1.貴不見得好: 1 Expensive isn't always better: 一群蘇格蘭科學家近日發(fā)現,就舒適度和防震力而言,同一家公司制造的跑鞋中,一雙80美元的和一雙150美元以上的跑鞋并無差別。 A team of Scottish scientists recently found no differences in comfort or shock absorption between $80 pairs of running shoes and pairs made by the same companies costing more than $150.
2.話說從頭: 2 How it began: 20世紀70年代初期,俄勒岡大學的競賽教練比爾鮑爾曼在他太太的比利時格子餅貼膜上加熱聚氨酯,打造出第一個有軟墊的鞋子中底,后來促成了Nike Air運動鞋的問世。 University of Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman created the first cushioned mid-sole by heating polyure-thane on his wife's waffle iron in the early 70s, which later led to the creation of Nike Air. 經過了30年的研究,如今市面上已有幾百種不同款式的運動鞋,許多鞋款都考慮到不同腳型的需要。 With 30 years of research behind us, hundreds of models of shoes are available today and many address the needs for different foot types. 《今日足部醫(yī)療》提醒大家,買了不合適的鞋會導致足部的受傷。 Podiatry Today warns that purchasing the wrong shoe can result in injury.
3.你的腳型屬于哪一種? 3 What's your foot type? 幾乎所有的鞋廠都會生產專為三種腳型設計的鞋。 Nearly all manufacturers make shoes designed for three foot types. 有個辦法能幫你確定你的腳型是哪一種,就是做“濕足測驗”——把你的腳浸濕,踩在一張牛皮紙上,然后描出你的腳印。 One way to determine yours is to do a "wet test"---wet your foot, step on a piece of brown paper and trace your footprint. 如果腳印描出你的整個腳底,內測幾乎沒有任何曲線,就表示你的足弓較低或屬于扁平足,傾向于過度內旋(你的腳往內翻)。 If it shows the entire sole of our foot with little to no curve on the inside, it means you have low arches or flat feet and tend toward over-pronation (your feet roll inward). 如果你的腳印只呈現你腳掌前端的一部分和腳跟,中間只微微相連,就表示你的足弓較高,傾向于內旋不足(你的腳往外翻)。 If the print shows only a portion of your forefoot and heel with a narrow connection, you have high arches and tend to under-pronate (your feet roll outward). 如果你的腳印內緣有一道明顯的曲線,就表示你的足弓不高不低。 You have a neutral arch if your footprint has a distinct curve along the inside.
4.選購跑鞋要領: 4 Shopping tips: 美國骨科醫(yī)師學會表示,試穿運動鞋時,你所有的腳趾頭都應該能活動自如。 The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons writes that when fitting into an athletic shoe you should be able to freely wiggle all of your toes. 拿著一雙穿舊丟的跑鞋,一個有素養(yǎng)的店員會檢查你舊跑鞋的磨損情況,看出你腳的活動狀況,從而決定哪一種跑鞋適合你。 Bring your old pair of running shoes with you; a knowledgeable salesperson can examine the way they’re worn to see how your feet function and to determine which shoes might be right for you.
5.汰舊換新: 5 Out with the old: 愛跑步的人至少每跑400英里,就該更換跑鞋。 Runners should replace their workout shoes at least every 400 mile. 如果你每星期跑25英里左右,每四個月就更換一雙新鞋。 If you run about 25 miles a week, you’ll need a new pair every four months. 在你的鞋上注明購買日期以便追蹤吧。 Mark your shoes with the purchase date to keep track.