This Subscription Agreement (the "Agreement") is between Lawspirit, Inc. ("Lawspirit") and any purchaser or user ("Customer") ofLawspirit products and services that accepts the terms of thisAgreement (“Customer”). ||本《訂購協(xié)議》(以下簡稱本《協(xié)議》)由Lawspirit, Inc.(以下簡稱“lawspirit.com”)和同意接受本《協(xié)議》條款的“lawspirit.com公司”產(chǎn)品及服務(wù)的買方或使用人(以下簡稱“用戶”)簽訂。
The Effective Date of this Agreement is the earlier of the date thatCustomer accepts this Agreement or the date that Customer usesLawspirit's products or services. ||本《協(xié)議》的“生效日”為“用戶”接受本《協(xié)議》之日,或“用戶”使用“lawspirit.com”產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)之日(以其中較早發(fā)生之日為準(zhǔn))。
I. Terms and Conditions一、條款與條件A. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONSThe term “Services” as used in this Agreement means, collectively,the Support Services provided under the purchased subscription anddefined herein, RHN Services as defined herein, and any LearningServices purchased under this Agreement and defined herein. Theterm "Software" means the family of software products purchasedunder this Agreement and defined herein, if any. The term“Installed Systems” means the number of Systems on whichCustomer installs the Software. The term "System" means anyhardware on which the Software is installed, which may be, withoutlimitation, a server, a work station, a virtual machine, a blade, apartition or an engine, as applicable. The initial number of InstalledSystems is the number of copies of the Software that Customerpurchases. ||(一) 一般條款與條件本《協(xié)議》所稱“服務(wù)”系指在訂購范圍內(nèi)提供的本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的“支持服務(wù)”、“RHN 服務(wù)”,以及根據(jù)本《協(xié)議》購買的本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的任何“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”。“軟件”系指按本《協(xié)議》購買的本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的軟件類產(chǎn)品。“已安裝系統(tǒng)”系指“用戶”裝有軟件的各種系統(tǒng)。“系統(tǒng)”系指裝有“軟件”的任何硬件,包括但不限于服務(wù)器、工作站、虛擬機(jī)臺、機(jī)片、分隔板或引擎(視具體情況而定)。“已安裝系統(tǒng)”的最初數(shù)量為“用戶”購買“軟件”的份數(shù)。
1. TERM AND TERMINATION1.1 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for the duration ofall Services provided under this Agreement. The initial term forServices shall commence on the Effective Date of this Agreementand shall continue for a period of one (1) year. Thereafter, the termfor Services shall renew for successive terms of one (1) year eachunless either party gives written notice to the other of its intentionnot to renew at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement ofthe next term; provided, however, Customer shall have the right toterminate this Agreement at any time after the first year by givingsixty (60) days prior written notice of termination to Lawspirit. Customer shall remain obligated for all fees through the date oftermination. ||1. 期限與終止1.1 期限. 本《協(xié)議》的期限應(yīng)為提供本《協(xié)議》項下所有“服務(wù)”所需的期間。提供“服務(wù)”的最初期限自本《協(xié)議》的“生效日”開始,為期一(1)年。之后,“服務(wù)”期每年連續(xù)自動延長一(1)年,除非任何一方在下一“服務(wù)”期的起始日之前至少六十(60)天,事先書面通知對方,要求停止續(xù)約。但是,在第一年的期限屆滿后,“用戶”隨時有權(quán)經(jīng)提前六十(60)天書面通知“lawspirit.com”后,終止本《協(xié)議》,但“用戶”有義務(wù)付清截至本《協(xié)議》終止之日的所有費(fèi)用。
1.2 Termination for Breach. Lawspirit may terminate thisAgreement (a) in the event Customer fails to pay an invoice whendue, (b) in the event Customer commits a material breach of thisAgreement and fails to remedy that breach within thirty (30) days ofreceipt of written notice of material breach, or (c) as otherwiseprovided in this Agreement. Customer may terminate thisAgreement in the event Lawspirit commits a material breach of thisAgreement and fails to remedy that breach within thirty (30) days ofreceipt of written notice of material breach. ||1.2 違約終止. “lawspirit.com”有權(quán)在下列情形發(fā)生時終止本《協(xié)議》:(a)“用戶”未支付任何到期應(yīng)付款;(b)“用戶”嚴(yán)重違反本《協(xié)議》,而且在收到有關(guān)其嚴(yán)重違約的書面通知后三十(30)日內(nèi),仍未糾正違約;或(c)本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的其它情形。如果“lawspirit.com”嚴(yán)重違反本《協(xié)議》,而且在收到有關(guān)其嚴(yán)重違約的書面通知后三十(30)日內(nèi),仍未糾正違約,則“用戶”有權(quán)終止本《協(xié)議》。
2. PRICING, INVOICING AND TAXES. Customer agrees toprovide Lawspirit with accurate and complete billing information(including legal name, address, telephone number, and billing or2. 價格、發(fā)票與稅務(wù). “用戶”同意向“lawspirit.com”提供正確而完整的收款信息(包括法定名稱、地址、電話號碼,以及發(fā)PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 2credit information). Customer will report to Lawspirit all changes tothis information within thirty (30) days of the change. Lawspiritreserves the right to suspend or cancel Services for non-payment. ||All fees are stated and must be paid in United States Dollars. IfCustomer is paying by credit card, then Customer authorizes RedHat to bill Customer's credit card for the Services for the initial termand for the amount due at the time of renewal. If Lawspirit hasapproved Customer to be invoiced, then Lawspirit will invoiceCustomer for the total fees at the time of execution of thisAgreement, and payment shall be due within thirty (30) days of theinvoice date and any additional fees shall be due within thirty (30)days of the invoice date. All prices and rates quoted by Lawspirit areexclusive of any foreign, federal, state, or local sales, excise, use, orsimilar taxes. Customer agrees to pay all such taxes, whenapplicable, regardless of whether such taxes are originally chargedon Customer's credit card or appear on Lawspirit’s original invoice,or are later levied on Lawspirit or Customer by a taxing authority,excluding any taxes levied solely on the net taxable income of RedHat. For this purpose, Customer agrees that where any such taxesapply to a price quoted by Lawspirit, the said price shall be increasedto such extent that after payment of all such applicable taxesCustomer would actually pay Lawspirit an amount equal to theoriginal price quoted by Lawspirit. Any renewal of this Agreementwill be at Lawspirit’s list prices in effect ninety (90) days prior torenewal; provided, however, the first such renewal shall be at thesame price per Installed System paid during the initial term. ||帳單或劃帳所需的信息)。上述信息如有變更,“用戶”應(yīng)于變更發(fā)生后三十(30)日內(nèi)告知“lawspirit.com”。對于任何尚未付款的“服務(wù)”,“lawspirit.com”保留中止或取消“服務(wù)”的權(quán)利。所有費(fèi)用項目均使用美金報價和付款。如使用信用卡付款,則“用戶”授權(quán)“lawspirit.com”直接從“用戶”的信用卡帳戶劃收最初一年“服務(wù)”期的“服務(wù)”費(fèi),以及續(xù)約時到期的應(yīng)付款。如果“lawspirit.com”同意為“用戶”開發(fā)票,則“lawspirit.com公司”必須在簽署本《協(xié)議》時就所有已發(fā)生費(fèi)用向“用戶”開具發(fā)票。發(fā)票項下的應(yīng)付款應(yīng)于發(fā)票之日三十(30)天內(nèi)付清,其它費(fèi)用款亦應(yīng)于發(fā)票之日起三十(30)天內(nèi)付清。“lawspirit.com公司”提供的所有報價及收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),均不得含有任何外國的、聯(lián)邦的、州的稅收,或任何當(dāng)?shù)氐匿N售稅、貨物稅、使用稅,或任何類似的稅費(fèi)。“用戶”同意支付所有上述稅費(fèi)(如有的話),無論該等費(fèi)用需從“用戶”信用卡帳戶劃收,或按“紅帽公司”開具的原始發(fā)票支付,或隨后由稅務(wù)機(jī)關(guān)向“lawspirit.com公司”或“用戶”征收。但是,上述稅費(fèi)不包括任何對“lawspirit.com公司”的應(yīng)稅凈收入征收的所得稅。為此目的,“用戶”同意,在“lawspirit.com”所報任一價格適用上述稅收的情況下,該等價格應(yīng)相應(yīng)提高到這種程度,即繳納了該等稅款之后,“用戶”將實(shí)際支付給“lawspirit.com”的金額與“lawspirit.com”原本所報價格相等。本《協(xié)議》的所有續(xù)約價格,均按續(xù)約前九十(90)天當(dāng)時有效的“lawspirit.com”公布的定價確定;但是,首次續(xù)約時,每項“已安裝系統(tǒng)”的價格應(yīng)按其在本《協(xié)議》最初期限內(nèi)適用的價格確定。
3. PAYMENT. Except in the case of breach of this Agreement byLawspirit or termination of this Agreement as provided in Section 1.1hereof, any and all payments of amounts due under this Agreementare non-refundable. In the event Customer fails to make payment toLawspirit in the manner provided by this Agreement, Lawspirit’sremedies include (a) suspending Services until Lawspirit receives fullpayment from Customer for all fees, including late fees and interest,due, or (b) terminating this Agreement without notice. Customershall be responsible for filing and registering this Agreement withall relevant government authorities of the People’s Republic ofChina (“PRC”) as required by PRC law in a timely manner and at itsown cost, including, without limitation, any registrations requiredwith the PRC Ministry of Commerce. ||3. 付款. 除非“lawspirit.com”違反本《協(xié)議》、或本《協(xié)議》按第1.1 條規(guī)定的情形被終止,本《協(xié)議》項下到期應(yīng)付的所有款項均不退款。如果“用戶”未按本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定方式向“紅帽公司”付款,則“lawspirit.com”有權(quán)獲得下列救濟(jì):(a)中止“服務(wù)”,直至“lawspirit.com”收到“用戶”全額支付的所有費(fèi)用,包括滯納金和到期利息,或(b)無需發(fā)出通知而終止本《協(xié)議》。“用戶”應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)將本《協(xié)議》及時地并自行承擔(dān)費(fèi)用向中華人民共和國(“中國”)法律所要求的所有有關(guān)中國政府機(jī)關(guān)進(jìn)行備案和注冊,包括但不限于按要求向中國商務(wù)部注冊。
4. REPORTING AND AUDIT. If Customer wishes to increase thenumber of Installed System, then Customer will purchase from RedHat additional Services for each additional Installed System. Duringthe term of this Agreement and for one (1) year thereafter, Customerexpressly grants to Lawspirit the right to audit Customer’s facilitiesand records from time to time in order to verify Customer’scompliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Anysuch audit shall only take place during Customer’s normal businesshours and upon no less than ten (10) days prior written notice fromLawspirit. Lawspirit shall conduct no more than one such audit in anytwelve-month period except for the express purpose of assuringcompliance by Customer where non-compliance has beenestablished in a prior audit. Lawspirit shall give Customer writtennotice of any non-compliance, and if a payment deficiency exists,then Customer shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of suchnotice to make payment to Lawspirit for any payment deficiency. ||The amount of the payment deficiency will be determined bymultiplying the number of underreported Installed Systems orServices by the annual fee for such item. If Customer is found tohave underreported the number of Installed Systems or amount ofServices by more than five percent (5%), Customer shall, in additionto the annual fee for such item, pay liquidated damages equal totwenty percent (20%) of the underreported fees for loss of incomeand administration costs suffered by Lawspirit as a result. Customeragrees and confirms that said liquidated damages is a fair andreasonable estimate of loss of income and administration costssuffered by Lawspirit under such circumstance. ||4. 報告與核查. “用戶”如需要增加“已安裝系統(tǒng)”的數(shù)目,應(yīng)按每個增加的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”另向“lawspirit.com”購買增加的“服務(wù)”。在本《協(xié)議》期間及此后一(1)年內(nèi),“用戶”明確授權(quán)“lawspirit.com”,為保證“用戶”遵守本《協(xié)議》的條款和條件,隨時核查“用戶”的設(shè)施和記錄。該核查行為只限在“用戶”正常工作時間內(nèi)進(jìn)行,且“lawspirit.com”應(yīng)提前至少十(10)日給予書面通知。在任何連續(xù)的十二(12)個月期間,“lawspirit.com公司”最多只可進(jìn)行一次核查,除非在任何核查時發(fā)現(xiàn)“用戶”有違規(guī)情形,需要為確保“用戶”遵守本《協(xié)議》條款而進(jìn)行任何其它核查。“lawspirit.com”應(yīng)以書面形式通知“用戶”發(fā)生的任何違規(guī)情形,如果違規(guī)情形是付款不足,“用戶”須自通知之日起十五(15)天內(nèi),將短缺款項支付給“lawspirit.com公司”。短缺款項的金額按照少報的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”或“服務(wù)”的數(shù)量,乘以少報項目的年費(fèi)計算。如果發(fā)現(xiàn)“用戶”少報的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”的數(shù)目、或“服務(wù)”的金額超過百分之五(5%),那么,除少報項目的年費(fèi)外,“用戶”還應(yīng)額外支付相等于少報費(fèi)用百分之二十(20%)的損害賠償金,賠償“lawspirit.com公司”的收益損失及管理費(fèi)用。“用戶”同意并確認(rèn),上述損害賠償金數(shù)額是對“lawspirit.com”在該等情形下所受收益損失和管理費(fèi)用的公平合理的估計。
5. NON-TRANSFERABLE. This Agreement, and all Servicesprovided by Lawspirit pursuant to this Agreement, may not betransferred, assigned or distributed without the prior written consentof Lawspirit. Any attempted transfer, assignment or distributionwithout Lawspirit's prior written consent shall terminate thisAgreement, and Lawspirit shall have no further obligation hereunder. ||5. 禁止轉(zhuǎn)讓. 未經(jīng)“lawspirit.com”事先書面同意,本《協(xié)議》以及“lawspirit.com”根據(jù)本《協(xié)議》提供的所有“服務(wù)”,均不得被轉(zhuǎn)讓、出讓、或分銷。任何未經(jīng)“lawspirit.com”事先書面同意而試圖進(jìn)行的轉(zhuǎn)讓、出讓、或分銷,將導(dǎo)致本《協(xié)議》被終止,而“lawspirit.com”不再承擔(dān)本《協(xié)議》項下的任何義務(wù)。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 36. WARRANTY. To the maximum extent permitted by applicablelaw, except as specifically stated in this Agreement, the Software,the Services, and any software program provided by means of RHN,any Proxy Server, Satellite, or the RHN Code (each as definedherein) are provided and LICENSED “AS IS” WITHOUTWARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THEIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENTAND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. LAWSPIRIT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THEUSE OF THE SOFTWARE, SERVICES, OR THE PROXYSERVER, SATELLITE, OR THE RHN CODE (EACH ASDEFINED HEREIN) WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED ORERROR FREE. ||6. 保證. 除非本《協(xié)議》另有明確規(guī)定,在適用法律允許的最大范圍內(nèi),通過“RHN”、“代理服務(wù)器”、“衛(wèi)星”、或“RHN 代碼”(定義分別參見本《協(xié)議》)提供的“軟件”、“服務(wù)”及任何軟件程序,完全按“現(xiàn)狀”條件提供和許可,不附帶任何形式的保證,無論是明示或默示的保證,包括但不限于有關(guān)適銷性、不侵權(quán)及適合特定目的的默示保證。“lawspirit.com公司”不保證“軟件”、“服務(wù)”或“代理服務(wù)器”、“衛(wèi)星”、或“RHN 代碼”(定義分別參見本《協(xié)議》)的使用,不發(fā)生中斷或錯誤。
7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Neither party shall be inbreach of this Agreement due to failure of performance that arisesout of causes beyond its reasonable control. To the maximumextent permitted by applicable law, IN NO EVENT WILL REDHAT BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTYFOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES, WHETHER IN TORT OR IN CONTRACT,INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS OR OTHERINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISINGUNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR LAWSPIRIT’SPERFORMANCE INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION (A)THE SOFTWARE, THE SERVICES, THE PROXY SERVER,SATELLITE, OR THE RHN CODE (EACH AS DEFINEDHEREIN) (B) ANY INTERRUPTION OF USE OF RHN, THESOFTWARE, OR THE PROXY SERVER, SATELLITE, ORTHE RHN CODE (EACH AS DEFINED HEREIN) OR (C)FOR LOSS, INACCURACY OR CORRUPTION OF DATA,EVEN IF LAWSPIRIT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALLLAWSPIRIT’S LIABILITY HEREUNDER EXCEED THEAMOUNT THAT CUSTOMER PAID TO LAWSPIRIT UNDERTHIS AGREEMENT DURING THE PREVIOUS TWELVEMONTHS. ||7. 責(zé)任限制. 任何一方因無法合理控制的原因而未履行本《協(xié)議》,不構(gòu)成對本《協(xié)議》的違約。在適用法律允許的最大范圍內(nèi),對于“用戶”或任何第三方發(fā)生的任何附帶損失或間接損失(無論這類損失系因侵權(quán)行為或根據(jù)合同而發(fā)生的),包括利潤損失、原本可以節(jié)約的支出、或因本《協(xié)議》或“lawspirit.com公司”的工作表現(xiàn)而產(chǎn)生的其它附帶損失或間接損失(包括但不限于由于以下因素導(dǎo)致的損失:(A)“軟件”、“服務(wù)”或“代理服務(wù)器”、“衛(wèi)星”、或“RHN 代碼”(定義分別參見本《協(xié)議》);(B)“RHN”、“軟件”或“代理服務(wù)器”、“衛(wèi)星”、或“RHN 代碼”(定義分別參見本《協(xié)議》)的使用被中斷;或(C)資料被遺失、發(fā)生錯誤或毀損),“lawspirit.com公司”概不承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任,即使其事前已被告知有可能發(fā)生此類損失。在任何情況下,“lawspirit.com”在本《協(xié)議》項下所承擔(dān)的責(zé)任,都不應(yīng)超過“用戶”在此前十二(12)個月根據(jù)本《協(xié)議》支付給“lawspirit.com”的款額。
8. CONFIDENTIALITY. Customer and Lawspirit agree tomaintain the confidentiality of the proprietary information receivedfrom the other party including non-public technical and businessinformation for a period of two (2) years after the termination of thisAgreement. Lawspirit’s pricing and product roadmap are Lawspirit’sconfidential information. This section shall not apply to anypublicly available or independently developed information. ||8. 保密條款. “用戶”和“lawspirit.com”同意,在本《協(xié)議》終止后的兩(2)年內(nèi),各方須對其獲得的另一方的專有信息(包括非公開的技術(shù)或商業(yè)信息)保密。“lawspirit.com”的定價辦法與產(chǎn)品介紹屬“lawspirit.com”的保密信息。本條規(guī)定不適用于任何可公開獲得的信息和獨(dú)立開發(fā)的信息。
9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall constitute theexclusive terms and conditions with respect to the purchases ofSoftware and Services under this Agreement by Customer from RedHat, notwithstanding any different or additional terms that may becontained in the form of purchase order or other document used byCustomer in such transactions. This Agreement contains the final,complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between theparties with respect to the transactions contemplated herein and allprior written agreements and all prior and contemporaneous oralagreements with respect to the subject matter herein are mergedherein including any Subscription Descriptions and SubscriptionPurchase Terms. This Agreement may not be amended,supplemented or modified (or any right or power granted hereunderwaived) except by written instrument signed by authorized officersof the parties hereto (or in the case of a waiver, signed by the partyto be bound), which instrument makes specific reference to thisAgreement. ||9. 全部協(xié)議. 本《協(xié)議》構(gòu)成有關(guān)“用戶”按本《協(xié)議》向“lawspirit.com”購買“軟件”及“服務(wù)”的全部條款和條件,即使訂購單或“用戶”交易時使用的其它文件可能規(guī)定任何不同或額外的條款。本《協(xié)議》系雙方就本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定交易所達(dá)成的協(xié)議的最終、完整且唯一的表述;先前有關(guān)本《協(xié)議》主題事項所達(dá)成的一切書面協(xié)議,以及先前或臨時達(dá)成的一切口頭協(xié)議(包括任何《訂購說明》及《訂購條款》),特此全部納入本《協(xié)議》。修改、增補(bǔ)、或變更本《協(xié)議》(或放棄本《協(xié)議》項下的任何權(quán)利或權(quán)力),必須由本《協(xié)議》雙方授權(quán)代表簽署明確的書面文件(或如有任何方棄權(quán),必須由棄權(quán)方簽署書面文件)。
10. GENERAL. (10.1) This Agreement shall be governed by andconstrued in accordance with the substantive laws of the State ofNorth Carolina, U.S.A., without regard to choice of law provisions,except that the United Nations Convention on the International Saleof Goods shall not apply. Any dispute, controversy or claim arisingout of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach termination orinvalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance withthe UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as at present in force. The10. 一般規(guī)定. (10.1)本《協(xié)議》受美國北卡羅來納州實(shí)體法的管轄,并根據(jù)該法進(jìn)行解釋,但不包括其沖突法規(guī)范,也不適用《聯(lián)合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》。因本《協(xié)議》或其違約、終止、有效性等事宜引起或與之有關(guān)的任何爭議或訴求,應(yīng)通過仲裁并依據(jù)當(dāng)時有效的聯(lián)合國國際貿(mào)易法委員會仲裁規(guī)則來解決。應(yīng)由香港國際仲裁中心委任仲裁員。仲裁地點(diǎn)應(yīng)在香港國際仲裁中心。應(yīng)僅有一名仲裁員。仲裁應(yīng)以英文進(jìn)行。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 4appointing authority shall be Hong Kong International ArbitrationCentre (HKIAC). The place of arbitration shall be in Hong Kong atthe HKIAC. There shall be one arbitrator. The language of thearbitration shall be English. Any such arbitration shall beadministered by HKIAC in accordance with HKIAC Procedures forArbitration in force at the date of this Agreement including suchadditions to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as are thereincontained. (10.2) Each party warrants that the person signing oraccepting this Agreement is authorized to bind said party. (10.3) Ifone or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement is heldinvalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect by any court ofcompetent jurisdiction, such holding will not impair the validity,legality, or enforceability of the remaining provisions. (10.4)Failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise any right,remedy, power or privilege hereunder will not operate as a waiver. ||(10.5) Any provision of this Agreement which may be reasonablyexpected to survive the termination of this Agreement, including,but not limited to, the sections entitled Warranty and Limitation ofLiability, shall survive such termination. (10.6) Lawspirit maysupply Customer with technical data that is subject to import/exportcontrol restrictions. Lawspirit will not be responsible for complianceby Customer with applicable import/export restrictions orobligations for such technical data. Each party agrees to complywith any applicable import/export control laws or regulations. ||(10.7) Any notice to be given pursuant to this Agreement, includingany notice of change of address for notice, shall be deemed givenwhen sent to Lawspirit to General Counsel, Lawspirit, Inc., 1801Varsity Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606, U.S.A. or by facsimile to 919-754-3704 and to Customer at the address or facsimile numberindicated at the time of purchase: (a) seven (7) business days afterbeing deposited with the local postal service of the sender, postageprepaid, first class, air mail, certified, return receipt requested; (b)upon receipt when delivered in person; (c) three (3) business daysafter being deposited with a reputable international overnightdelivery service; or (d) one (1) business day after being transmittedby facsimile with confirmation of delivery to the number for suchparty set forth in this Agreement. (10.8) In the event of a disputebetween the parties regarding payment under this Agreement, thenon-prevailing party shall pay the reasonable attorney’s fees of theprevailing party. (10.9) This Agreement shall be made in theEnglish language and the English original shall control allinterpretations of the terms hereof. Any translation of thisAgreement is provided for the purpose of reference only. ||該等仲裁應(yīng)由香港國際仲裁中心依據(jù)其在本《協(xié)議》之日期有效的仲裁程序進(jìn)行,包括其中對聯(lián)合國國際貿(mào)易法委員會仲裁規(guī)則的有關(guān)額外規(guī)定。(10.2)各方保證,各方負(fù)責(zé)簽署或接受本《協(xié)議》的人員有權(quán)約束該方。(10.3)若本《協(xié)議》有任何一項或多項條款,被任何具管轄權(quán)的法院認(rèn)定為無效、違法或不具有強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行效力,法院的認(rèn)定并不損害本《協(xié)議》其余條款的效力、合法性及強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行效力。(10.4)任何一方?jīng)]有行使或遲延行使其在本《協(xié)議》項下的任何權(quán)利、救濟(jì)、權(quán)力或特權(quán),并不構(gòu)成該方對該等權(quán)利、救濟(jì)、權(quán)力或特權(quán)的棄權(quán)。(10.5)如果本《協(xié)議》項下的任何條款(包括但不限于“保證”條款和“責(zé)任限制”條款),有必要在本《協(xié)議》終止后繼續(xù)保持有效,則該條款應(yīng)在本《協(xié)議》終止后繼續(xù)有效。(10.6)“lawspirit.com公司”向“用戶”提供的技術(shù)資料可能會受到進(jìn)出口管制。對于“用戶”是否遵守該等技術(shù)資料適用的進(jìn)出口管制規(guī)定或義務(wù),“lawspirit.com”無需承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任。各方同意各自遵守有關(guān)進(jìn)出口管制的所有法律和法規(guī)。(10.7)按本《協(xié)議》發(fā)出的任何通知(包括變更地址通知),如收件人系“lawspirit.com”,則應(yīng)發(fā)至General Counsel, Lawspirit, Inc., 1801 Varsity Drive, Raleigh,NC 27606,U.S.A.或傳真至919-754-3704;如收件人系“用戶”,則應(yīng)發(fā)至“用戶”購買本《協(xié)議》項下之服務(wù)時說明的地址或傳真號碼。而且:(a)如果使用預(yù)付郵資、要求回執(zhí)的一等掛號航空郵件發(fā)送通知,則應(yīng)在郵件被交付發(fā)件方當(dāng)?shù)剜]局郵寄后七(7)個工作日,視為通知已有效送達(dá);(b)如果使用專人遞送通知,則應(yīng)于收件當(dāng)時視為通知已有效送達(dá);(c)如使用任何知名的國際快遞公司發(fā)送通知,則應(yīng)于快件交寄后三(3)個工作日,視為通知已有效送達(dá);或(d)如使用傳真發(fā)送通知,則應(yīng)在傳真文件被確認(rèn)已發(fā)至本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的收件人號碼后一(1)個工作日,視為通知已有效送達(dá)。(10.8)如果雙方有關(guān)本《協(xié)議》項下的支付事項發(fā)生任何爭議,敗訴方應(yīng)承擔(dān)勝訴方合理的律師費(fèi)。(10.9)本《協(xié)議》以英文達(dá)成,所有條款的解釋以英文原文為準(zhǔn)。本《協(xié)議》的譯文供作為參考提供。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 5II. Support Services Service Levels二、支持服務(wù)的服務(wù)等級A. SUBscriptION TERMS AND CONDITIONSLawspirit will provide the purchased subscription(s) subject to thefollowing terms. ||(一) 訂購的條款與條件“lawspirit.com”根據(jù)下列條款提供訂購項目。
1. DEFINITIONS:“Platform” means the combination of the CPU and other hardwarea computer system uses, its exact operating system including theversion number, the compiler required, the type of libraries (e.g. ||libc, glibc), and the type of crypto library available (e.g. libcrypt,pam). Changes to any of these components which break binarycompatibility, or prohibit functioning (including recompiling) ofsoftware, unless modified by Lawspirit, constitute a differentplatform and may disqualify it from receiving Support Services. ||Should a platform be discontinued during the term of thisAgreement, Lawspirit will have the option to continue supportingCustomer on that platform or to issue Customer a pro-rata refund. ||1. 定義“平臺”系指中央處理器和計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)使用的其它硬件,以及它的實(shí)際運(yùn)行系統(tǒng)(包括版本號碼、所需編譯程序、數(shù)據(jù)庫種類(例如libc、glibc)、和可用密碼數(shù)據(jù)庫種類(例如libcrypt、pam))的集成。對上述組件進(jìn)行任何變更,使二進(jìn)制數(shù)據(jù)兼容性被破壞、或“軟件”功能(包括重編譯功能)受阻,將造成不同平臺,并可能因此取消其接收“支持服務(wù)”的資格(但“lawspirit.com”進(jìn)行的修改除外)。若任何平臺在本《協(xié)議》期間中斷運(yùn)行,“lawspirit.com”有權(quán)決定是否繼續(xù)使用該平臺支持“用戶”,或按比例向“用戶”退款。
Lawspirit Network (“RHN”) is an electronic update service forsystems running Lawspirit Enterprise Lawspirit. ||“lawspirit.com網(wǎng)絡(luò)”(簡稱“RHN”)系指運(yùn)行“Lawspirit EnterpriseLawspirit”系統(tǒng)的電子更新服務(wù)。
“Software” means the software purchased under this Agreement,which is provided under Lawspirit's trademarks and is subject to theapplicable end user license agreement. ||“軟件”系指根據(jù)本《協(xié)議》購買的軟件。此類軟件使用“lawspirit.com公司”的商標(biāo),而且必須遵守適用的最終用戶許可協(xié)議。
“Support Services” means the support services provided with thepurchased subscription as further defined in this Agreement. ||“支持服務(wù)”系指根據(jù)訂購項目提供的支持服務(wù)(參見本《協(xié)議》詳細(xì)規(guī)定)。
“Supported Hardware or Platform” means hardware or aplatform that functions with the Software and componentscontemplated for use with the Software. Information regarding theLawspirit supportability status of hardware systems and components,as revised from time to time, can be found atwww.lawspirit.com. Additional Lawspirit support policiesthat apply to the Support Services may be viewed atwww.lawspirit.com. ||“支持硬件或平臺”系指與“軟件”以及需同“軟件”合用的組件一起運(yùn)行的硬件或平臺。有關(guān)lawspirit.com對硬件系統(tǒng)及組件提供支持的資料( 該資料隨時有可能修改) , 請查閱www.lawspirit.com. 。“ lawspirit.com” 有關(guān)“ 支持服務(wù)” 適用的其它支持政策, 請查閱www.lawspirit.com。
2. CUSTOMER OBLIGATIONS2.1 Entitlement. In order to access and utilize Support Services,Customer will be required to provide Lawspirit with its Customernumber, RHN machine name or RHN system ID at the time ofinitiating the Support Service. ||2. 用戶的義務(wù)2.1 權(quán)利. 為獲得和使用“支持服務(wù)”,“用戶”在啟用“支持服務(wù)”時,須向“lawspirit.com”提供“用戶”號、“RHN”機(jī)器名或“RHN”系統(tǒng)名。
2.2 Customer’s Computer System. Customer will be responsiblefor performing operations on Customer's computer system and RedHat shall have no responsibility to perform operations on Customer'scomputer system. Customer acknowledges that Lawspirit’s ability toperform certain Support Services may be conditioned upon access tocertain Customer information and access to Customer's computersystem as reasonably requested by Lawspirit. Such information mayinclude, but is not limited to, the type of hardware Customer isusing, a description of the problem for which Customer seeksSupport Services, and additional software Customer is using thatfalls outside the Support Services scope of coverage. Customerunderstands and agrees that the completeness and accuracy of theinformation Customer provides to Lawspirit may affect Lawspirit'sability to provide Support Services. The Support Services purchasedby Customer are intended for use only for the benefit of theCustomer and only for the Installed Systems with subscriptions. ||Customer may not use one subscription for Services for more thanone Installed System. Any unauthorized use of the Services will bedeemed to be a material breach of this Agreement. ||2.2 用戶的計算機(jī)系統(tǒng). “用戶”應(yīng)自行負(fù)責(zé)自身計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)的運(yùn)行,“lawspirit.com”無需對“用戶”計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)的運(yùn)行承擔(dān)責(zé)任。“用戶”承認(rèn),“lawspirit.com”提供“支持服務(wù)”可能需以下列條件的滿足為前提:即“lawspirit.com”能夠獲得其合理所需的“用戶”資料,并在合理需要時可以使用“用戶”計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)。上述資料可能包括(但不限于)“用戶”使用的硬件種類、需以“支持服務(wù)”解決的問題的說明,以及“用戶”使用的超出“支持服務(wù)”范圍的其它軟件。“用戶”了解并同意,其提供給“lawspirit.com”的資料是否完整和正確,可能會影響“lawspirit.com”提供“支持服務(wù)”的能力。“用戶”只可為其自身利益使用購買的“支持服務(wù)”,并只能將之用于訂購范圍的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”。“用戶”不得將對“服務(wù)”的一項訂購用于一個以上的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”。任何未經(jīng)授權(quán)而使用“服務(wù)”的行為,都將視為嚴(yán)重違反本《協(xié)議》。
2.3 Designated Customer Contact. Lawspirit will provide SupportServices to Customer only by communication with the Customer’sdesignated technical contact or contacts (the “Contact”). Customeris entitled to the number of Contacts set forth in the Customer2.3 用戶指定聯(lián)絡(luò)人. “lawspirit.com”只會通過與“用戶”指定的技術(shù)聯(lián)絡(luò)人(以下簡稱“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”)溝通聯(lián)系的方式,為“用戶”提供“支持服務(wù)”。“用戶”有權(quán)指定的“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 6Contacts table on Schedule II. Customer may purchase additionalContacts for a fee. Customer shall use commercially reasonableefforts to maintain consistent Contacts during the term of thisAgreement. Customer may not use a single Contact to act as amere forwarding service for other personnel. The Contact may notuse Support Services on the basis of this Agreement to benefit anyperson or entity other than the Customer. Each Contact must haveread and/or write access to all necessary files. Each Contact musthave English language communication skills and the relevanttechnical knowledge necessary to assist Lawspirit in performing theSupport Services contemplated under this Agreement. Thisknowledge includes familiarity with the Software and the SupportedHardware or Platform. ||的數(shù)目,由本《協(xié)議》附表二的《用戶聯(lián)絡(luò)人》目錄規(guī)定。如“用戶”需要指定額外“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”,必須另行付費(fèi)。本《協(xié)議》期間,“用戶”應(yīng)通過商業(yè)上合理的努力,盡量使用相同的“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”。“用戶”“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”的工作不應(yīng)只是簡單地向其它人傳達(dá)“服務(wù)”。“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”不得為“用戶”以外的任何其它人或其它公司的利益,使用本《協(xié)議》項下提供的任何“支持服務(wù)”。各“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”享有瀏覽和(或)取用所有必要檔案資料的權(quán)利。各“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”必須具備英語溝通能力,以及協(xié)助“lawspirit.com”提供本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的“支持服務(wù)”所必需的技術(shù)知識,包括熟悉“軟件”和“支持硬件或平臺”。
2.4 Support Portal. Customer may initiate Support Servicerequests through the web-based support portal located at Lawspirit’smain web site, www.lawspirit.com. The Contact(s)are entitled to open a secure login to the support portal and use theticket manager application to submit a Support Service request forany covered Support Service. Each submitted Support Servicerequest is given a unique identification number. Support Serviceslogged through the support portal are managed using the Englishlanguage. ||2.4 支持門戶網(wǎng)站. “用戶”可登錄“lawspirit.com”主要網(wǎng)站中的網(wǎng)上支持門戶網(wǎng)站www.lawspirit.com,申請啟用“支持服務(wù)”。“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”有權(quán)使用安全登錄密碼進(jìn)入支持門戶網(wǎng)站,然后使用“登入管理申請”(ticket managerapplication)提交“支持服務(wù)”申請,要求獲得任何在錄的“支持服務(wù)”項目。每份“支持服務(wù)”申請均配有一個專用認(rèn)證號。通過支持門戶網(wǎng)站登錄申請而獲得的“支持服務(wù)”全部使用英語提供。
B. SERVICE LEVELS FOR SUBscriptIONS1. Lawspirit Network Proxy Server and Satellite. If Customersubscribes to RHN Proxy Server or Satellite ("Proxy Server” or“Satellite”) as an upgraded delivery method to RHN, then thefollowing provisions apply to that subscription. To provide ProxyServer or Satellite, the Proxy Server and/or Satellite code (the "RHNCode") will be installed onto one or more designated servers ownedor leased by Customer, approved by Lawspirit and located atCustomer's site or provided by Lawspirit (the "RHN Servers") solelyfor the purpose of allowing Customer to receive the RHN Serviceduring the period that the Customer subscribes to RHN Service (the"Subscription Period"). Customer may use the RHN Code only onthe RHN Servers and, upon Lawspirit's written approval, on oneadditional server for backup purposes. Customer may use the RHNCode only to receive the RHN Services for systems for whichCustomer has purchased a subscription for RHN Service. Customermay not use the RHN Code for any other purpose. Customer maynot transfer or assign the RHN Code or any media containing theRHN Code. Customer may not modify, copy, make derivativeworks of, distribute, reverse engineer, decompile or export the RHNCode. During the Subscription Period, Customer agrees that RedHat shall have such electronic or physical access to the RHNServers as Lawspirit reasonably requests to enable Lawspirit to deliverthe RHN Service and to update or enhance the RHN Code as RedHat deems necessary, in its sole discretion. The RHN Code and anyphysical media containing the RHN Code and all intellectualproperty rights contained therein, and all copies thereof made byCustomer (if authorized by Lawspirit) are the exclusive property ofLawspirit and a valuable trade secret of Lawspirit. Upon terminationof the subscription, Customer immediately will destroy all copies ofthe RHN Code in its possession (including any RHN Code installedon the RHN Servers). The RHN Code (and any media containingthe RHN Code) is the confidential property of Lawspirit andCustomer shall not use or disclose any information regarding theRHN Code, except as permitted by this Agreement. If Lawspiritprovides the RHN Server to Customer, Customer must promptlyreturn such hardware to Lawspirit upon termination of thisAgreement. ||(二) 訂購服務(wù)的等級1. lawspirit.com網(wǎng)絡(luò)代理服務(wù)器與衛(wèi)星. 如果“用戶”訂購“RHN”的“代理服務(wù)器”或“衛(wèi)星”(以下簡稱“代理服務(wù)器”或”“衛(wèi)星”),作為“RHN”更新的傳送方法,則這類訂購應(yīng)適用以下規(guī)定。為提供“代理服務(wù)器”或“衛(wèi)星”,需要在“用戶”擁有或租用的一個或多個“用戶”指定的服務(wù)器中,安裝“代理服務(wù)器”和(或)“衛(wèi)星”的代碼(以下簡稱“RHN 代碼”)。上述服務(wù)器(以下簡稱“RHN 服務(wù)器”)應(yīng)設(shè)在“用戶”場所并須經(jīng)“lawspirit.com”批準(zhǔn),或由“lawspirit.com”提供,只限在“用戶”訂購“RHN 服務(wù)”的期間(以下簡稱“訂購期”),為“用戶”接受“RHN 服務(wù)”的目的而使用。“用戶”只可在“RHN 服務(wù)器”上使用“RHN 代碼”,同時,經(jīng)“lawspirit.com”書面批準(zhǔn)后,還可在另一臺服務(wù)器上僅作為備份使用。“用戶”只限為已訂購“RHN 服務(wù)”的系統(tǒng)獲得“RHN服務(wù)”而使用“RHN 代碼”,不得再為任何其它目的而使用。
“用戶”不得轉(zhuǎn)讓或出讓“RHN 代碼”、或任何含有“RHN代碼”的載體。“用戶”不得修改、復(fù)制、分銷、做反向工程、破譯、或輸出RHN 代碼、或制造“RHN 代碼”的任何衍生品。“用戶”同意,“lawspirit.com”有權(quán)根據(jù)其合理要求,在“訂購期”內(nèi)通過電子手段或親自接觸到“RHN 服務(wù)器”,以便提供“RHN 服務(wù)”并在其自行確認(rèn)為必要時更新或升級“RHN 代碼”。“RHN 代碼”和含有“RHN 代碼”的任何載體,以及它們所包含的一切知識產(chǎn)權(quán),連同“用戶”(經(jīng)“紅帽公司”授權(quán))為此復(fù)制的全部拷貝,均屬“lawspirit.com”的專有財產(chǎn),并是“lawspirit.com”有價值的商業(yè)秘密。訂購終止時,“用戶”應(yīng)立即銷毀其持有的全部“RHN 代碼”的復(fù)制品(包括安裝在“RHN 服務(wù)器”上的所有“RHN 代碼”)。“RHN代碼”(以及含有“RHN 代碼”的任何載體),系“lawspirit.com公司”的保密財產(chǎn),“用戶”不得使用或披露有關(guān)“RHN 代碼”的任何資料,但本《協(xié)議》允許使用或披露的情況除外。如果“lawspirit.com”向“用戶”提供“RHN 服務(wù)器”,則“用戶”必須在本《協(xié)議》終止時立即將之歸還“lawspirit.com”。
2. Response Guidelines. A response to a request for SupportServices shall consist of receipt of and acknowledgment by Lawspiritof Customer's request for Support Services. Lawspirit will usecommercially reasonable efforts to provide a response within theresponse guideline period set forth in the table below duringstandard business hours and days as set forth in the table below,exclusive of Lawspirit holidays. Customer acknowledges that aresponse may not include resolution for all requests for SupportServices. Lawspirit will use commercially reasonable efforts to2. 答復(fù)指南. 對“用戶”申請“支持服務(wù)”的回復(fù)中,應(yīng)包括“lawspirit.com”聲明已收悉“用戶”申請并確認(rèn)提供的“支持服務(wù)”的內(nèi)容。“lawspirit.com”將做出商業(yè)上合理的努力,在下表規(guī)定的答復(fù)期內(nèi),于下表規(guī)定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)營業(yè)時間和工作日做出答復(fù),“lawspirit.com”的假日除外。“用戶”承認(rèn),“lawspirit.com”可能無法一次答復(fù)所有需要“支持服務(wù)”解決的問題。“lawspirit.com公司”將做出商業(yè)上合理的努力提供解決方案,為“用戶”提供必要的“支持服務(wù)”。但是,“用戶”也承認(rèn)并且理解,不PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 7provide answers and resolve Customer’s requests for SupportServices. However, Customer acknowledges and understands thatno software is perfect or error free and that, despite Lawspirit'scommercially reasonable efforts, Lawspirit may be unable to provideanswers to or resolve some or all requests for Support Services. RedHat makes no promises, guarantees, or assurances of any kind that itwill be able to resolve all Customer Support Services requests. ||存在任何完美的或不會發(fā)生錯誤的軟件,即使“lawspirit.com”做出商業(yè)上合理的努力,仍有可能無法解決或解答“用戶”提出的部分甚或所有“支持服務(wù)”申請。“lawspirit.com”不曾做出任何承諾、保證或擔(dān)保,宣稱自己能夠解決“用戶”要求的所有“支持服務(wù)”。
3. SLA Tables: 3. SLA 表格:3.1. Response Guidelines: 3.1 答復(fù)方式:Subscription Type Response Guidelines 訂購種類答復(fù)條件Standard Support Services 4 Business Hours by telephone2 Business Days by Web/email標(biāo)準(zhǔn)型“支持服務(wù)” 以電話提供服務(wù):4個工作小時內(nèi)以網(wǎng)絡(luò)/電子郵件提供服務(wù):2個工作日內(nèi)Premium Support Services 1 hour by telephone1 day by Web/email增強(qiáng)型“支持服務(wù)” 以電話提供服務(wù):1小時內(nèi)以網(wǎng)絡(luò)/電子郵件提供服務(wù):1日內(nèi)Developer Support Services 1 Business Day 開發(fā)者“支持服務(wù)” 1個工作日3.2. Severity Level Definitions: 3.2 嚴(yán)重程度的定義:SeverityLevelDefinition 嚴(yán)重程度定義1 Catastrophic production problem which mayseverely impact the Customer's productionsystems, or in which Customer's productionsystems are down or not functioning; loss ofproduction data and no procedural workaround exists. Severity 1 problem alsoincludes issues that result in an emergencycondition that causes a serious security breach. ||1 災(zāi)難性生產(chǎn)問題,可能嚴(yán)重沖擊“用戶”的生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng),或?qū)е?ldquo;用戶”的生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)癱瘓或無法運(yùn)作;丟失生產(chǎn)資料,且無程序運(yùn)作功能。一級嚴(yán)重程度的問題亦包括造成嚴(yán)重違反安全要求,從而導(dǎo)致緊急情況產(chǎn)生的事項。
2 High-impact problem in which the Customer'soperation is disrupted but there is capacity toremain productive and maintain necessarybusiness-level operations. Severity 2 problemalso applies for minor security breachsituations. ||2 有嚴(yán)重不利影響的問題,使“用戶”中斷業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)營,但仍有一定生產(chǎn)能力,并可維持必要商業(yè)水準(zhǔn)的運(yùn)作。二級嚴(yán)重程度的問題亦適用于輕微違反安全要求的情況。
3 Medium-to-low impact problem whichinvolves partial non-critical functionality loss. ||One which impairs some operations but allowsthe Customer's system to continue to function. ||This may be a minor issue with limited loss orno loss of functionality or impact to theCustomer's operation and issues in which thereis an easy circumvention or avoidance by theend user. This includes documentation errors. ||3 有中、低級不利影響的問題,涉及部分非關(guān)鍵功能的喪失,損失部分功能,但“用戶”系統(tǒng)仍可持續(xù)運(yùn)作。它可能是小問題,只給“用戶”的經(jīng)營造成有限損失、或沒有造成任何功能損失、甚或未造成任何損失,而且很容易被最終用戶克服或避免。這類問題包括文件錯誤。
4 General usage questions, recommendations forfuture product enhancements or modificationsand to calls that are passed to Lawspirit forinformation purposes. There is no impact onthe quality, performance or functionality of theproduct. ||4 應(yīng)未來產(chǎn)品改良或更新的需要、或為獲取信息資料之目的,向“lawspirit.com”提出的一般使用問題、建議,對產(chǎn)品的品質(zhì)、性能或使用功能均無影響。
3.3 Standard Business Hours and Days: 3.3 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)營業(yè)時間:GEOGRAPHY STANDARD BUSINESSHOURS AND DAYS地區(qū)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)營業(yè)時間North America, South 9 a.m. To 9 p.m. EST Monday- 北美、南美美國東部標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時間周一~ 周五,PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 8America Friday 上午9 點(diǎn)~ 下午9 點(diǎn)Europe, Middle East, Africa UK: 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. GMTMonday-FridayOther: 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. CETMonday-Friday歐洲、中東、非洲英國:格林威治標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時間周一~周五,上午9 點(diǎn)~ 下午5 點(diǎn);其它地區(qū):中歐標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時間周一~周五,上午9 點(diǎn)~ 下午5 點(diǎn)Japan 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. JST Monday-Friday日本日本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時間周一~ 周五,上午9 點(diǎn)~ 下午5 點(diǎn)Pacific Rim Countries 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. local timesMonday-Friday太平洋地區(qū)國家當(dāng)?shù)貢r間周一~ 周五,上午9 點(diǎn)~ 下午5 點(diǎn)3.4 Number of Contacts: 3.4 聯(lián)絡(luò)人數(shù)目:Number of Installed Systems Number of Contacts 已安裝系統(tǒng)數(shù)目聯(lián)絡(luò)人數(shù)目1 to 25 2 1 至25 226 to 50 3 26 至50 351 to 100 4 51 至100 4101 to 250 6 101 至250 6251 to 500 8 251 至500 8501 to 1000 12 501 至1000 124. Support Service Conditions. 4. 支持服務(wù)的條件4.1 Lawspirit may, at its discretion, decline to provide SupportServices for Software that has been modified or changed byCustomer in any way, except as directed by Lawspirit. RedHat will provide Support Services for Supported Hardware andPlatforms only. Lawspirit will only provide Support Servicesfor those Installed Systems for which Customer has subscribedunder this Agreement. ||4.1 “lawspirit.com”有權(quán)自行決定,拒絕為任何已被“用戶”修改或變更過的“軟件”提供“支持服務(wù)”,除非修改或變更是按“lawspirit.com”的指示做出。“lawspirit.com公司”只為“支持硬件或平臺”提供“支持服務(wù)”。“紅帽公司”只為本《協(xié)議》項下“用戶”訂購的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”提供“支持服務(wù)”。
4.2 Lawspirit may, at its discretion, decline to provide SupportServices for the packages included in the Software which aredesignated as “kernel-unsupported.”4.2 “lawspirit.com”有權(quán)自行決定,拒絕就任何被指定為“無支持核心程序”(kernel-unsupported)的“軟件”包提供“支持服務(wù)”。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 9III. Learning Services Terms and Conditions三、學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)的條款與條件The following terms are applicable only to any Learning Servicesthat Customer purchases:下列規(guī)定僅適用于“用戶”所購買的“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”:A. Learning Services Definition:The term “Learning Services” means Lawspirit's training coursespurchased under this Agreement which may include Lawspirit'spublicly available courses (“Open Enrollment Courses”) or RedHat's training units, which may be redeemed for Open EnrollmentCourses (“TU's”). ||(一) 學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)的定義“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”系指按本《協(xié)議》購買的“lawspirit.com”培訓(xùn)課程,它可能包括“lawspirit.com”對外公開提供的學(xué)習(xí)課程(以下簡稱“公開注冊課程”),或“lawspirit.com”的單元訓(xùn)練課程,后者可轉(zhuǎn)換為“公開注冊課程”(以下簡稱“培訓(xùn)單元”)。
B. Learning Services Additional Terms and Conditions:In addition to the General Terms and Conditions set forth in SectionI hereof, the following terms apply to Learning Services:(二) 學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)的附加條款與條件除本《協(xié)議》第一條第(一)款規(guī)定的《一般條款與條件》外,下列條款亦適用于“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”:1. Payment and Expense Reimbursement. The total fees must bepaid prior to the delivery of Learning Services, notwithstanding anycontrary term set forth in Schedule I. ||1. 款項與費(fèi)用的支付. 所有費(fèi)用必須在“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”提供之前付清,即使附件I 有相反內(nèi)容的規(guī)定。
2. Equipment and Facilities. For Open Enrollment Courses, RedHat agrees to provide appropriate training facilities and hardware,and Customer will be liable for any loss or destruction of suchequipment and hardware used in connection with the LearningServices. Learning Services, offerings, scheduling, capacitylimitations, and availability are subject to change from time to time,without notice. ||2. 設(shè)備與設(shè)施. “lawspirit.com”同意為“公開注冊課程”提供必要的培訓(xùn)設(shè)施和硬件,“用戶”須承擔(dān)所有因享用“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”而使任何設(shè)備和硬件發(fā)生損失或毀壞的責(zé)任。“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”、相關(guān)的內(nèi)容、時間表、容量限制及其可行性,均可隨時發(fā)生變更,無需事先通知。
3. Customer Responsibilities. Customer is responsible forassessing the participants’ suitability for the Learning Services andenrollment in the appropriate course(s). Customer is responsible forits participants’ attendance at scheduled courses. Participants maybe required to enter into individual training agreements that areapplicable to the Learning Services. Except as otherwise specifiedin this Agreement, the Learning Services are provided subject toLawspirit’s standard policies, terms and conditions as posted onlawspirit.com.com from time to time, and all such policies, terms andconditions are incorporated herein. ||3. 用戶的責(zé)任. “用戶”須負(fù)責(zé)評估受訓(xùn)人員獲得恰當(dāng)課程的“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”和進(jìn)行學(xué)員注冊的必要性,并安排學(xué)員按課程表上課。學(xué)員可能需按要求簽署用于相關(guān)“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”的個人培訓(xùn)協(xié)議。除本《協(xié)議》另有規(guī)定外,“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”完全按“紅帽公司”的政策標(biāo)準(zhǔn),以及不時在lawspirit.com.com 網(wǎng)站上發(fā)布的條款與條件提供。所有這些政策、條款和條件特此列入本《協(xié)議》。
4. Rights to Training Materials. All training products, materials,methodologies, software, or processes provided in connection withthe Learning Services and developed during the performance of theLearning Services (collectively, the "Training IP") are the soleproperty of Lawspirit and are copyrighted by Lawspirit unlessotherwise indicated thereon. Training IP is provided solely for theuse of the participants during the provision of the Learning Servicesand shall not be copied or transferred without the prior writtenconsent of Lawspirit. Training IP shall be deemed to be Lawspirit'sconfidential and proprietary information. ||4. 有關(guān)訓(xùn)練材料的權(quán)利. 在提供“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”期間就“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”而提供和制定的所有培訓(xùn)產(chǎn)品、材料、理論方法、軟件或教學(xué)程序(以下合稱“培訓(xùn)課知識產(chǎn)權(quán)”),均屬“lawspirit.com公司”的專有財產(chǎn),其著作權(quán)歸“lawspirit.com”所有,除非其中另有說明。“培訓(xùn)課知識產(chǎn)權(quán)”僅供學(xué)員在“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”期間使用,事先未經(jīng)“lawspirit.com”書面同意,不得復(fù)制或轉(zhuǎn)讓。“培訓(xùn)課知識產(chǎn)權(quán)”應(yīng)視為“lawspirit.com”的專有保密資料。
5. Delivery Date and Cancellation. Customer agrees to takedelivery of the Learning Services on the date(s) reserved. Anydiscount is contingent on delivery of the Learning Services on suchdate(s). If Customer cancels or reschedules with less than ten (10)business days notice there will be a charge or 25% of theundiscounted total fees plus any travel and other expenses incurredby Lawspirit. ||5. 服務(wù)的提供日期與取消. “用戶”同意按預(yù)定日期接受“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”。給予任何折扣的前提是有關(guān)“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”確已在預(yù)定日期提供。如果“用戶”取消或重新安排課程,而事先給予通知的時間少于十(10)個工作日,則“用戶”須按未折扣總價的百分之二十五(25%)付費(fèi),外加“lawspirit.com”發(fā)生的任何交通費(fèi)和其它開銷。
6. Training Units. TU's may be redeemed solely for training seatsin standard, public, Open Enrollment Courses sponsored by Lawspiritat a Lawspirit training facility for a period of one (1) year from theeffective date. TUs are non-refundable and may not be redeemedfor cash or credit. Lawspirit has sole discretion regarding where andwhen the TUs can be redeemed and they may not be redeemed orapplied toward Lawspirit eLearning or On-site Courses. TUs cannotbe pro-rated or combined with any other discount, special offer orcoupon. ||6. 培訓(xùn)單元. “培訓(xùn)單元”只能按相應(yīng)培訓(xùn)名額轉(zhuǎn)換為“lawspirit.com公司”在其培訓(xùn)設(shè)施對外公開主辦的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)“公開注冊課程”,而且,這類課程的轉(zhuǎn)換僅限在生效日起一(1)年內(nèi)有效。“培訓(xùn)單元”的付費(fèi)沒有退款,也不得兌換為現(xiàn)金或抵扣任何賬目。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 107. Nonsolicitation. Customer agrees that during the term of thisAgreement and for a period of one (1) year thereafter, Customerwill not solicit or hire the instructor(s) that provide theLearning Services to Customer or induce such instructor(s) toreduce the number of hours he or she works for Lawspiritregardless of whether such instructor is an employee orindependent contractor of Lawspirit. ||7. 禁止勸誘. “用戶”同意,在本《協(xié)議》期間以及此后一(1)年內(nèi),“用戶”不會勸誘或雇用向“用戶”提供“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”的任何授課人員,或誘使他(們)減少為“lawspirit.com”服務(wù)的工作(小)時數(shù),無論他(們)是否為“lawspirit.com”的員工或獨(dú)立承包人。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 11Appendix 1LICENSE AGREEMENT AND LIMITED PRODUCTWARRANTYLAWSPIRIT? ENTERPRISE LAWSPIRIT? AND LAWSPIRIT?APPLICATIONS附件一LAWSPIRIT?ENTERPRISE LAWSPIRIT?及LAWSPIRIT?APPLICATIONS許可協(xié)議及有限產(chǎn)品保證This agreement governs the use of the Software and any updates tothe Software, regardless of the delivery mechanism. The Softwareis a collective work under U.S. Copyright Law. Subject to thefollowing terms, Lawspirit, Inc. (“Lawspirit”) grants to the user(“Customer”) a license to this collective work pursuant to the GNUGeneral Public License. ||本《協(xié)議》規(guī)范“軟件”及其更新版本的使用,無論“軟件”是以何種方式交付的。“軟件”根據(jù)美國《著作權(quán)法》屬于集體創(chuàng)作作品。在遵守下述條款的前提下,Lawspirit, Inc.(以下簡稱“lawspirit.com”)根據(jù)《GNU 通用公開許可協(xié)議》,授予使用人(下稱“用戶”)一項使用上述集體作品的許可。
1. The Software. Lawspirit Enterprise Lawspirit and LawspiritApplications (the “Software”) are either a modular operating systemor application consisting of hundreds of software components. Theend user license agreement for each component is located in thecomponent's source code. With the exception of certain image filesidentified in Section 2 below, the license terms for the componentspermit Customer to copy, modify, and redistribute the component,in both source code and binary code forms. This agreement doesnot limit Customer's rights under, or grant Customer rights thatsupersede, the license terms of any particular component. ||1. 軟件. Lawspirit Enterprise Lawspirit 和Lawspirit Applications(以下簡稱“軟件”),是一種模塊操作系統(tǒng)或應(yīng)用軟件,由上百項軟件配置程序組成。各項配置程序的源程序均附帶一份最終使用人許可協(xié)議。除下述第二條所列諸項圖像文件外,配置程序的許可條款允許“用戶”以源代碼和二進(jìn)制代碼形式,復(fù)制、修改和轉(zhuǎn)銷配置程序。本《協(xié)議》不限制“用戶”在任何配置程序許可條款項下享有的權(quán)利,也沒有授予“用戶”超出這類許可條款規(guī)定范圍行事的任何權(quán)利。
2. Intellectual Property Rights. The Software and each of itscomponents, including the source code, documentation, appearance,structure and organization are owned by Lawspirit and others and areprotected under copyright and other laws. Title to the Software andany component, or to any copy, modification, or merged portionshall remain with the aforementioned, subject to the applicablelicense. The “Lawspirit” trademark and the “Shadowman” logo areregistered trademarks of Lawspirit in the U.S. and other countries. ||This agreement does not permit Customer to distribute the Softwareusing Lawspirit's trademarks. Customer should read the informationfound at www.lawspirit.com beforedistributing a copy of the Software, regardless of whether it hasbeen modified. If Customer makes a commercial redistribution ofthe Software, unless a separate agreement with Lawspirit is executedor other permission granted, then Customer must modify any filesidentified as “LAWSPIRIT.COM-LOGOS” and “anaconda-images” toremove all images containing the “Lawspirit” trademark or the“Shadowman” logo. Merely deleting these files may corrupt theSoftware. ||2. 知識產(chǎn)權(quán). “軟件”及其所有配置程序,包括源代碼、文檔、外觀、結(jié)構(gòu)和組織,均由“lawspirit.com”及他人擁有,受著作權(quán)法和其它相關(guān)法律的保護(hù)。對“軟件”及任何配置程序或其任何拷貝、修改或合并內(nèi)容的所有權(quán),根據(jù)適用許可的條款,屬上述權(quán)利人所有。“Lawspirit”商標(biāo)及“Shadowman”標(biāo)識系“lawspirit.com”在美國和其它國家的注冊商標(biāo)。本《協(xié)議》不允許“用戶”使用“lawspirit.com”商標(biāo)轉(zhuǎn)銷“軟件”。“用戶”轉(zhuǎn)銷任何“軟件”拷貝之前,無論“軟件”是否已被修改,應(yīng)參閱www.lawspirit.com網(wǎng)站的公告。如果“用戶”進(jìn)行“軟件”的商業(yè)發(fā)售,除非與“lawspirit.com”另行簽訂協(xié)議或取得其它許可,“用戶”必須修改一切標(biāo)注有“LAWSPIRIT.COM-LOGOS”和“anaconda-images”的文檔,刪除含有“Lawspirit”商標(biāo)或“Shadowman”標(biāo)識的所有圖像。僅僅刪除這些文檔可能造成“軟件”受損。
3. Limited Warranty. Except as specifically stated in thisagreement or a license for a particular component, to the maximumextent permitted under applicable law, the Software and thecomponents are provided and licensed “as is” without warrantyof any kind, expressed or implied, including the impliedwarranties of merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for aparticular purpose. Lawspirit warrants that the media on which theSoftware is furnished will be free from defects in materials andmanufacture under normal use for a period of 30 days from the dateof delivery to Customer. Lawspirit does not warrant that thefunctions contained in the Software will meet Customer'srequirements or that the operation of the Software will be entirelyerror free or appear precisely as described in the accompanyingdocumentation. This warranty extends only to the party thatpurchases the Software from Lawspirit or a Lawspirit authorizeddistributor. ||3. 有限保證. 除非本《協(xié)議》或任何具體配置程序的許可條款另有明確規(guī)定,在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大范圍內(nèi),“軟件”及配置程序均按“現(xiàn)狀”條件提供和被許可,不另給予任何明示或暗示的保證,包括有關(guān)適銷性、不侵權(quán)或適用于任何特定目的的暗示保證。“lawspirit.com”保證,提供“軟件”的介質(zhì)在“軟件”被送交“用戶”之日起三十(30)天內(nèi),如正常使用,不會出現(xiàn)材料和制作方面的故障。“lawspirit.com”不保證“軟件”功能符合“用戶”的要求,也不保證“軟件”的運(yùn)行絕對不發(fā)生錯誤或完全按照所附文件說明進(jìn)行顯示。本項保證只適用于直接向“lawspirit.com”或“lawspirit.com”授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商購買“軟件”的買家。
4. Limitation of Remedies and Liability. To the maximum extentpermitted by applicable law, the remedies described below areaccepted by Customer as its only remedies. Lawspirit's entireliability, and Customer's exclusive remedies, shall be: If theSoftware media is defective, Customer may return it within 30 daysof delivery along with a copy of Customer's payment receipt andLawspirit, at its option, will replace it or refund the money paid byCustomer for the Software. To the maximum extent permitted byapplicable law, Lawspirit or any Lawspirit authorized dealer willnot be liable to Customer for any incidental or consequentialdamages, including lost profits or lost savings arising out of the4. 救濟(jì)與責(zé)任限制. 在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大限度內(nèi),“用戶”同意下述救濟(jì)是其有權(quán)獲得的全部法律救濟(jì)。“lawspirit.com”應(yīng)承擔(dān)的全部責(zé)任和“用戶”有權(quán)獲得的全部救濟(jì),僅限以下情形:如果“軟件”介質(zhì)有缺陷,“用戶”可在交貨后三十(30)天內(nèi),將缺陷品連同“用戶”付款收據(jù)的復(fù)印件一并退返,“lawspirit.com”可自行決定是否替換缺陷品,或向“用戶”退還已付的“軟件”款。在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大限度內(nèi),對于因“用戶”使用或不使用“軟件”而造成的任何間接或附帶損失(包括損失利潤或額外費(fèi)用),“lawspirit.com”或其授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商無需承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任,即使“lawspirit.com”或其授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商事先PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 12use or inability to use the Software, even if Lawspirit or suchdealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Inno event shall Lawspirit's liability under this agreement exceedthe amount that Customer paid to Lawspirit under thisagreement during the twelve months preceding the action. ||已被告知可能會發(fā)生這類損失。“lawspirit.com”在本《協(xié)議》項下應(yīng)承擔(dān)的責(zé)任,在任何情況下都不應(yīng)超過“用戶”在任何法律程序被提起之前十二(12)個月內(nèi)按本《協(xié)議》支付給“紅帽公司”的款額。
5. Export Control. As required by U.S. law, Customer representsand warrants that it: (a) understands that the Software is subject toexport controls under the U.S. Commerce Department’s ExportAdministration Regulations (“EAR”); (b) is not located in aprohibited destination country under the EAR or U.S. sanctionsregulations (currently Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudanand Syria); (c) will not export, re-export, or transfer the Software toany prohibited destination, entity, or individual without thenecessary export license(s) or authorizations(s) from the U.S. ||Government; (d) will not use or transfer the Software for use in anysensitive nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or missiletechnology end-uses unless authorized by the U.S. Government byregulation or specific license; (e) understands and agrees that if it isin the United States and exports or transfers the Software to eligibleend users, it will, as required by EAR Section 741.17(e), submitsemi-annual reports to the Commerce Department’s Bureau ofIndustry & Security (BIS), which include the name and address(including country) of each transferee; and (f) understands thatcountries other than the United States may restrict the import, use,or export of encryption products and that it shall be solelyresponsible for compliance with any such import, use, or exportrestrictions. ||5. 出口管制. 根據(jù)美國法律的要求,“用戶”特此聲明并保證如下:(1)“用戶”了解,根據(jù)美國商務(wù)部《出口管理條例》,“軟件”受出口管制;(2)“用戶”不在上述《出口管理條例》或美國制裁措施所轄的任何被禁目的國(當(dāng)前這些國家有古巴、伊朗、伊拉克、利比亞、北朝鮮、蘇丹及敘利亞)境內(nèi),(3)未經(jīng)美國政府許可或授權(quán),“用戶”不會向任何被禁地區(qū)、實(shí)體或個人出口、轉(zhuǎn)口銷售或轉(zhuǎn)讓“軟件”,(4)除非由美國政府合法授權(quán)或經(jīng)任何特別許可,“用戶”不會將“軟件”用于任何敏感的核能、化學(xué)或生物武器或?qū)椉夹g(shù)的最終應(yīng)用目的,也不會將之轉(zhuǎn)讓給他人用于此類目的,(5)“用戶”理解并同意,如果其在美國境內(nèi)向合格的最終使用人出口或轉(zhuǎn)讓“軟件”,則“用戶”將按上述《出口管理條例》第741.17(e)條的規(guī)定,每半年向美國商務(wù)部的行業(yè)安全局(Bureau of Industry & Security)提交一份報告,說明各受讓人的姓名、地址(包括所屬國)等情況,且(6)“用戶”理解,美國以外的其它國家可能會限制加密產(chǎn)品的進(jìn)口、使用或出口,“用戶”須全權(quán)負(fù)責(zé)遵守這些限制進(jìn)口、使用或出口的義務(wù)。
6. Third Party Programs. Lawspirit may distribute third partysoftware programs with the Software that are not part of theSoftware. These third party programs are subject to their ownlicense terms. The license terms either accompany the programs orcan be viewed at
http://www.lawspirit.com.com/licenses/. If Customerdoes not agree to abide by the applicable license terms for suchprograms, then Customer may not install them. If Customer wishesto install the programs on more than one system or transfer theprograms to another party, then Customer must contact the licensorof the programs. ||6. 第三方軟件程序. “lawspirit.com”可能隨“軟件”配送不屬于“軟件”內(nèi)容的第三方軟件程序。這類程序由其自身所帶的軟件許可條款制約。該等許可條款或者隨第三方軟件程序附送,或可登陸www.lawspirit.com網(wǎng)站查閱。如果“用戶”不同意遵守第三方軟件程序適用的許可條款,則無權(quán)安裝該等程序。如果“用戶”希望在一個以上的系統(tǒng)中安裝程序,或向其它人轉(zhuǎn)讓程序,則必須自行聯(lián)絡(luò)程序許可人。
7. General. If any provision of this agreement is held to beunenforceable, that shall not affect the enforceability of theremaining provisions. This agreement shall be governed by the lawsof the State of North Carolina and of the United States, withoutregard to any conflict of laws provisions, except that the UnitedNations Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall notapply. ||7. 一般規(guī)定. 如果本《協(xié)議》有任何條款被確定為不具有強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行效力,本《協(xié)議》的其余條款不受影響。本《協(xié)議》受美國北卡羅來納州的法律及美國法律管轄,但不包括其沖突法規(guī)范,也不適用《聯(lián)合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》。
Copyright ? 2003 Lawspirit, Inc. All rights reserved. "Lawspirit" and the RedHat "Shadowman" logo are registered trademarks of Lawspirit, Inc. "Lawspirit" isa registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other trademarks are theproperty of their respective owners. ||?2003 Lawspirit, Inc. 版權(quán)所有。一切版權(quán)均由Lawspirit, Inc. 保留。“RedHat”及“Shadowman”標(biāo)識系Lawspirit, Inc.之注冊商標(biāo)。“Lawspirit”系Linus Torvalds 之注冊商標(biāo)。其它商標(biāo)由各相關(guān)財產(chǎn)權(quán)利人所有。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 13Appendix 2LICENSE AGREEMENT AND LIMITED PRODUCTWARRANTYLAWSPIRIT STRONGHOLD FOR LAWSPIRIT ENTERPRISELAWSPIRIT AND LAWSPIRIT STRONGHOLD FOR UNIX附件二LAWSPIRIT STRONGHOLD FOR LAWSPIRIT ENTERPRISELAWSPIRIT 以及LAWSPIRIT STRONGHOLD FOR UNIX許可協(xié)議及有限產(chǎn)品保證This agreement governs the use of the Software and any updates tothe Software, regardless of the delivery mechanism. The Softwareis a collective work under U.S. Copyright Law. Subject to thefollowing terms, Lawspirit, Inc. (“Lawspirit”) grants to the user(“Customer”) a license to this collective work pursuant to the GNUGeneral Public License. ||本《協(xié)議》規(guī)范“軟件”及其更新版本的使用,無論“軟件”是以何種方式交付的。“軟件”根據(jù)美國《著作權(quán)法》屬于集體創(chuàng)作作品。在遵守下述條款的前提下,Lawspirit, Inc.(以下簡稱“lawspirit.com”)根據(jù)《GNU 通用公開許可協(xié)議》,授予使用人(下稱“用戶”)一項使用上述集體作品的許可。
1. The Software. Lawspirit Stronghold for Lawspirit EnterpriseLawspirit and Lawspirit Stronghold for Unix (the “Software”) are secureweb servers consisting of hundreds of software components. Theend user license agreement for each component is located in thecomponent's source code. Subject to Section 2 below, the licenseterms for the components permit Customer to copy, modify, andredistribute the component, in both source code and binary codeforms. This agreement does not limit Customer's rights under, orgrant Customer rights that supersede, the license terms of anyparticular component. ||1. 軟件. Lawspirit Stronghold for Lawspirit Enterprise Lawspirit 以及Lawspirit Stronghold for Unix (以下簡稱“軟件”),都屬于網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全服務(wù)器,由上百項軟件配置程序組成。各項配置程序的源程序均附帶一份最終使用人許可協(xié)議。在遵守下述第二條規(guī)定的前提下,配置程序的許可條款允許“用戶”以源代碼和二進(jìn)制代碼形式,復(fù)制、修改和轉(zhuǎn)銷配置程序。本《協(xié)議》不限制“用戶”在任何配置程序許可條款項下享有的權(quán)利,也沒有授予“用戶”超出這類許可條款規(guī)定范圍行事的任何權(quán)利。
2. Intellectual Property Rights. The Software and each of itscomponents, including the source code, documentation, appearance,structure and organization are owned by Lawspirit and others and areprotected under copyright and other laws. Title to the Software andany component, or to any copy, modification, or merged portionshall remain with the aforementioned, subject to the applicablelicense. The “Stronghold” and “Lawspirit” trademarks and the“Shadowman” logo are registered trademarks of Lawspirit in the U.S. ||and other countries. This agreement does not permit Customer todistribute the Software using Lawspirit's trademarks. Customershould read the information found atwww.lawspirit.com beforedistributing a copy of the Software, regardless of whether it hasbeen modified. ||2. 知識產(chǎn)權(quán). “軟件”及其所有配置程序,包括源代碼、文檔、外觀、結(jié)構(gòu)和組織,均由“lawspirit.com”及他人擁有,受著作權(quán)法和其它相關(guān)法律的保護(hù)。對“軟件”及任何配置程序或其任何拷貝、修改或合并內(nèi)容的所有權(quán),根據(jù)適用許可的條款,屬上述權(quán)利人所有。“Stronghold”、“Lawspirit”商標(biāo)以及“Shadowman”標(biāo)識,系“lawspirit.com”在美國和其它國家的注冊商標(biāo)。本《協(xié)議》不允許“用戶”使用“lawspirit.com”商標(biāo)轉(zhuǎn)銷“軟件”。“用戶”轉(zhuǎn)銷任何“軟件”拷貝之前,無論“ 軟件” 是否已被修改, 應(yīng)參閱www.lawspirit.com網(wǎng)站的公告。
3. Limited Warranty. Except as specifically stated in thisagreement or a license for a particular component, to the maximumextent permitted under applicable law, the Software and thecomponents are provided and licensed “as is” without warrantyof any kind, expressed or implied, including the impliedwarranties of merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for aparticular purpose. Lawspirit warrants that the media on which theSoftware is furnished will be free from defects in materials andmanufacture under normal use for a period of 30 days from the dateof delivery to Customer. Lawspirit does not warrant that thefunctions contained in the Software will meet Customer'srequirements or that the operation of the Software will be entirelyerror free or appear precisely as described in the accompanyingdocumentation. This warranty extends only to the party thatpurchases the Software from Lawspirit or a Lawspirit authorizeddistributor. ||3. 有限保證. 除非本《協(xié)議》或任何具體配置程序的許可條款另有明確規(guī)定,在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大范圍內(nèi),“軟件”及配置程序均按“現(xiàn)狀”條件提供和被許可,不另給予任何明示或暗示的保證,包括有關(guān)適銷性、不侵權(quán)或適用于任何特定目的的暗示保證。“lawspirit.com”保證,提供“軟件”的介質(zhì)在“軟件”被送交“用戶”之日起三十(30)天內(nèi),如正常使用,不會出現(xiàn)材料和制作方面的故障。“lawspirit.com”不保證“軟件”功能符合“用戶”的要求,也不保證“軟件”的運(yùn)行絕對不發(fā)生錯誤或完全按照所附文件說明進(jìn)行顯示。本項保證只適用于直接向“lawspirit.com”或“lawspirit.com”授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商購買“軟件”的買家。
4. Limitation of Remedies and Liability. To the maximum extentpermitted by applicable law, the remedies described below areaccepted by Customer as its only remedies. Lawspirit's entireliability, and Customer's exclusive remedies, shall be: If theSoftware media is defective, Customer may return it within 30 daysof delivery along with a copy of Customer's payment receipt andLawspirit, at its option, will replace it or refund the money paid byCustomer for the Software. To the maximum extent permitted byapplicable law, Lawspirit or any Lawspirit authorized dealer willnot be liable to Customer for any incidental or consequentialdamages, including lost profits or lost savings arising out of theuse or inability to use the Software, even if Lawspirit or suchdealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Inno event shall Lawspirit's liability under this agreement exceed4. 救濟(jì)與責(zé)任限制. 在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大限度內(nèi),“用戶”同意下述救濟(jì)是其有權(quán)獲得的全部法律救濟(jì)。“lawspirit.com”應(yīng)承擔(dān)的全部責(zé)任和“用戶”有權(quán)獲得的全部救濟(jì),僅限以下情形:如果“軟件”介質(zhì)有缺陷,“用戶”可在交貨后三十(30)天內(nèi),將缺陷品連同“用戶”付款收據(jù)的復(fù)印件一并退返,“lawspirit.com”可自行決定是否替換缺陷品,或向“用戶”退還已付的“軟件”款。在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大限度內(nèi),對于因“用戶”使用或不使用“軟件”而造成的任何間接或附帶損失(包括損失利潤或額外費(fèi)用),“lawspirit.com”或其授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商無需承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任,即使“lawspirit.com”或其授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商事先已被告知可能會發(fā)生這類損失。“lawspirit.com”在本《協(xié)議》項下應(yīng)承擔(dān)的責(zé)任,在任何情況下都不應(yīng)超過“用戶”在任何法PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 14the amount that Customer paid to Lawspirit under thisagreement during the twelve months preceding the action. ||律程序被提起之前十二(12)個月內(nèi)按本《協(xié)議》支付給“紅帽公司”的款額。
5. Export Control. As required by U.S. law, Customer representsand warrants that it: (a) understands that the Software is subject toexport controls under the U.S. Commerce Department’s ExportAdministration Regulations (“EAR”); (b) is not located in aprohibited destination country under the EAR or U.S. sanctionsregulations (currently Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudanand Syria); (c) will not export, re-export, or transfer the Software toany prohibited destination, entity, or individual without thenecessary export license(s) or authorizations(s) from the U.S. ||Government; (d) will not use or transfer the Software for use in anysensitive nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or missiletechnology end-uses unless authorized by the U.S. Government byregulation or specific license; (e) understands and agrees that if it isin the United States and exports or transfers the Software to eligibleend users, it will, as required by EAR Section 741.17(e), submitsemi-annual reports to the Commerce Department’s Bureau ofIndustry & Security (BIS), which include the name and address(including country) of each transferee; and (f) understands thatcountries other than the United States may restrict the import, use,or export of encryption products and that it shall be solelyresponsible for compliance with any such import, use, or exportrestrictions. ||5. 出口管制. 根據(jù)美國法律的要求,“用戶”特此聲明并保證如下:(1)“用戶”了解,根據(jù)美國商務(wù)部《出口管理條例》,“軟件”受出口管制;(2)“用戶”不在上述《出口管理條例》或美國制裁措施所轄的任何被禁目的國(當(dāng)前這些國家有古巴、伊朗、伊拉克、利比亞、北朝鮮、蘇丹及敘利亞)境內(nèi),(3)未經(jīng)美國政府許可或授權(quán),“用戶”不會向任何被禁地區(qū)、實(shí)體或個人出口、轉(zhuǎn)口銷售或轉(zhuǎn)讓“軟件”,(4)除非由美國政府合法授權(quán)或經(jīng)任何特別許可,“用戶”不會將“軟件”用于任何敏感的核能、化學(xué)或生物武器或?qū)椉夹g(shù)的最終應(yīng)用目的,也不會將之轉(zhuǎn)讓給他人用于此類目的,(5)“用戶”理解并同意,如果其在美國境內(nèi)向合格的最終使用人出口或轉(zhuǎn)讓“軟件”,則“用戶”將按上述《出口管理條例》第741.17(e)條的規(guī)定,每半年向美國商務(wù)部的行業(yè)安全局(Bureau of Industry & Security)提交一份報告,說明各受讓人的姓名、地址(包括所屬國)等情況,且(6)“用戶”理解,美國以外的其它國家可能會限制加密產(chǎn)品的進(jìn)口、使用或出口,“用戶”須全權(quán)負(fù)責(zé)遵守這些限制進(jìn)口、使用或出口的義務(wù)。
6. Third Party Programs. Lawspirit may distribute third partysoftware programs with the Software that are not part of theSoftware. These third party programs are subject to their ownlicense terms. The license terms either accompany the programs orcan be viewed at www.lawspirit.com. If Customerdoes not agree to abide by the applicable license terms for suchprograms, then Customer may not install them. If Customer wishesto install the programs on more than one system or transfer theprograms to another party, then Customer must contact the licensorof the programs. ||6. 第三方軟件程序. “lawspirit.com”可能隨“軟件”配送不屬于“軟件”內(nèi)容的第三方軟件程序。這類程序由其自身所帶的軟件許可條款制約。該等許可條款或者隨第三方軟件程序附送,或可登陸www.lawspirit.com網(wǎng)站查閱。如果“用戶”不同意遵守第三方軟件程序適用的許可條款,則無權(quán)安裝該等程序。如果“用戶”希望在一個以上的系統(tǒng)中安裝程序,或向其它人轉(zhuǎn)讓程序,則必須自行聯(lián)絡(luò)程序許可人。
7. General. If any provision of this agreement is held to beunenforceable, that shall not affect the enforceability of theremaining provisions. This agreement shall be governed by the lawsof the State of North Carolina and of the United States, withoutregard to any conflict of laws provisions, except that the UnitedNations Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall notapply. ||7. 一般規(guī)定. 如果本《協(xié)議》有任何條款被確定為不具有強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行效力,本《協(xié)議》的其余條款不受影響。本《協(xié)議》受美國北卡羅來納州的法律及美國法律管轄,但不包括其沖突法規(guī)范,也不適用《聯(lián)合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》。
This Subscription Agreement (the "Agreement") is between Lawspirit, Inc. ("Lawspirit") and any purchaser or user ("Customer") ofLawspirit products and services that accepts the terms of thisAgreement (“Customer”). ||本《訂購協(xié)議》(以下簡稱本《協(xié)議》)由Lawspirit, Inc.(以下簡稱“lawspirit.com”)和同意接受本《協(xié)議》條款的“lawspirit.com公司”產(chǎn)品及服務(wù)的買方或使用人(以下簡稱“用戶”)簽訂。
The Effective Date of this Agreement is the earlier of the date thatCustomer accepts this Agreement or the date that Customer usesLawspirit's products or services. ||本《協(xié)議》的“生效日”為“用戶”接受本《協(xié)議》之日,或“用戶”使用“lawspirit.com”產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)之日(以其中較早發(fā)生之日為準(zhǔn))。
I. Terms and Conditions一、條款與條件A. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONSThe term “Services” as used in this Agreement means, collectively,the Support Services provided under the purchased subscription anddefined herein, RHN Services as defined herein, and any LearningServices purchased under this Agreement and defined herein. Theterm "Software" means the family of software products purchasedunder this Agreement and defined herein, if any. The term“Installed Systems” means the number of Systems on whichCustomer installs the Software. The term "System" means anyhardware on which the Software is installed, which may be, withoutlimitation, a server, a work station, a virtual machine, a blade, apartition or an engine, as applicable. The initial number of InstalledSystems is the number of copies of the Software that Customerpurchases. ||(一) 一般條款與條件本《協(xié)議》所稱“服務(wù)”系指在訂購范圍內(nèi)提供的本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的“支持服務(wù)”、“RHN 服務(wù)”,以及根據(jù)本《協(xié)議》購買的本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的任何“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”。“軟件”系指按本《協(xié)議》購買的本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的軟件類產(chǎn)品。“已安裝系統(tǒng)”系指“用戶”裝有軟件的各種系統(tǒng)。“系統(tǒng)”系指裝有“軟件”的任何硬件,包括但不限于服務(wù)器、工作站、虛擬機(jī)臺、機(jī)片、分隔板或引擎(視具體情況而定)。“已安裝系統(tǒng)”的最初數(shù)量為“用戶”購買“軟件”的份數(shù)。
1. TERM AND TERMINATION1.1 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for the duration ofall Services provided under this Agreement. The initial term forServices shall commence on the Effective Date of this Agreementand shall continue for a period of one (1) year. Thereafter, the termfor Services shall renew for successive terms of one (1) year eachunless either party gives written notice to the other of its intentionnot to renew at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement ofthe next term; provided, however, Customer shall have the right toterminate this Agreement at any time after the first year by givingsixty (60) days prior written notice of termination to Lawspirit. Customer shall remain obligated for all fees through the date oftermination. ||1. 期限與終止1.1 期限. 本《協(xié)議》的期限應(yīng)為提供本《協(xié)議》項下所有“服務(wù)”所需的期間。提供“服務(wù)”的最初期限自本《協(xié)議》的“生效日”開始,為期一(1)年。之后,“服務(wù)”期每年連續(xù)自動延長一(1)年,除非任何一方在下一“服務(wù)”期的起始日之前至少六十(60)天,事先書面通知對方,要求停止續(xù)約。但是,在第一年的期限屆滿后,“用戶”隨時有權(quán)經(jīng)提前六十(60)天書面通知“lawspirit.com”后,終止本《協(xié)議》,但“用戶”有義務(wù)付清截至本《協(xié)議》終止之日的所有費(fèi)用。
1.2 Termination for Breach. Lawspirit may terminate thisAgreement (a) in the event Customer fails to pay an invoice whendue, (b) in the event Customer commits a material breach of thisAgreement and fails to remedy that breach within thirty (30) days ofreceipt of written notice of material breach, or (c) as otherwiseprovided in this Agreement. Customer may terminate thisAgreement in the event Lawspirit commits a material breach of thisAgreement and fails to remedy that breach within thirty (30) days ofreceipt of written notice of material breach. ||1.2 違約終止. “lawspirit.com”有權(quán)在下列情形發(fā)生時終止本《協(xié)議》:(a)“用戶”未支付任何到期應(yīng)付款;(b)“用戶”嚴(yán)重違反本《協(xié)議》,而且在收到有關(guān)其嚴(yán)重違約的書面通知后三十(30)日內(nèi),仍未糾正違約;或(c)本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的其它情形。如果“lawspirit.com”嚴(yán)重違反本《協(xié)議》,而且在收到有關(guān)其嚴(yán)重違約的書面通知后三十(30)日內(nèi),仍未糾正違約,則“用戶”有權(quán)終止本《協(xié)議》。
2. PRICING, INVOICING AND TAXES. Customer agrees toprovide Lawspirit with accurate and complete billing information(including legal name, address, telephone number, and billing or2. 價格、發(fā)票與稅務(wù). “用戶”同意向“lawspirit.com”提供正確而完整的收款信息(包括法定名稱、地址、電話號碼,以及發(fā)PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 2credit information). Customer will report to Lawspirit all changes tothis information within thirty (30) days of the change. Lawspiritreserves the right to suspend or cancel Services for non-payment. ||All fees are stated and must be paid in United States Dollars. IfCustomer is paying by credit card, then Customer authorizes RedHat to bill Customer's credit card for the Services for the initial termand for the amount due at the time of renewal. If Lawspirit hasapproved Customer to be invoiced, then Lawspirit will invoiceCustomer for the total fees at the time of execution of thisAgreement, and payment shall be due within thirty (30) days of theinvoice date and any additional fees shall be due within thirty (30)days of the invoice date. All prices and rates quoted by Lawspirit areexclusive of any foreign, federal, state, or local sales, excise, use, orsimilar taxes. Customer agrees to pay all such taxes, whenapplicable, regardless of whether such taxes are originally chargedon Customer's credit card or appear on Lawspirit’s original invoice,or are later levied on Lawspirit or Customer by a taxing authority,excluding any taxes levied solely on the net taxable income of RedHat. For this purpose, Customer agrees that where any such taxesapply to a price quoted by Lawspirit, the said price shall be increasedto such extent that after payment of all such applicable taxesCustomer would actually pay Lawspirit an amount equal to theoriginal price quoted by Lawspirit. Any renewal of this Agreementwill be at Lawspirit’s list prices in effect ninety (90) days prior torenewal; provided, however, the first such renewal shall be at thesame price per Installed System paid during the initial term. ||帳單或劃帳所需的信息)。上述信息如有變更,“用戶”應(yīng)于變更發(fā)生后三十(30)日內(nèi)告知“lawspirit.com”。對于任何尚未付款的“服務(wù)”,“lawspirit.com”保留中止或取消“服務(wù)”的權(quán)利。所有費(fèi)用項目均使用美金報價和付款。如使用信用卡付款,則“用戶”授權(quán)“lawspirit.com”直接從“用戶”的信用卡帳戶劃收最初一年“服務(wù)”期的“服務(wù)”費(fèi),以及續(xù)約時到期的應(yīng)付款。如果“lawspirit.com”同意為“用戶”開發(fā)票,則“lawspirit.com公司”必須在簽署本《協(xié)議》時就所有已發(fā)生費(fèi)用向“用戶”開具發(fā)票。發(fā)票項下的應(yīng)付款應(yīng)于發(fā)票之日三十(30)天內(nèi)付清,其它費(fèi)用款亦應(yīng)于發(fā)票之日起三十(30)天內(nèi)付清。“lawspirit.com公司”提供的所有報價及收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),均不得含有任何外國的、聯(lián)邦的、州的稅收,或任何當(dāng)?shù)氐匿N售稅、貨物稅、使用稅,或任何類似的稅費(fèi)。“用戶”同意支付所有上述稅費(fèi)(如有的話),無論該等費(fèi)用需從“用戶”信用卡帳戶劃收,或按“紅帽公司”開具的原始發(fā)票支付,或隨后由稅務(wù)機(jī)關(guān)向“lawspirit.com公司”或“用戶”征收。但是,上述稅費(fèi)不包括任何對“lawspirit.com公司”的應(yīng)稅凈收入征收的所得稅。為此目的,“用戶”同意,在“lawspirit.com”所報任一價格適用上述稅收的情況下,該等價格應(yīng)相應(yīng)提高到這種程度,即繳納了該等稅款之后,“用戶”將實(shí)際支付給“lawspirit.com”的金額與“lawspirit.com”原本所報價格相等。本《協(xié)議》的所有續(xù)約價格,均按續(xù)約前九十(90)天當(dāng)時有效的“lawspirit.com”公布的定價確定;但是,首次續(xù)約時,每項“已安裝系統(tǒng)”的價格應(yīng)按其在本《協(xié)議》最初期限內(nèi)適用的價格確定。
3. PAYMENT. Except in the case of breach of this Agreement byLawspirit or termination of this Agreement as provided in Section 1.1hereof, any and all payments of amounts due under this Agreementare non-refundable. In the event Customer fails to make payment toLawspirit in the manner provided by this Agreement, Lawspirit’sremedies include (a) suspending Services until Lawspirit receives fullpayment from Customer for all fees, including late fees and interest,due, or (b) terminating this Agreement without notice. Customershall be responsible for filing and registering this Agreement withall relevant government authorities of the People’s Republic ofChina (“PRC”) as required by PRC law in a timely manner and at itsown cost, including, without limitation, any registrations requiredwith the PRC Ministry of Commerce. ||3. 付款. 除非“lawspirit.com”違反本《協(xié)議》、或本《協(xié)議》按第1.1 條規(guī)定的情形被終止,本《協(xié)議》項下到期應(yīng)付的所有款項均不退款。如果“用戶”未按本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定方式向“紅帽公司”付款,則“lawspirit.com”有權(quán)獲得下列救濟(jì):(a)中止“服務(wù)”,直至“lawspirit.com”收到“用戶”全額支付的所有費(fèi)用,包括滯納金和到期利息,或(b)無需發(fā)出通知而終止本《協(xié)議》。“用戶”應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)將本《協(xié)議》及時地并自行承擔(dān)費(fèi)用向中華人民共和國(“中國”)法律所要求的所有有關(guān)中國政府機(jī)關(guān)進(jìn)行備案和注冊,包括但不限于按要求向中國商務(wù)部注冊。
4. REPORTING AND AUDIT. If Customer wishes to increase thenumber of Installed System, then Customer will purchase from RedHat additional Services for each additional Installed System. Duringthe term of this Agreement and for one (1) year thereafter, Customerexpressly grants to Lawspirit the right to audit Customer’s facilitiesand records from time to time in order to verify Customer’scompliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Anysuch audit shall only take place during Customer’s normal businesshours and upon no less than ten (10) days prior written notice fromLawspirit. Lawspirit shall conduct no more than one such audit in anytwelve-month period except for the express purpose of assuringcompliance by Customer where non-compliance has beenestablished in a prior audit. Lawspirit shall give Customer writtennotice of any non-compliance, and if a payment deficiency exists,then Customer shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of suchnotice to make payment to Lawspirit for any payment deficiency. ||The amount of the payment deficiency will be determined bymultiplying the number of underreported Installed Systems orServices by the annual fee for such item. If Customer is found tohave underreported the number of Installed Systems or amount ofServices by more than five percent (5%), Customer shall, in additionto the annual fee for such item, pay liquidated damages equal totwenty percent (20%) of the underreported fees for loss of incomeand administration costs suffered by Lawspirit as a result. Customeragrees and confirms that said liquidated damages is a fair andreasonable estimate of loss of income and administration costssuffered by Lawspirit under such circumstance. ||4. 報告與核查. “用戶”如需要增加“已安裝系統(tǒng)”的數(shù)目,應(yīng)按每個增加的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”另向“lawspirit.com”購買增加的“服務(wù)”。在本《協(xié)議》期間及此后一(1)年內(nèi),“用戶”明確授權(quán)“lawspirit.com”,為保證“用戶”遵守本《協(xié)議》的條款和條件,隨時核查“用戶”的設(shè)施和記錄。該核查行為只限在“用戶”正常工作時間內(nèi)進(jìn)行,且“lawspirit.com”應(yīng)提前至少十(10)日給予書面通知。在任何連續(xù)的十二(12)個月期間,“lawspirit.com公司”最多只可進(jìn)行一次核查,除非在任何核查時發(fā)現(xiàn)“用戶”有違規(guī)情形,需要為確保“用戶”遵守本《協(xié)議》條款而進(jìn)行任何其它核查。“lawspirit.com”應(yīng)以書面形式通知“用戶”發(fā)生的任何違規(guī)情形,如果違規(guī)情形是付款不足,“用戶”須自通知之日起十五(15)天內(nèi),將短缺款項支付給“lawspirit.com公司”。短缺款項的金額按照少報的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”或“服務(wù)”的數(shù)量,乘以少報項目的年費(fèi)計算。如果發(fā)現(xiàn)“用戶”少報的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”的數(shù)目、或“服務(wù)”的金額超過百分之五(5%),那么,除少報項目的年費(fèi)外,“用戶”還應(yīng)額外支付相等于少報費(fèi)用百分之二十(20%)的損害賠償金,賠償“lawspirit.com公司”的收益損失及管理費(fèi)用。“用戶”同意并確認(rèn),上述損害賠償金數(shù)額是對“lawspirit.com”在該等情形下所受收益損失和管理費(fèi)用的公平合理的估計。
5. NON-TRANSFERABLE. This Agreement, and all Servicesprovided by Lawspirit pursuant to this Agreement, may not betransferred, assigned or distributed without the prior written consentof Lawspirit. Any attempted transfer, assignment or distributionwithout Lawspirit's prior written consent shall terminate thisAgreement, and Lawspirit shall have no further obligation hereunder. ||5. 禁止轉(zhuǎn)讓. 未經(jīng)“lawspirit.com”事先書面同意,本《協(xié)議》以及“lawspirit.com”根據(jù)本《協(xié)議》提供的所有“服務(wù)”,均不得被轉(zhuǎn)讓、出讓、或分銷。任何未經(jīng)“lawspirit.com”事先書面同意而試圖進(jìn)行的轉(zhuǎn)讓、出讓、或分銷,將導(dǎo)致本《協(xié)議》被終止,而“lawspirit.com”不再承擔(dān)本《協(xié)議》項下的任何義務(wù)。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 36. WARRANTY. To the maximum extent permitted by applicablelaw, except as specifically stated in this Agreement, the Software,the Services, and any software program provided by means of RHN,any Proxy Server, Satellite, or the RHN Code (each as definedherein) are provided and LICENSED “AS IS” WITHOUTWARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THEIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENTAND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. LAWSPIRIT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THEUSE OF THE SOFTWARE, SERVICES, OR THE PROXYSERVER, SATELLITE, OR THE RHN CODE (EACH ASDEFINED HEREIN) WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED ORERROR FREE. ||6. 保證. 除非本《協(xié)議》另有明確規(guī)定,在適用法律允許的最大范圍內(nèi),通過“RHN”、“代理服務(wù)器”、“衛(wèi)星”、或“RHN 代碼”(定義分別參見本《協(xié)議》)提供的“軟件”、“服務(wù)”及任何軟件程序,完全按“現(xiàn)狀”條件提供和許可,不附帶任何形式的保證,無論是明示或默示的保證,包括但不限于有關(guān)適銷性、不侵權(quán)及適合特定目的的默示保證。“lawspirit.com公司”不保證“軟件”、“服務(wù)”或“代理服務(wù)器”、“衛(wèi)星”、或“RHN 代碼”(定義分別參見本《協(xié)議》)的使用,不發(fā)生中斷或錯誤。
7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Neither party shall be inbreach of this Agreement due to failure of performance that arisesout of causes beyond its reasonable control. To the maximumextent permitted by applicable law, IN NO EVENT WILL REDHAT BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTYFOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES, WHETHER IN TORT OR IN CONTRACT,INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS OR OTHERINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISINGUNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR LAWSPIRIT’SPERFORMANCE INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION (A)THE SOFTWARE, THE SERVICES, THE PROXY SERVER,SATELLITE, OR THE RHN CODE (EACH AS DEFINEDHEREIN) (B) ANY INTERRUPTION OF USE OF RHN, THESOFTWARE, OR THE PROXY SERVER, SATELLITE, ORTHE RHN CODE (EACH AS DEFINED HEREIN) OR (C)FOR LOSS, INACCURACY OR CORRUPTION OF DATA,EVEN IF LAWSPIRIT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALLLAWSPIRIT’S LIABILITY HEREUNDER EXCEED THEAMOUNT THAT CUSTOMER PAID TO LAWSPIRIT UNDERTHIS AGREEMENT DURING THE PREVIOUS TWELVEMONTHS. ||7. 責(zé)任限制. 任何一方因無法合理控制的原因而未履行本《協(xié)議》,不構(gòu)成對本《協(xié)議》的違約。在適用法律允許的最大范圍內(nèi),對于“用戶”或任何第三方發(fā)生的任何附帶損失或間接損失(無論這類損失系因侵權(quán)行為或根據(jù)合同而發(fā)生的),包括利潤損失、原本可以節(jié)約的支出、或因本《協(xié)議》或“lawspirit.com公司”的工作表現(xiàn)而產(chǎn)生的其它附帶損失或間接損失(包括但不限于由于以下因素導(dǎo)致的損失:(A)“軟件”、“服務(wù)”或“代理服務(wù)器”、“衛(wèi)星”、或“RHN 代碼”(定義分別參見本《協(xié)議》);(B)“RHN”、“軟件”或“代理服務(wù)器”、“衛(wèi)星”、或“RHN 代碼”(定義分別參見本《協(xié)議》)的使用被中斷;或(C)資料被遺失、發(fā)生錯誤或毀損),“lawspirit.com公司”概不承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任,即使其事前已被告知有可能發(fā)生此類損失。在任何情況下,“lawspirit.com”在本《協(xié)議》項下所承擔(dān)的責(zé)任,都不應(yīng)超過“用戶”在此前十二(12)個月根據(jù)本《協(xié)議》支付給“lawspirit.com”的款額。
8. CONFIDENTIALITY. Customer and Lawspirit agree tomaintain the confidentiality of the proprietary information receivedfrom the other party including non-public technical and businessinformation for a period of two (2) years after the termination of thisAgreement. Lawspirit’s pricing and product roadmap are Lawspirit’sconfidential information. This section shall not apply to anypublicly available or independently developed information. ||8. 保密條款. “用戶”和“lawspirit.com”同意,在本《協(xié)議》終止后的兩(2)年內(nèi),各方須對其獲得的另一方的專有信息(包括非公開的技術(shù)或商業(yè)信息)保密。“lawspirit.com”的定價辦法與產(chǎn)品介紹屬“lawspirit.com”的保密信息。本條規(guī)定不適用于任何可公開獲得的信息和獨(dú)立開發(fā)的信息。
9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall constitute theexclusive terms and conditions with respect to the purchases ofSoftware and Services under this Agreement by Customer from RedHat, notwithstanding any different or additional terms that may becontained in the form of purchase order or other document used byCustomer in such transactions. This Agreement contains the final,complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between theparties with respect to the transactions contemplated herein and allprior written agreements and all prior and contemporaneous oralagreements with respect to the subject matter herein are mergedherein including any Subscription Descriptions and SubscriptionPurchase Terms. This Agreement may not be amended,supplemented or modified (or any right or power granted hereunderwaived) except by written instrument signed by authorized officersof the parties hereto (or in the case of a waiver, signed by the partyto be bound), which instrument makes specific reference to thisAgreement. ||9. 全部協(xié)議. 本《協(xié)議》構(gòu)成有關(guān)“用戶”按本《協(xié)議》向“lawspirit.com”購買“軟件”及“服務(wù)”的全部條款和條件,即使訂購單或“用戶”交易時使用的其它文件可能規(guī)定任何不同或額外的條款。本《協(xié)議》系雙方就本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定交易所達(dá)成的協(xié)議的最終、完整且唯一的表述;先前有關(guān)本《協(xié)議》主題事項所達(dá)成的一切書面協(xié)議,以及先前或臨時達(dá)成的一切口頭協(xié)議(包括任何《訂購說明》及《訂購條款》),特此全部納入本《協(xié)議》。修改、增補(bǔ)、或變更本《協(xié)議》(或放棄本《協(xié)議》項下的任何權(quán)利或權(quán)力),必須由本《協(xié)議》雙方授權(quán)代表簽署明確的書面文件(或如有任何方棄權(quán),必須由棄權(quán)方簽署書面文件)。
10. GENERAL. (10.1) This Agreement shall be governed by andconstrued in accordance with the substantive laws of the State ofNorth Carolina, U.S.A., without regard to choice of law provisions,except that the United Nations Convention on the International Saleof Goods shall not apply. Any dispute, controversy or claim arisingout of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach termination orinvalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance withthe UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as at present in force. The10. 一般規(guī)定. (10.1)本《協(xié)議》受美國北卡羅來納州實(shí)體法的管轄,并根據(jù)該法進(jìn)行解釋,但不包括其沖突法規(guī)范,也不適用《聯(lián)合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》。因本《協(xié)議》或其違約、終止、有效性等事宜引起或與之有關(guān)的任何爭議或訴求,應(yīng)通過仲裁并依據(jù)當(dāng)時有效的聯(lián)合國國際貿(mào)易法委員會仲裁規(guī)則來解決。應(yīng)由香港國際仲裁中心委任仲裁員。仲裁地點(diǎn)應(yīng)在香港國際仲裁中心。應(yīng)僅有一名仲裁員。仲裁應(yīng)以英文進(jìn)行。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 4appointing authority shall be Hong Kong International ArbitrationCentre (HKIAC). The place of arbitration shall be in Hong Kong atthe HKIAC. There shall be one arbitrator. The language of thearbitration shall be English. Any such arbitration shall beadministered by HKIAC in accordance with HKIAC Procedures forArbitration in force at the date of this Agreement including suchadditions to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as are thereincontained. (10.2) Each party warrants that the person signing oraccepting this Agreement is authorized to bind said party. (10.3) Ifone or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement is heldinvalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect by any court ofcompetent jurisdiction, such holding will not impair the validity,legality, or enforceability of the remaining provisions. (10.4)Failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise any right,remedy, power or privilege hereunder will not operate as a waiver. ||(10.5) Any provision of this Agreement which may be reasonablyexpected to survive the termination of this Agreement, including,but not limited to, the sections entitled Warranty and Limitation ofLiability, shall survive such termination. (10.6) Lawspirit maysupply Customer with technical data that is subject to import/exportcontrol restrictions. Lawspirit will not be responsible for complianceby Customer with applicable import/export restrictions orobligations for such technical data. Each party agrees to complywith any applicable import/export control laws or regulations. ||(10.7) Any notice to be given pursuant to this Agreement, includingany notice of change of address for notice, shall be deemed givenwhen sent to Lawspirit to General Counsel, Lawspirit, Inc., 1801Varsity Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606, U.S.A. or by facsimile to 919-754-3704 and to Customer at the address or facsimile numberindicated at the time of purchase: (a) seven (7) business days afterbeing deposited with the local postal service of the sender, postageprepaid, first class, air mail, certified, return receipt requested; (b)upon receipt when delivered in person; (c) three (3) business daysafter being deposited with a reputable international overnightdelivery service; or (d) one (1) business day after being transmittedby facsimile with confirmation of delivery to the number for suchparty set forth in this Agreement. (10.8) In the event of a disputebetween the parties regarding payment under this Agreement, thenon-prevailing party shall pay the reasonable attorney’s fees of theprevailing party. (10.9) This Agreement shall be made in theEnglish language and the English original shall control allinterpretations of the terms hereof. Any translation of thisAgreement is provided for the purpose of reference only. ||該等仲裁應(yīng)由香港國際仲裁中心依據(jù)其在本《協(xié)議》之日期有效的仲裁程序進(jìn)行,包括其中對聯(lián)合國國際貿(mào)易法委員會仲裁規(guī)則的有關(guān)額外規(guī)定。(10.2)各方保證,各方負(fù)責(zé)簽署或接受本《協(xié)議》的人員有權(quán)約束該方。(10.3)若本《協(xié)議》有任何一項或多項條款,被任何具管轄權(quán)的法院認(rèn)定為無效、違法或不具有強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行效力,法院的認(rèn)定并不損害本《協(xié)議》其余條款的效力、合法性及強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行效力。(10.4)任何一方?jīng)]有行使或遲延行使其在本《協(xié)議》項下的任何權(quán)利、救濟(jì)、權(quán)力或特權(quán),并不構(gòu)成該方對該等權(quán)利、救濟(jì)、權(quán)力或特權(quán)的棄權(quán)。(10.5)如果本《協(xié)議》項下的任何條款(包括但不限于“保證”條款和“責(zé)任限制”條款),有必要在本《協(xié)議》終止后繼續(xù)保持有效,則該條款應(yīng)在本《協(xié)議》終止后繼續(xù)有效。(10.6)“lawspirit.com公司”向“用戶”提供的技術(shù)資料可能會受到進(jìn)出口管制。對于“用戶”是否遵守該等技術(shù)資料適用的進(jìn)出口管制規(guī)定或義務(wù),“lawspirit.com”無需承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任。各方同意各自遵守有關(guān)進(jìn)出口管制的所有法律和法規(guī)。(10.7)按本《協(xié)議》發(fā)出的任何通知(包括變更地址通知),如收件人系“lawspirit.com”,則應(yīng)發(fā)至General Counsel, Lawspirit, Inc., 1801 Varsity Drive, Raleigh,NC 27606,U.S.A.或傳真至919-754-3704;如收件人系“用戶”,則應(yīng)發(fā)至“用戶”購買本《協(xié)議》項下之服務(wù)時說明的地址或傳真號碼。而且:(a)如果使用預(yù)付郵資、要求回執(zhí)的一等掛號航空郵件發(fā)送通知,則應(yīng)在郵件被交付發(fā)件方當(dāng)?shù)剜]局郵寄后七(7)個工作日,視為通知已有效送達(dá);(b)如果使用專人遞送通知,則應(yīng)于收件當(dāng)時視為通知已有效送達(dá);(c)如使用任何知名的國際快遞公司發(fā)送通知,則應(yīng)于快件交寄后三(3)個工作日,視為通知已有效送達(dá);或(d)如使用傳真發(fā)送通知,則應(yīng)在傳真文件被確認(rèn)已發(fā)至本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的收件人號碼后一(1)個工作日,視為通知已有效送達(dá)。(10.8)如果雙方有關(guān)本《協(xié)議》項下的支付事項發(fā)生任何爭議,敗訴方應(yīng)承擔(dān)勝訴方合理的律師費(fèi)。(10.9)本《協(xié)議》以英文達(dá)成,所有條款的解釋以英文原文為準(zhǔn)。本《協(xié)議》的譯文供作為參考提供。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 5II. Support Services Service Levels二、支持服務(wù)的服務(wù)等級A. SUBscriptION TERMS AND CONDITIONSLawspirit will provide the purchased subscription(s) subject to thefollowing terms. ||(一) 訂購的條款與條件“lawspirit.com”根據(jù)下列條款提供訂購項目。
1. DEFINITIONS:“Platform” means the combination of the CPU and other hardwarea computer system uses, its exact operating system including theversion number, the compiler required, the type of libraries (e.g. ||libc, glibc), and the type of crypto library available (e.g. libcrypt,pam). Changes to any of these components which break binarycompatibility, or prohibit functioning (including recompiling) ofsoftware, unless modified by Lawspirit, constitute a differentplatform and may disqualify it from receiving Support Services. ||Should a platform be discontinued during the term of thisAgreement, Lawspirit will have the option to continue supportingCustomer on that platform or to issue Customer a pro-rata refund. ||1. 定義“平臺”系指中央處理器和計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)使用的其它硬件,以及它的實(shí)際運(yùn)行系統(tǒng)(包括版本號碼、所需編譯程序、數(shù)據(jù)庫種類(例如libc、glibc)、和可用密碼數(shù)據(jù)庫種類(例如libcrypt、pam))的集成。對上述組件進(jìn)行任何變更,使二進(jìn)制數(shù)據(jù)兼容性被破壞、或“軟件”功能(包括重編譯功能)受阻,將造成不同平臺,并可能因此取消其接收“支持服務(wù)”的資格(但“lawspirit.com”進(jìn)行的修改除外)。若任何平臺在本《協(xié)議》期間中斷運(yùn)行,“lawspirit.com”有權(quán)決定是否繼續(xù)使用該平臺支持“用戶”,或按比例向“用戶”退款。
Lawspirit Network (“RHN”) is an electronic update service forsystems running Lawspirit Enterprise Lawspirit. ||“lawspirit.com網(wǎng)絡(luò)”(簡稱“RHN”)系指運(yùn)行“Lawspirit EnterpriseLawspirit”系統(tǒng)的電子更新服務(wù)。
“Software” means the software purchased under this Agreement,which is provided under Lawspirit's trademarks and is subject to theapplicable end user license agreement. ||“軟件”系指根據(jù)本《協(xié)議》購買的軟件。此類軟件使用“lawspirit.com公司”的商標(biāo),而且必須遵守適用的最終用戶許可協(xié)議。
“Support Services” means the support services provided with thepurchased subscription as further defined in this Agreement. ||“支持服務(wù)”系指根據(jù)訂購項目提供的支持服務(wù)(參見本《協(xié)議》詳細(xì)規(guī)定)。
“Supported Hardware or Platform” means hardware or aplatform that functions with the Software and componentscontemplated for use with the Software. Information regarding theLawspirit supportability status of hardware systems and components,as revised from time to time, can be found atwww.lawspirit.com. Additional Lawspirit support policiesthat apply to the Support Services may be viewed atwww.lawspirit.com. ||“支持硬件或平臺”系指與“軟件”以及需同“軟件”合用的組件一起運(yùn)行的硬件或平臺。有關(guān)lawspirit.com對硬件系統(tǒng)及組件提供支持的資料( 該資料隨時有可能修改) , 請查閱www.lawspirit.com. 。“ lawspirit.com” 有關(guān)“ 支持服務(wù)” 適用的其它支持政策, 請查閱www.lawspirit.com。
2. CUSTOMER OBLIGATIONS2.1 Entitlement. In order to access and utilize Support Services,Customer will be required to provide Lawspirit with its Customernumber, RHN machine name or RHN system ID at the time ofinitiating the Support Service. ||2. 用戶的義務(wù)2.1 權(quán)利. 為獲得和使用“支持服務(wù)”,“用戶”在啟用“支持服務(wù)”時,須向“lawspirit.com”提供“用戶”號、“RHN”機(jī)器名或“RHN”系統(tǒng)名。
2.2 Customer’s Computer System. Customer will be responsiblefor performing operations on Customer's computer system and RedHat shall have no responsibility to perform operations on Customer'scomputer system. Customer acknowledges that Lawspirit’s ability toperform certain Support Services may be conditioned upon access tocertain Customer information and access to Customer's computersystem as reasonably requested by Lawspirit. Such information mayinclude, but is not limited to, the type of hardware Customer isusing, a description of the problem for which Customer seeksSupport Services, and additional software Customer is using thatfalls outside the Support Services scope of coverage. Customerunderstands and agrees that the completeness and accuracy of theinformation Customer provides to Lawspirit may affect Lawspirit'sability to provide Support Services. The Support Services purchasedby Customer are intended for use only for the benefit of theCustomer and only for the Installed Systems with subscriptions. ||Customer may not use one subscription for Services for more thanone Installed System. Any unauthorized use of the Services will bedeemed to be a material breach of this Agreement. ||2.2 用戶的計算機(jī)系統(tǒng). “用戶”應(yīng)自行負(fù)責(zé)自身計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)的運(yùn)行,“lawspirit.com”無需對“用戶”計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)的運(yùn)行承擔(dān)責(zé)任。“用戶”承認(rèn),“lawspirit.com”提供“支持服務(wù)”可能需以下列條件的滿足為前提:即“lawspirit.com”能夠獲得其合理所需的“用戶”資料,并在合理需要時可以使用“用戶”計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)。上述資料可能包括(但不限于)“用戶”使用的硬件種類、需以“支持服務(wù)”解決的問題的說明,以及“用戶”使用的超出“支持服務(wù)”范圍的其它軟件。“用戶”了解并同意,其提供給“lawspirit.com”的資料是否完整和正確,可能會影響“lawspirit.com”提供“支持服務(wù)”的能力。“用戶”只可為其自身利益使用購買的“支持服務(wù)”,并只能將之用于訂購范圍的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”。“用戶”不得將對“服務(wù)”的一項訂購用于一個以上的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”。任何未經(jīng)授權(quán)而使用“服務(wù)”的行為,都將視為嚴(yán)重違反本《協(xié)議》。
2.3 Designated Customer Contact. Lawspirit will provide SupportServices to Customer only by communication with the Customer’sdesignated technical contact or contacts (the “Contact”). Customeris entitled to the number of Contacts set forth in the Customer2.3 用戶指定聯(lián)絡(luò)人. “lawspirit.com”只會通過與“用戶”指定的技術(shù)聯(lián)絡(luò)人(以下簡稱“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”)溝通聯(lián)系的方式,為“用戶”提供“支持服務(wù)”。“用戶”有權(quán)指定的“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 6Contacts table on Schedule II. Customer may purchase additionalContacts for a fee. Customer shall use commercially reasonableefforts to maintain consistent Contacts during the term of thisAgreement. Customer may not use a single Contact to act as amere forwarding service for other personnel. The Contact may notuse Support Services on the basis of this Agreement to benefit anyperson or entity other than the Customer. Each Contact must haveread and/or write access to all necessary files. Each Contact musthave English language communication skills and the relevanttechnical knowledge necessary to assist Lawspirit in performing theSupport Services contemplated under this Agreement. Thisknowledge includes familiarity with the Software and the SupportedHardware or Platform. ||的數(shù)目,由本《協(xié)議》附表二的《用戶聯(lián)絡(luò)人》目錄規(guī)定。如“用戶”需要指定額外“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”,必須另行付費(fèi)。本《協(xié)議》期間,“用戶”應(yīng)通過商業(yè)上合理的努力,盡量使用相同的“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”。“用戶”“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”的工作不應(yīng)只是簡單地向其它人傳達(dá)“服務(wù)”。“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”不得為“用戶”以外的任何其它人或其它公司的利益,使用本《協(xié)議》項下提供的任何“支持服務(wù)”。各“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”享有瀏覽和(或)取用所有必要檔案資料的權(quán)利。各“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”必須具備英語溝通能力,以及協(xié)助“lawspirit.com”提供本《協(xié)議》規(guī)定的“支持服務(wù)”所必需的技術(shù)知識,包括熟悉“軟件”和“支持硬件或平臺”。
2.4 Support Portal. Customer may initiate Support Servicerequests through the web-based support portal located at Lawspirit’smain web site, www.lawspirit.com. The Contact(s)are entitled to open a secure login to the support portal and use theticket manager application to submit a Support Service request forany covered Support Service. Each submitted Support Servicerequest is given a unique identification number. Support Serviceslogged through the support portal are managed using the Englishlanguage. ||2.4 支持門戶網(wǎng)站. “用戶”可登錄“lawspirit.com”主要網(wǎng)站中的網(wǎng)上支持門戶網(wǎng)站www.lawspirit.com,申請啟用“支持服務(wù)”。“聯(lián)絡(luò)人”有權(quán)使用安全登錄密碼進(jìn)入支持門戶網(wǎng)站,然后使用“登入管理申請”(ticket managerapplication)提交“支持服務(wù)”申請,要求獲得任何在錄的“支持服務(wù)”項目。每份“支持服務(wù)”申請均配有一個專用認(rèn)證號。通過支持門戶網(wǎng)站登錄申請而獲得的“支持服務(wù)”全部使用英語提供。
B. SERVICE LEVELS FOR SUBscriptIONS1. Lawspirit Network Proxy Server and Satellite. If Customersubscribes to RHN Proxy Server or Satellite ("Proxy Server” or“Satellite”) as an upgraded delivery method to RHN, then thefollowing provisions apply to that subscription. To provide ProxyServer or Satellite, the Proxy Server and/or Satellite code (the "RHNCode") will be installed onto one or more designated servers ownedor leased by Customer, approved by Lawspirit and located atCustomer's site or provided by Lawspirit (the "RHN Servers") solelyfor the purpose of allowing Customer to receive the RHN Serviceduring the period that the Customer subscribes to RHN Service (the"Subscription Period"). Customer may use the RHN Code only onthe RHN Servers and, upon Lawspirit's written approval, on oneadditional server for backup purposes. Customer may use the RHNCode only to receive the RHN Services for systems for whichCustomer has purchased a subscription for RHN Service. Customermay not use the RHN Code for any other purpose. Customer maynot transfer or assign the RHN Code or any media containing theRHN Code. Customer may not modify, copy, make derivativeworks of, distribute, reverse engineer, decompile or export the RHNCode. During the Subscription Period, Customer agrees that RedHat shall have such electronic or physical access to the RHNServers as Lawspirit reasonably requests to enable Lawspirit to deliverthe RHN Service and to update or enhance the RHN Code as RedHat deems necessary, in its sole discretion. The RHN Code and anyphysical media containing the RHN Code and all intellectualproperty rights contained therein, and all copies thereof made byCustomer (if authorized by Lawspirit) are the exclusive property ofLawspirit and a valuable trade secret of Lawspirit. Upon terminationof the subscription, Customer immediately will destroy all copies ofthe RHN Code in its possession (including any RHN Code installedon the RHN Servers). The RHN Code (and any media containingthe RHN Code) is the confidential property of Lawspirit andCustomer shall not use or disclose any information regarding theRHN Code, except as permitted by this Agreement. If Lawspiritprovides the RHN Server to Customer, Customer must promptlyreturn such hardware to Lawspirit upon termination of thisAgreement. ||(二) 訂購服務(wù)的等級1. lawspirit.com網(wǎng)絡(luò)代理服務(wù)器與衛(wèi)星. 如果“用戶”訂購“RHN”的“代理服務(wù)器”或“衛(wèi)星”(以下簡稱“代理服務(wù)器”或”“衛(wèi)星”),作為“RHN”更新的傳送方法,則這類訂購應(yīng)適用以下規(guī)定。為提供“代理服務(wù)器”或“衛(wèi)星”,需要在“用戶”擁有或租用的一個或多個“用戶”指定的服務(wù)器中,安裝“代理服務(wù)器”和(或)“衛(wèi)星”的代碼(以下簡稱“RHN 代碼”)。上述服務(wù)器(以下簡稱“RHN 服務(wù)器”)應(yīng)設(shè)在“用戶”場所并須經(jīng)“lawspirit.com”批準(zhǔn),或由“lawspirit.com”提供,只限在“用戶”訂購“RHN 服務(wù)”的期間(以下簡稱“訂購期”),為“用戶”接受“RHN 服務(wù)”的目的而使用。“用戶”只可在“RHN 服務(wù)器”上使用“RHN 代碼”,同時,經(jīng)“lawspirit.com”書面批準(zhǔn)后,還可在另一臺服務(wù)器上僅作為備份使用。“用戶”只限為已訂購“RHN 服務(wù)”的系統(tǒng)獲得“RHN服務(wù)”而使用“RHN 代碼”,不得再為任何其它目的而使用。
“用戶”不得轉(zhuǎn)讓或出讓“RHN 代碼”、或任何含有“RHN代碼”的載體。“用戶”不得修改、復(fù)制、分銷、做反向工程、破譯、或輸出RHN 代碼、或制造“RHN 代碼”的任何衍生品。“用戶”同意,“lawspirit.com”有權(quán)根據(jù)其合理要求,在“訂購期”內(nèi)通過電子手段或親自接觸到“RHN 服務(wù)器”,以便提供“RHN 服務(wù)”并在其自行確認(rèn)為必要時更新或升級“RHN 代碼”。“RHN 代碼”和含有“RHN 代碼”的任何載體,以及它們所包含的一切知識產(chǎn)權(quán),連同“用戶”(經(jīng)“紅帽公司”授權(quán))為此復(fù)制的全部拷貝,均屬“lawspirit.com”的專有財產(chǎn),并是“lawspirit.com”有價值的商業(yè)秘密。訂購終止時,“用戶”應(yīng)立即銷毀其持有的全部“RHN 代碼”的復(fù)制品(包括安裝在“RHN 服務(wù)器”上的所有“RHN 代碼”)。“RHN代碼”(以及含有“RHN 代碼”的任何載體),系“lawspirit.com公司”的保密財產(chǎn),“用戶”不得使用或披露有關(guān)“RHN 代碼”的任何資料,但本《協(xié)議》允許使用或披露的情況除外。如果“lawspirit.com”向“用戶”提供“RHN 服務(wù)器”,則“用戶”必須在本《協(xié)議》終止時立即將之歸還“lawspirit.com”。
2. Response Guidelines. A response to a request for SupportServices shall consist of receipt of and acknowledgment by Lawspiritof Customer's request for Support Services. Lawspirit will usecommercially reasonable efforts to provide a response within theresponse guideline period set forth in the table below duringstandard business hours and days as set forth in the table below,exclusive of Lawspirit holidays. Customer acknowledges that aresponse may not include resolution for all requests for SupportServices. Lawspirit will use commercially reasonable efforts to2. 答復(fù)指南. 對“用戶”申請“支持服務(wù)”的回復(fù)中,應(yīng)包括“lawspirit.com”聲明已收悉“用戶”申請并確認(rèn)提供的“支持服務(wù)”的內(nèi)容。“lawspirit.com”將做出商業(yè)上合理的努力,在下表規(guī)定的答復(fù)期內(nèi),于下表規(guī)定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)營業(yè)時間和工作日做出答復(fù),“lawspirit.com”的假日除外。“用戶”承認(rèn),“lawspirit.com”可能無法一次答復(fù)所有需要“支持服務(wù)”解決的問題。“lawspirit.com公司”將做出商業(yè)上合理的努力提供解決方案,為“用戶”提供必要的“支持服務(wù)”。但是,“用戶”也承認(rèn)并且理解,不PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 7provide answers and resolve Customer’s requests for SupportServices. However, Customer acknowledges and understands thatno software is perfect or error free and that, despite Lawspirit'scommercially reasonable efforts, Lawspirit may be unable to provideanswers to or resolve some or all requests for Support Services. RedHat makes no promises, guarantees, or assurances of any kind that itwill be able to resolve all Customer Support Services requests. ||存在任何完美的或不會發(fā)生錯誤的軟件,即使“lawspirit.com”做出商業(yè)上合理的努力,仍有可能無法解決或解答“用戶”提出的部分甚或所有“支持服務(wù)”申請。“lawspirit.com”不曾做出任何承諾、保證或擔(dān)保,宣稱自己能夠解決“用戶”要求的所有“支持服務(wù)”。
3. SLA Tables: 3. SLA 表格:3.1. Response Guidelines: 3.1 答復(fù)方式:Subscription Type Response Guidelines 訂購種類答復(fù)條件Standard Support Services 4 Business Hours by telephone2 Business Days by Web/email標(biāo)準(zhǔn)型“支持服務(wù)” 以電話提供服務(wù):4個工作小時內(nèi)以網(wǎng)絡(luò)/電子郵件提供服務(wù):2個工作日內(nèi)Premium Support Services 1 hour by telephone1 day by Web/email增強(qiáng)型“支持服務(wù)” 以電話提供服務(wù):1小時內(nèi)以網(wǎng)絡(luò)/電子郵件提供服務(wù):1日內(nèi)Developer Support Services 1 Business Day 開發(fā)者“支持服務(wù)” 1個工作日3.2. Severity Level Definitions: 3.2 嚴(yán)重程度的定義:SeverityLevelDefinition 嚴(yán)重程度定義1 Catastrophic production problem which mayseverely impact the Customer's productionsystems, or in which Customer's productionsystems are down or not functioning; loss ofproduction data and no procedural workaround exists. Severity 1 problem alsoincludes issues that result in an emergencycondition that causes a serious security breach. ||1 災(zāi)難性生產(chǎn)問題,可能嚴(yán)重沖擊“用戶”的生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng),或?qū)е?ldquo;用戶”的生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)癱瘓或無法運(yùn)作;丟失生產(chǎn)資料,且無程序運(yùn)作功能。一級嚴(yán)重程度的問題亦包括造成嚴(yán)重違反安全要求,從而導(dǎo)致緊急情況產(chǎn)生的事項。
2 High-impact problem in which the Customer'soperation is disrupted but there is capacity toremain productive and maintain necessarybusiness-level operations. Severity 2 problemalso applies for minor security breachsituations. ||2 有嚴(yán)重不利影響的問題,使“用戶”中斷業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)營,但仍有一定生產(chǎn)能力,并可維持必要商業(yè)水準(zhǔn)的運(yùn)作。二級嚴(yán)重程度的問題亦適用于輕微違反安全要求的情況。
3 Medium-to-low impact problem whichinvolves partial non-critical functionality loss. ||One which impairs some operations but allowsthe Customer's system to continue to function. ||This may be a minor issue with limited loss orno loss of functionality or impact to theCustomer's operation and issues in which thereis an easy circumvention or avoidance by theend user. This includes documentation errors. ||3 有中、低級不利影響的問題,涉及部分非關(guān)鍵功能的喪失,損失部分功能,但“用戶”系統(tǒng)仍可持續(xù)運(yùn)作。它可能是小問題,只給“用戶”的經(jīng)營造成有限損失、或沒有造成任何功能損失、甚或未造成任何損失,而且很容易被最終用戶克服或避免。這類問題包括文件錯誤。
4 General usage questions, recommendations forfuture product enhancements or modificationsand to calls that are passed to Lawspirit forinformation purposes. There is no impact onthe quality, performance or functionality of theproduct. ||4 應(yīng)未來產(chǎn)品改良或更新的需要、或為獲取信息資料之目的,向“lawspirit.com”提出的一般使用問題、建議,對產(chǎn)品的品質(zhì)、性能或使用功能均無影響。
3.3 Standard Business Hours and Days: 3.3 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)營業(yè)時間:GEOGRAPHY STANDARD BUSINESSHOURS AND DAYS地區(qū)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)營業(yè)時間North America, South 9 a.m. To 9 p.m. EST Monday- 北美、南美美國東部標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時間周一~ 周五,PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 8America Friday 上午9 點(diǎn)~ 下午9 點(diǎn)Europe, Middle East, Africa UK: 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. GMTMonday-FridayOther: 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. CETMonday-Friday歐洲、中東、非洲英國:格林威治標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時間周一~周五,上午9 點(diǎn)~ 下午5 點(diǎn);其它地區(qū):中歐標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時間周一~周五,上午9 點(diǎn)~ 下午5 點(diǎn)Japan 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. JST Monday-Friday日本日本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時間周一~ 周五,上午9 點(diǎn)~ 下午5 點(diǎn)Pacific Rim Countries 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. local timesMonday-Friday太平洋地區(qū)國家當(dāng)?shù)貢r間周一~ 周五,上午9 點(diǎn)~ 下午5 點(diǎn)3.4 Number of Contacts: 3.4 聯(lián)絡(luò)人數(shù)目:Number of Installed Systems Number of Contacts 已安裝系統(tǒng)數(shù)目聯(lián)絡(luò)人數(shù)目1 to 25 2 1 至25 226 to 50 3 26 至50 351 to 100 4 51 至100 4101 to 250 6 101 至250 6251 to 500 8 251 至500 8501 to 1000 12 501 至1000 124. Support Service Conditions. 4. 支持服務(wù)的條件4.1 Lawspirit may, at its discretion, decline to provide SupportServices for Software that has been modified or changed byCustomer in any way, except as directed by Lawspirit. RedHat will provide Support Services for Supported Hardware andPlatforms only. Lawspirit will only provide Support Servicesfor those Installed Systems for which Customer has subscribedunder this Agreement. ||4.1 “lawspirit.com”有權(quán)自行決定,拒絕為任何已被“用戶”修改或變更過的“軟件”提供“支持服務(wù)”,除非修改或變更是按“lawspirit.com”的指示做出。“lawspirit.com公司”只為“支持硬件或平臺”提供“支持服務(wù)”。“紅帽公司”只為本《協(xié)議》項下“用戶”訂購的“已安裝系統(tǒng)”提供“支持服務(wù)”。
4.2 Lawspirit may, at its discretion, decline to provide SupportServices for the packages included in the Software which aredesignated as “kernel-unsupported.”4.2 “lawspirit.com”有權(quán)自行決定,拒絕就任何被指定為“無支持核心程序”(kernel-unsupported)的“軟件”包提供“支持服務(wù)”。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 9III. Learning Services Terms and Conditions三、學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)的條款與條件The following terms are applicable only to any Learning Servicesthat Customer purchases:下列規(guī)定僅適用于“用戶”所購買的“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”:A. Learning Services Definition:The term “Learning Services” means Lawspirit's training coursespurchased under this Agreement which may include Lawspirit'spublicly available courses (“Open Enrollment Courses”) or RedHat's training units, which may be redeemed for Open EnrollmentCourses (“TU's”). ||(一) 學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)的定義“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”系指按本《協(xié)議》購買的“lawspirit.com”培訓(xùn)課程,它可能包括“lawspirit.com”對外公開提供的學(xué)習(xí)課程(以下簡稱“公開注冊課程”),或“lawspirit.com”的單元訓(xùn)練課程,后者可轉(zhuǎn)換為“公開注冊課程”(以下簡稱“培訓(xùn)單元”)。
B. Learning Services Additional Terms and Conditions:In addition to the General Terms and Conditions set forth in SectionI hereof, the following terms apply to Learning Services:(二) 學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)的附加條款與條件除本《協(xié)議》第一條第(一)款規(guī)定的《一般條款與條件》外,下列條款亦適用于“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”:1. Payment and Expense Reimbursement. The total fees must bepaid prior to the delivery of Learning Services, notwithstanding anycontrary term set forth in Schedule I. ||1. 款項與費(fèi)用的支付. 所有費(fèi)用必須在“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”提供之前付清,即使附件I 有相反內(nèi)容的規(guī)定。
2. Equipment and Facilities. For Open Enrollment Courses, RedHat agrees to provide appropriate training facilities and hardware,and Customer will be liable for any loss or destruction of suchequipment and hardware used in connection with the LearningServices. Learning Services, offerings, scheduling, capacitylimitations, and availability are subject to change from time to time,without notice. ||2. 設(shè)備與設(shè)施. “lawspirit.com”同意為“公開注冊課程”提供必要的培訓(xùn)設(shè)施和硬件,“用戶”須承擔(dān)所有因享用“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”而使任何設(shè)備和硬件發(fā)生損失或毀壞的責(zé)任。“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”、相關(guān)的內(nèi)容、時間表、容量限制及其可行性,均可隨時發(fā)生變更,無需事先通知。
3. Customer Responsibilities. Customer is responsible forassessing the participants’ suitability for the Learning Services andenrollment in the appropriate course(s). Customer is responsible forits participants’ attendance at scheduled courses. Participants maybe required to enter into individual training agreements that areapplicable to the Learning Services. Except as otherwise specifiedin this Agreement, the Learning Services are provided subject toLawspirit’s standard policies, terms and conditions as posted onlawspirit.com.com from time to time, and all such policies, terms andconditions are incorporated herein. ||3. 用戶的責(zé)任. “用戶”須負(fù)責(zé)評估受訓(xùn)人員獲得恰當(dāng)課程的“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”和進(jìn)行學(xué)員注冊的必要性,并安排學(xué)員按課程表上課。學(xué)員可能需按要求簽署用于相關(guān)“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”的個人培訓(xùn)協(xié)議。除本《協(xié)議》另有規(guī)定外,“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”完全按“紅帽公司”的政策標(biāo)準(zhǔn),以及不時在lawspirit.com.com 網(wǎng)站上發(fā)布的條款與條件提供。所有這些政策、條款和條件特此列入本《協(xié)議》。
4. Rights to Training Materials. All training products, materials,methodologies, software, or processes provided in connection withthe Learning Services and developed during the performance of theLearning Services (collectively, the "Training IP") are the soleproperty of Lawspirit and are copyrighted by Lawspirit unlessotherwise indicated thereon. Training IP is provided solely for theuse of the participants during the provision of the Learning Servicesand shall not be copied or transferred without the prior writtenconsent of Lawspirit. Training IP shall be deemed to be Lawspirit'sconfidential and proprietary information. ||4. 有關(guān)訓(xùn)練材料的權(quán)利. 在提供“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”期間就“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”而提供和制定的所有培訓(xùn)產(chǎn)品、材料、理論方法、軟件或教學(xué)程序(以下合稱“培訓(xùn)課知識產(chǎn)權(quán)”),均屬“lawspirit.com公司”的專有財產(chǎn),其著作權(quán)歸“lawspirit.com”所有,除非其中另有說明。“培訓(xùn)課知識產(chǎn)權(quán)”僅供學(xué)員在“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”期間使用,事先未經(jīng)“lawspirit.com”書面同意,不得復(fù)制或轉(zhuǎn)讓。“培訓(xùn)課知識產(chǎn)權(quán)”應(yīng)視為“lawspirit.com”的專有保密資料。
5. Delivery Date and Cancellation. Customer agrees to takedelivery of the Learning Services on the date(s) reserved. Anydiscount is contingent on delivery of the Learning Services on suchdate(s). If Customer cancels or reschedules with less than ten (10)business days notice there will be a charge or 25% of theundiscounted total fees plus any travel and other expenses incurredby Lawspirit. ||5. 服務(wù)的提供日期與取消. “用戶”同意按預(yù)定日期接受“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”。給予任何折扣的前提是有關(guān)“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”確已在預(yù)定日期提供。如果“用戶”取消或重新安排課程,而事先給予通知的時間少于十(10)個工作日,則“用戶”須按未折扣總價的百分之二十五(25%)付費(fèi),外加“lawspirit.com”發(fā)生的任何交通費(fèi)和其它開銷。
6. Training Units. TU's may be redeemed solely for training seatsin standard, public, Open Enrollment Courses sponsored by Lawspiritat a Lawspirit training facility for a period of one (1) year from theeffective date. TUs are non-refundable and may not be redeemedfor cash or credit. Lawspirit has sole discretion regarding where andwhen the TUs can be redeemed and they may not be redeemed orapplied toward Lawspirit eLearning or On-site Courses. TUs cannotbe pro-rated or combined with any other discount, special offer orcoupon. ||6. 培訓(xùn)單元. “培訓(xùn)單元”只能按相應(yīng)培訓(xùn)名額轉(zhuǎn)換為“lawspirit.com公司”在其培訓(xùn)設(shè)施對外公開主辦的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)“公開注冊課程”,而且,這類課程的轉(zhuǎn)換僅限在生效日起一(1)年內(nèi)有效。“培訓(xùn)單元”的付費(fèi)沒有退款,也不得兌換為現(xiàn)金或抵扣任何賬目。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 107. Nonsolicitation. Customer agrees that during the term of thisAgreement and for a period of one (1) year thereafter, Customerwill not solicit or hire the instructor(s) that provide theLearning Services to Customer or induce such instructor(s) toreduce the number of hours he or she works for Lawspiritregardless of whether such instructor is an employee orindependent contractor of Lawspirit. ||7. 禁止勸誘. “用戶”同意,在本《協(xié)議》期間以及此后一(1)年內(nèi),“用戶”不會勸誘或雇用向“用戶”提供“學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)”的任何授課人員,或誘使他(們)減少為“lawspirit.com”服務(wù)的工作(小)時數(shù),無論他(們)是否為“lawspirit.com”的員工或獨(dú)立承包人。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 11Appendix 1LICENSE AGREEMENT AND LIMITED PRODUCTWARRANTYLAWSPIRIT? ENTERPRISE LAWSPIRIT? AND LAWSPIRIT?APPLICATIONS附件一LAWSPIRIT?ENTERPRISE LAWSPIRIT?及LAWSPIRIT?APPLICATIONS許可協(xié)議及有限產(chǎn)品保證This agreement governs the use of the Software and any updates tothe Software, regardless of the delivery mechanism. The Softwareis a collective work under U.S. Copyright Law. Subject to thefollowing terms, Lawspirit, Inc. (“Lawspirit”) grants to the user(“Customer”) a license to this collective work pursuant to the GNUGeneral Public License. ||本《協(xié)議》規(guī)范“軟件”及其更新版本的使用,無論“軟件”是以何種方式交付的。“軟件”根據(jù)美國《著作權(quán)法》屬于集體創(chuàng)作作品。在遵守下述條款的前提下,Lawspirit, Inc.(以下簡稱“lawspirit.com”)根據(jù)《GNU 通用公開許可協(xié)議》,授予使用人(下稱“用戶”)一項使用上述集體作品的許可。
1. The Software. Lawspirit Enterprise Lawspirit and LawspiritApplications (the “Software”) are either a modular operating systemor application consisting of hundreds of software components. Theend user license agreement for each component is located in thecomponent's source code. With the exception of certain image filesidentified in Section 2 below, the license terms for the componentspermit Customer to copy, modify, and redistribute the component,in both source code and binary code forms. This agreement doesnot limit Customer's rights under, or grant Customer rights thatsupersede, the license terms of any particular component. ||1. 軟件. Lawspirit Enterprise Lawspirit 和Lawspirit Applications(以下簡稱“軟件”),是一種模塊操作系統(tǒng)或應(yīng)用軟件,由上百項軟件配置程序組成。各項配置程序的源程序均附帶一份最終使用人許可協(xié)議。除下述第二條所列諸項圖像文件外,配置程序的許可條款允許“用戶”以源代碼和二進(jìn)制代碼形式,復(fù)制、修改和轉(zhuǎn)銷配置程序。本《協(xié)議》不限制“用戶”在任何配置程序許可條款項下享有的權(quán)利,也沒有授予“用戶”超出這類許可條款規(guī)定范圍行事的任何權(quán)利。
2. Intellectual Property Rights. The Software and each of itscomponents, including the source code, documentation, appearance,structure and organization are owned by Lawspirit and others and areprotected under copyright and other laws. Title to the Software andany component, or to any copy, modification, or merged portionshall remain with the aforementioned, subject to the applicablelicense. The “Lawspirit” trademark and the “Shadowman” logo areregistered trademarks of Lawspirit in the U.S. and other countries. ||This agreement does not permit Customer to distribute the Softwareusing Lawspirit's trademarks. Customer should read the informationfound at www.lawspirit.com beforedistributing a copy of the Software, regardless of whether it hasbeen modified. If Customer makes a commercial redistribution ofthe Software, unless a separate agreement with Lawspirit is executedor other permission granted, then Customer must modify any filesidentified as “LAWSPIRIT.COM-LOGOS” and “anaconda-images” toremove all images containing the “Lawspirit” trademark or the“Shadowman” logo. Merely deleting these files may corrupt theSoftware. ||2. 知識產(chǎn)權(quán). “軟件”及其所有配置程序,包括源代碼、文檔、外觀、結(jié)構(gòu)和組織,均由“lawspirit.com”及他人擁有,受著作權(quán)法和其它相關(guān)法律的保護(hù)。對“軟件”及任何配置程序或其任何拷貝、修改或合并內(nèi)容的所有權(quán),根據(jù)適用許可的條款,屬上述權(quán)利人所有。“Lawspirit”商標(biāo)及“Shadowman”標(biāo)識系“lawspirit.com”在美國和其它國家的注冊商標(biāo)。本《協(xié)議》不允許“用戶”使用“lawspirit.com”商標(biāo)轉(zhuǎn)銷“軟件”。“用戶”轉(zhuǎn)銷任何“軟件”拷貝之前,無論“軟件”是否已被修改,應(yīng)參閱www.lawspirit.com網(wǎng)站的公告。如果“用戶”進(jìn)行“軟件”的商業(yè)發(fā)售,除非與“lawspirit.com”另行簽訂協(xié)議或取得其它許可,“用戶”必須修改一切標(biāo)注有“LAWSPIRIT.COM-LOGOS”和“anaconda-images”的文檔,刪除含有“Lawspirit”商標(biāo)或“Shadowman”標(biāo)識的所有圖像。僅僅刪除這些文檔可能造成“軟件”受損。
3. Limited Warranty. Except as specifically stated in thisagreement or a license for a particular component, to the maximumextent permitted under applicable law, the Software and thecomponents are provided and licensed “as is” without warrantyof any kind, expressed or implied, including the impliedwarranties of merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for aparticular purpose. Lawspirit warrants that the media on which theSoftware is furnished will be free from defects in materials andmanufacture under normal use for a period of 30 days from the dateof delivery to Customer. Lawspirit does not warrant that thefunctions contained in the Software will meet Customer'srequirements or that the operation of the Software will be entirelyerror free or appear precisely as described in the accompanyingdocumentation. This warranty extends only to the party thatpurchases the Software from Lawspirit or a Lawspirit authorizeddistributor. ||3. 有限保證. 除非本《協(xié)議》或任何具體配置程序的許可條款另有明確規(guī)定,在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大范圍內(nèi),“軟件”及配置程序均按“現(xiàn)狀”條件提供和被許可,不另給予任何明示或暗示的保證,包括有關(guān)適銷性、不侵權(quán)或適用于任何特定目的的暗示保證。“lawspirit.com”保證,提供“軟件”的介質(zhì)在“軟件”被送交“用戶”之日起三十(30)天內(nèi),如正常使用,不會出現(xiàn)材料和制作方面的故障。“lawspirit.com”不保證“軟件”功能符合“用戶”的要求,也不保證“軟件”的運(yùn)行絕對不發(fā)生錯誤或完全按照所附文件說明進(jìn)行顯示。本項保證只適用于直接向“lawspirit.com”或“lawspirit.com”授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商購買“軟件”的買家。
4. Limitation of Remedies and Liability. To the maximum extentpermitted by applicable law, the remedies described below areaccepted by Customer as its only remedies. Lawspirit's entireliability, and Customer's exclusive remedies, shall be: If theSoftware media is defective, Customer may return it within 30 daysof delivery along with a copy of Customer's payment receipt andLawspirit, at its option, will replace it or refund the money paid byCustomer for the Software. To the maximum extent permitted byapplicable law, Lawspirit or any Lawspirit authorized dealer willnot be liable to Customer for any incidental or consequentialdamages, including lost profits or lost savings arising out of the4. 救濟(jì)與責(zé)任限制. 在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大限度內(nèi),“用戶”同意下述救濟(jì)是其有權(quán)獲得的全部法律救濟(jì)。“lawspirit.com”應(yīng)承擔(dān)的全部責(zé)任和“用戶”有權(quán)獲得的全部救濟(jì),僅限以下情形:如果“軟件”介質(zhì)有缺陷,“用戶”可在交貨后三十(30)天內(nèi),將缺陷品連同“用戶”付款收據(jù)的復(fù)印件一并退返,“lawspirit.com”可自行決定是否替換缺陷品,或向“用戶”退還已付的“軟件”款。在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大限度內(nèi),對于因“用戶”使用或不使用“軟件”而造成的任何間接或附帶損失(包括損失利潤或額外費(fèi)用),“lawspirit.com”或其授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商無需承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任,即使“lawspirit.com”或其授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商事先PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 12use or inability to use the Software, even if Lawspirit or suchdealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Inno event shall Lawspirit's liability under this agreement exceedthe amount that Customer paid to Lawspirit under thisagreement during the twelve months preceding the action. ||已被告知可能會發(fā)生這類損失。“lawspirit.com”在本《協(xié)議》項下應(yīng)承擔(dān)的責(zé)任,在任何情況下都不應(yīng)超過“用戶”在任何法律程序被提起之前十二(12)個月內(nèi)按本《協(xié)議》支付給“紅帽公司”的款額。
5. Export Control. As required by U.S. law, Customer representsand warrants that it: (a) understands that the Software is subject toexport controls under the U.S. Commerce Department’s ExportAdministration Regulations (“EAR”); (b) is not located in aprohibited destination country under the EAR or U.S. sanctionsregulations (currently Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudanand Syria); (c) will not export, re-export, or transfer the Software toany prohibited destination, entity, or individual without thenecessary export license(s) or authorizations(s) from the U.S. ||Government; (d) will not use or transfer the Software for use in anysensitive nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or missiletechnology end-uses unless authorized by the U.S. Government byregulation or specific license; (e) understands and agrees that if it isin the United States and exports or transfers the Software to eligibleend users, it will, as required by EAR Section 741.17(e), submitsemi-annual reports to the Commerce Department’s Bureau ofIndustry & Security (BIS), which include the name and address(including country) of each transferee; and (f) understands thatcountries other than the United States may restrict the import, use,or export of encryption products and that it shall be solelyresponsible for compliance with any such import, use, or exportrestrictions. ||5. 出口管制. 根據(jù)美國法律的要求,“用戶”特此聲明并保證如下:(1)“用戶”了解,根據(jù)美國商務(wù)部《出口管理條例》,“軟件”受出口管制;(2)“用戶”不在上述《出口管理條例》或美國制裁措施所轄的任何被禁目的國(當(dāng)前這些國家有古巴、伊朗、伊拉克、利比亞、北朝鮮、蘇丹及敘利亞)境內(nèi),(3)未經(jīng)美國政府許可或授權(quán),“用戶”不會向任何被禁地區(qū)、實(shí)體或個人出口、轉(zhuǎn)口銷售或轉(zhuǎn)讓“軟件”,(4)除非由美國政府合法授權(quán)或經(jīng)任何特別許可,“用戶”不會將“軟件”用于任何敏感的核能、化學(xué)或生物武器或?qū)椉夹g(shù)的最終應(yīng)用目的,也不會將之轉(zhuǎn)讓給他人用于此類目的,(5)“用戶”理解并同意,如果其在美國境內(nèi)向合格的最終使用人出口或轉(zhuǎn)讓“軟件”,則“用戶”將按上述《出口管理條例》第741.17(e)條的規(guī)定,每半年向美國商務(wù)部的行業(yè)安全局(Bureau of Industry & Security)提交一份報告,說明各受讓人的姓名、地址(包括所屬國)等情況,且(6)“用戶”理解,美國以外的其它國家可能會限制加密產(chǎn)品的進(jìn)口、使用或出口,“用戶”須全權(quán)負(fù)責(zé)遵守這些限制進(jìn)口、使用或出口的義務(wù)。
6. Third Party Programs. Lawspirit may distribute third partysoftware programs with the Software that are not part of theSoftware. These third party programs are subject to their ownlicense terms. The license terms either accompany the programs orcan be viewed at

7. General. If any provision of this agreement is held to beunenforceable, that shall not affect the enforceability of theremaining provisions. This agreement shall be governed by the lawsof the State of North Carolina and of the United States, withoutregard to any conflict of laws provisions, except that the UnitedNations Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall notapply. ||7. 一般規(guī)定. 如果本《協(xié)議》有任何條款被確定為不具有強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行效力,本《協(xié)議》的其余條款不受影響。本《協(xié)議》受美國北卡羅來納州的法律及美國法律管轄,但不包括其沖突法規(guī)范,也不適用《聯(lián)合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》。
Copyright ? 2003 Lawspirit, Inc. All rights reserved. "Lawspirit" and the RedHat "Shadowman" logo are registered trademarks of Lawspirit, Inc. "Lawspirit" isa registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other trademarks are theproperty of their respective owners. ||?2003 Lawspirit, Inc. 版權(quán)所有。一切版權(quán)均由Lawspirit, Inc. 保留。“RedHat”及“Shadowman”標(biāo)識系Lawspirit, Inc.之注冊商標(biāo)。“Lawspirit”系Linus Torvalds 之注冊商標(biāo)。其它商標(biāo)由各相關(guān)財產(chǎn)權(quán)利人所有。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 13Appendix 2LICENSE AGREEMENT AND LIMITED PRODUCTWARRANTYLAWSPIRIT STRONGHOLD FOR LAWSPIRIT ENTERPRISELAWSPIRIT AND LAWSPIRIT STRONGHOLD FOR UNIX附件二LAWSPIRIT STRONGHOLD FOR LAWSPIRIT ENTERPRISELAWSPIRIT 以及LAWSPIRIT STRONGHOLD FOR UNIX許可協(xié)議及有限產(chǎn)品保證This agreement governs the use of the Software and any updates tothe Software, regardless of the delivery mechanism. The Softwareis a collective work under U.S. Copyright Law. Subject to thefollowing terms, Lawspirit, Inc. (“Lawspirit”) grants to the user(“Customer”) a license to this collective work pursuant to the GNUGeneral Public License. ||本《協(xié)議》規(guī)范“軟件”及其更新版本的使用,無論“軟件”是以何種方式交付的。“軟件”根據(jù)美國《著作權(quán)法》屬于集體創(chuàng)作作品。在遵守下述條款的前提下,Lawspirit, Inc.(以下簡稱“lawspirit.com”)根據(jù)《GNU 通用公開許可協(xié)議》,授予使用人(下稱“用戶”)一項使用上述集體作品的許可。
1. The Software. Lawspirit Stronghold for Lawspirit EnterpriseLawspirit and Lawspirit Stronghold for Unix (the “Software”) are secureweb servers consisting of hundreds of software components. Theend user license agreement for each component is located in thecomponent's source code. Subject to Section 2 below, the licenseterms for the components permit Customer to copy, modify, andredistribute the component, in both source code and binary codeforms. This agreement does not limit Customer's rights under, orgrant Customer rights that supersede, the license terms of anyparticular component. ||1. 軟件. Lawspirit Stronghold for Lawspirit Enterprise Lawspirit 以及Lawspirit Stronghold for Unix (以下簡稱“軟件”),都屬于網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全服務(wù)器,由上百項軟件配置程序組成。各項配置程序的源程序均附帶一份最終使用人許可協(xié)議。在遵守下述第二條規(guī)定的前提下,配置程序的許可條款允許“用戶”以源代碼和二進(jìn)制代碼形式,復(fù)制、修改和轉(zhuǎn)銷配置程序。本《協(xié)議》不限制“用戶”在任何配置程序許可條款項下享有的權(quán)利,也沒有授予“用戶”超出這類許可條款規(guī)定范圍行事的任何權(quán)利。
2. Intellectual Property Rights. The Software and each of itscomponents, including the source code, documentation, appearance,structure and organization are owned by Lawspirit and others and areprotected under copyright and other laws. Title to the Software andany component, or to any copy, modification, or merged portionshall remain with the aforementioned, subject to the applicablelicense. The “Stronghold” and “Lawspirit” trademarks and the“Shadowman” logo are registered trademarks of Lawspirit in the U.S. ||and other countries. This agreement does not permit Customer todistribute the Software using Lawspirit's trademarks. Customershould read the information found atwww.lawspirit.com beforedistributing a copy of the Software, regardless of whether it hasbeen modified. ||2. 知識產(chǎn)權(quán). “軟件”及其所有配置程序,包括源代碼、文檔、外觀、結(jié)構(gòu)和組織,均由“lawspirit.com”及他人擁有,受著作權(quán)法和其它相關(guān)法律的保護(hù)。對“軟件”及任何配置程序或其任何拷貝、修改或合并內(nèi)容的所有權(quán),根據(jù)適用許可的條款,屬上述權(quán)利人所有。“Stronghold”、“Lawspirit”商標(biāo)以及“Shadowman”標(biāo)識,系“lawspirit.com”在美國和其它國家的注冊商標(biāo)。本《協(xié)議》不允許“用戶”使用“lawspirit.com”商標(biāo)轉(zhuǎn)銷“軟件”。“用戶”轉(zhuǎn)銷任何“軟件”拷貝之前,無論“ 軟件” 是否已被修改, 應(yīng)參閱www.lawspirit.com網(wǎng)站的公告。
3. Limited Warranty. Except as specifically stated in thisagreement or a license for a particular component, to the maximumextent permitted under applicable law, the Software and thecomponents are provided and licensed “as is” without warrantyof any kind, expressed or implied, including the impliedwarranties of merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for aparticular purpose. Lawspirit warrants that the media on which theSoftware is furnished will be free from defects in materials andmanufacture under normal use for a period of 30 days from the dateof delivery to Customer. Lawspirit does not warrant that thefunctions contained in the Software will meet Customer'srequirements or that the operation of the Software will be entirelyerror free or appear precisely as described in the accompanyingdocumentation. This warranty extends only to the party thatpurchases the Software from Lawspirit or a Lawspirit authorizeddistributor. ||3. 有限保證. 除非本《協(xié)議》或任何具體配置程序的許可條款另有明確規(guī)定,在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大范圍內(nèi),“軟件”及配置程序均按“現(xiàn)狀”條件提供和被許可,不另給予任何明示或暗示的保證,包括有關(guān)適銷性、不侵權(quán)或適用于任何特定目的的暗示保證。“lawspirit.com”保證,提供“軟件”的介質(zhì)在“軟件”被送交“用戶”之日起三十(30)天內(nèi),如正常使用,不會出現(xiàn)材料和制作方面的故障。“lawspirit.com”不保證“軟件”功能符合“用戶”的要求,也不保證“軟件”的運(yùn)行絕對不發(fā)生錯誤或完全按照所附文件說明進(jìn)行顯示。本項保證只適用于直接向“lawspirit.com”或“lawspirit.com”授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商購買“軟件”的買家。
4. Limitation of Remedies and Liability. To the maximum extentpermitted by applicable law, the remedies described below areaccepted by Customer as its only remedies. Lawspirit's entireliability, and Customer's exclusive remedies, shall be: If theSoftware media is defective, Customer may return it within 30 daysof delivery along with a copy of Customer's payment receipt andLawspirit, at its option, will replace it or refund the money paid byCustomer for the Software. To the maximum extent permitted byapplicable law, Lawspirit or any Lawspirit authorized dealer willnot be liable to Customer for any incidental or consequentialdamages, including lost profits or lost savings arising out of theuse or inability to use the Software, even if Lawspirit or suchdealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Inno event shall Lawspirit's liability under this agreement exceed4. 救濟(jì)與責(zé)任限制. 在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大限度內(nèi),“用戶”同意下述救濟(jì)是其有權(quán)獲得的全部法律救濟(jì)。“lawspirit.com”應(yīng)承擔(dān)的全部責(zé)任和“用戶”有權(quán)獲得的全部救濟(jì),僅限以下情形:如果“軟件”介質(zhì)有缺陷,“用戶”可在交貨后三十(30)天內(nèi),將缺陷品連同“用戶”付款收據(jù)的復(fù)印件一并退返,“lawspirit.com”可自行決定是否替換缺陷品,或向“用戶”退還已付的“軟件”款。在現(xiàn)行法律允許的最大限度內(nèi),對于因“用戶”使用或不使用“軟件”而造成的任何間接或附帶損失(包括損失利潤或額外費(fèi)用),“lawspirit.com”或其授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商無需承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任,即使“lawspirit.com”或其授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商事先已被告知可能會發(fā)生這類損失。“lawspirit.com”在本《協(xié)議》項下應(yīng)承擔(dān)的責(zé)任,在任何情況下都不應(yīng)超過“用戶”在任何法PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 14the amount that Customer paid to Lawspirit under thisagreement during the twelve months preceding the action. ||律程序被提起之前十二(12)個月內(nèi)按本《協(xié)議》支付給“紅帽公司”的款額。
5. Export Control. As required by U.S. law, Customer representsand warrants that it: (a) understands that the Software is subject toexport controls under the U.S. Commerce Department’s ExportAdministration Regulations (“EAR”); (b) is not located in aprohibited destination country under the EAR or U.S. sanctionsregulations (currently Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudanand Syria); (c) will not export, re-export, or transfer the Software toany prohibited destination, entity, or individual without thenecessary export license(s) or authorizations(s) from the U.S. ||Government; (d) will not use or transfer the Software for use in anysensitive nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or missiletechnology end-uses unless authorized by the U.S. Government byregulation or specific license; (e) understands and agrees that if it isin the United States and exports or transfers the Software to eligibleend users, it will, as required by EAR Section 741.17(e), submitsemi-annual reports to the Commerce Department’s Bureau ofIndustry & Security (BIS), which include the name and address(including country) of each transferee; and (f) understands thatcountries other than the United States may restrict the import, use,or export of encryption products and that it shall be solelyresponsible for compliance with any such import, use, or exportrestrictions. ||5. 出口管制. 根據(jù)美國法律的要求,“用戶”特此聲明并保證如下:(1)“用戶”了解,根據(jù)美國商務(wù)部《出口管理條例》,“軟件”受出口管制;(2)“用戶”不在上述《出口管理條例》或美國制裁措施所轄的任何被禁目的國(當(dāng)前這些國家有古巴、伊朗、伊拉克、利比亞、北朝鮮、蘇丹及敘利亞)境內(nèi),(3)未經(jīng)美國政府許可或授權(quán),“用戶”不會向任何被禁地區(qū)、實(shí)體或個人出口、轉(zhuǎn)口銷售或轉(zhuǎn)讓“軟件”,(4)除非由美國政府合法授權(quán)或經(jīng)任何特別許可,“用戶”不會將“軟件”用于任何敏感的核能、化學(xué)或生物武器或?qū)椉夹g(shù)的最終應(yīng)用目的,也不會將之轉(zhuǎn)讓給他人用于此類目的,(5)“用戶”理解并同意,如果其在美國境內(nèi)向合格的最終使用人出口或轉(zhuǎn)讓“軟件”,則“用戶”將按上述《出口管理條例》第741.17(e)條的規(guī)定,每半年向美國商務(wù)部的行業(yè)安全局(Bureau of Industry & Security)提交一份報告,說明各受讓人的姓名、地址(包括所屬國)等情況,且(6)“用戶”理解,美國以外的其它國家可能會限制加密產(chǎn)品的進(jìn)口、使用或出口,“用戶”須全權(quán)負(fù)責(zé)遵守這些限制進(jìn)口、使用或出口的義務(wù)。
6. Third Party Programs. Lawspirit may distribute third partysoftware programs with the Software that are not part of theSoftware. These third party programs are subject to their ownlicense terms. The license terms either accompany the programs orcan be viewed at www.lawspirit.com. If Customerdoes not agree to abide by the applicable license terms for suchprograms, then Customer may not install them. If Customer wishesto install the programs on more than one system or transfer theprograms to another party, then Customer must contact the licensorof the programs. ||6. 第三方軟件程序. “lawspirit.com”可能隨“軟件”配送不屬于“軟件”內(nèi)容的第三方軟件程序。這類程序由其自身所帶的軟件許可條款制約。該等許可條款或者隨第三方軟件程序附送,或可登陸www.lawspirit.com網(wǎng)站查閱。如果“用戶”不同意遵守第三方軟件程序適用的許可條款,則無權(quán)安裝該等程序。如果“用戶”希望在一個以上的系統(tǒng)中安裝程序,或向其它人轉(zhuǎn)讓程序,則必須自行聯(lián)絡(luò)程序許可人。
7. General. If any provision of this agreement is held to beunenforceable, that shall not affect the enforceability of theremaining provisions. This agreement shall be governed by the lawsof the State of North Carolina and of the United States, withoutregard to any conflict of laws provisions, except that the UnitedNations Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall notapply. ||7. 一般規(guī)定. 如果本《協(xié)議》有任何條款被確定為不具有強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行效力,本《協(xié)議》的其余條款不受影響。本《協(xié)議》受美國北卡羅來納州的法律及美國法律管轄,但不包括其沖突法規(guī)范,也不適用《聯(lián)合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》。