氧化鉀
potassium hypermanganate 高錳酸鉀
potassium hypochlorite 次氯酸鉀
potassium hypophosphite 次磷酸鉀
potassium iodate 碘酸鉀
potassium iodide starch test paper 碘化鉀淀粉試紙
potassium iodide 碘化鉀
potassium ion analyser 鉀離子分析器
potassium iso-propyl xanthate 異丙基黃原酸鉀
potassium manganate 錳酸鉀
potassium mercuric iodide 碘化汞鉀
potassium mercuric thiocyanate 硫氰酸汞鉀
potassium metabisulfite 焦亞硫酸鉀
potassium metal 金屬鉀
potassium metaphosphate 偏磷酸鉀
potassium methide 甲基鉀
potassium methoxide 甲醇鉀
potassium mica 鉀云母
potassium molybdate 鉬酸鉀
potassium mono-iso-butyl phthalate 鄰苯二甲酸單異丁酯鉀鹽